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The Gynaecological Cancer Research Group (GCRG) is actively involved in programs of basic, translational, and clinical research, predominantly addressing the mechanisms of gynaecologic cancer and exploring the novel targeted treatments for different gynaecologic cancers. The GCRG group is backed by experienced scientists and clinicians, who work very closely to explore the translational value of laboratory research. The group has extensive experience in complex 3D cell culture and animal models (chicken embryo and mouse). Our labs are well equipped with a range of cell culture, molecular biology and imaging facilities. Also, as a part of the University of Otago, the group has access to world-class research resources and expertise.

Key areas of research

  • Cervical cancer and HPV vaccination
  • Effect of natural compounds on gynaecological cancers
  • Effect of ascitic fluid on ovarian cancer cells
  • Tyrosine kinases in ovarian cancer
  • Multi-targeted inhibition for the treatment of chemoresistant ovarian cancer
  • Investigation of iron chelators for the treatment of ovarian cancer
  • Antibody-drug conjugates

PhD, master's, and honours opportunities

We are looking for highly-motivated biomedical science student to do their PhD, master's, and postgraduate degree with our group.

Postgraduate opportunities in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Research team

PhD candidates

  • Alex Tino – The effect of natural food compounds on ovarian cancer
  • Irfan Yunantino – The role of JAK/STAT in ovarian cancer
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