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The Otago Business School offers the Master of Finance degree for students who wish to gain advanced financial skills and knowledge, while also enhancing their career prospects.

Key Information about the Master of Finance (MFinc):

  • 12 month duration
  • Seven taught papers + either an applied or research project
  • Applicants normally require a B+ average (at 300 level) in an appropriate mathematically oriented degree
  • In considering an applicant's undergraduate qualification, regard will be given to the course of study followed to gain that qualification, as well as the applicant's performance
  • Applicants with relevant practical experience may also be considered if the B+ average is not met

Master of Finance (MFinc)

Degree Structure

Teaching Style and Methods

Graduate Profile


Master of Finance (MFinc)

The MFinc is a coursework masters degree consisting of taught papers and either an applied or research project, which will equip you to be either:
a) Professional practitioners in the field of Finance
b) Academic researchers in the discipline of Finance

The study options within the degree are designed to offer a number of pathways for you depending on your academic background and career aspirations. The primary pathway is for strong graduates of mathematically-oriented degrees such as mathematics and statistics, physics and economics. This qualification is designed for people seeking a career in the finance industry or for financial specialists in non-financial firms.

As a graduate of the MFinc if you complete the Applied Project (BSNS 501) option you will have a wide range of career opportunities in commercial and investment banks, brokerage and investment firms, insurance companies, treasury departments of non-financial corporations, regulatory agencies, consulting and accounting firms. If on the other hand you complete the Research Project (BSNS 580) you will in addition have the ability to design and pursue a large project of independent research.

Degree Structure

The programme of study shall consist of seven 20 point taught papers together with a 40 point applied project or research project. Papers are either taught in semester one, semester two or are full-year papers.

You must complete:

Seven of:
FINC 402 - Advanced Corporate Finance
FINC 403 - Studies in Capital Markets
FINC 405 - Mathematical Finance
FINC 406 - Advanced Empirical Finance
FINC 410 - Advanced International Financial Management
FINC 411 - Financial Risk Management
FINC 460 - Fixed Income
ACFI 459 - Advanced Research Methods
BSNS 401 - The Environment of Business & Economics

Plus one of the following project papers

BSNS 501 - Applied Project
BSNS 580 - Research Project


Teaching Style and Methods

Papers within the MFinc will be taught using a mixture of lectures, lab classes, and tutorials, as specified below. In all papers, teaching and learning is done not just through contact time, but also through non-contact time, including a range of assessments.

  • FINC 402 - Seminars and directed reading
  • FINC 403 - Seminars and directed reading, working with data using SAS and other tools
  • FINC 405 - Lectures and class exercises including discussions, supported by readings
  • FINC 406 - Lectures including discussion and interactions supported by readings, plus lab sessions to learn the SAS programmes
  • FINC 410 - Lectures including discussion and group work supported by readings
  • FINC 411 - Lectures and directed reading
  • FINC 460 - Lectures supported by reading
  • ACFI 459 - Lectures, discussions, use of data sets, practice writing literature review and research proposal as well as presentation
  • BSNS 401 - Lectures, readings, discussions and role play, taught by a multidisciplinary team
  • BSNS 501 - Readings, group seminars, individual investigations and supervised applied project support
  • BSNS 580 - Readings, group seminars, individual investigations and supervised research project support

Graduate Profile

The University of Otago coursework masters programmes were initiated to provide you with an opportunity to specialise in advanced study with a focus on either applied practical or academic research.

Graduates of the Master of Finance will:

  1. Have full understanding of financial theory, including its most recent developments.
  2. Have mastery of the statistical, computing and mathematical techniques required to conduct analyses of financial instruments and markets.
  3. Have the ability to undertake independent research, at an applied or theoretical level, involving various areas of financial management and practice.
  4. Be able to design and develop coherent, relevant and appropriate research questions (applied or theoretical).
  5. Have the ability to think logically, analytically, and critically with reference to the academic and/or practice-based literature in their chosen discipline and related business area.
  6. Be able to evaluate the implications of their research findings (applied or theoretical), reaching well-reasoned conclusions and making soundly based recommendations on the problem being investigated.
  7. Be able to demonstrate an awareness of ethical issues and have the ability to deal with these issues appropriately in the course of their research and business practice.
  8. Have written communication skills to a high standard and appropriate to the audience, whether academic or professional.
  9. Have an understanding of how their academic and business skills relate to society and, where appropriate, use these to contribute to wider society, and to Māori development aspirations.
  10. Have an awareness and understanding of the international business world from a multicultural perspective.


For further information about the MFinc please contact the postgraduate coordinator:

Gail Maxwell
Tel 64 3 479 9972
Office CO 5.51
Department of Accountancy and Finance

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