Director, General Practice Research Group
Director, McMaster University Sentinel and Information Collaboration (M.U.S.I.C.)
Dee Mangin is currently Professor of General Practice at University of Otago, Christchurch and at McMaster University, Canada. She is Director of the Primary Care Research Group at the University of Otago, Christchurch. She previously held the David Braley Nancy Gordon Chair in Family Medicine for 10 years at McMaster University, Canada, and has been an active adviser in Canada during this time on health system improvement and operationalisation in primary care.
As well as undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, Dee’s overarching interests are the influences of science, policy and commerce on the nature of care. Her interest in research is as a lever for advocacy, to support and improve health care for patients that will best enable a life worth living, on their terms.
Dee has wide clinical research experience in primary care, including observational and interventional quantitative research methods and community RCTs of innovative models of care. Topics areas include innovative systems of care (incorporation of patient priorities and preferences into care, complex interventions for older adults, extended models of primary care), rational medicine use (antidepressants, antibiotics, deprescribing trials of the reduction of single medicines as well as deprescribing multiple medicines in older adults).
Dee supported capacity building for primary care research through the development and inception of the David Braley Primary Care Research Collaborative while Associate Chair, Research at McMaster DFM and supporting capacity development for General Practice and General Practice research continues to be a strong interest. She is happy to be contacted by anyone interested in developing their primary care research role or skills.
Current research Interests
- Multimorbidity and its natural consequence, polypharmacy
- Integration of evidence- and patient- centred practice to improve care
- Innovative models of primary care
- Understanding and enhancing the value of generalist care at education and health system level
RNZCGP Distinguished Service Medal (2012) and The Canadian College of Family Physicians Donald I Rice Award (2018), both for leadership and service to General Practice nationally and internationally, as well as the Canadian College of Family Physician Researcher of the Year Award (2023).
Cossette, B., Boissy, P., Milot, M.-H., Hilmer, S. N., O'donnell, L. K., Gnjidic, D., … Mangin, D., … Lebel, K. (2025). Feasibility of measuring physical function by wearable devices during deprescribing of anticholinergic and sedative medicatiossns. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/s0714980825000078 Journal - Research Article
Nicholson, K., Salerno, J., Borhan, S., Cossette, B., Guenter, D., Vanstone, M., … Mangin, D. (2025). The co-occurrence of multimorbidity and polypharmacy among middle-aged and older adults in Canada: A cross-sectional study using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) and the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN). PLoS ONE, 20(1), e0312873. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0312873 Journal - Research Article
Richardson, O., & Mangin, D. (2024, July). Legacy prescribing: How much does this occur in general practice and is this a golden opportunity to improve care? Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Healy, D., & Mangin, D. (2024). Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction: Barriers to quantifying incidence and prevalence. Epidemiology & Psychiatric Sciences, 33, e40. doi: 10.1017/s2045796024000441 Journal - Research Article
Etherton-Beer, C., Page, A., Criddle, D., Somers, G., Parkinson, L., Clifford, R., & Mangin, D. (2024). The Australian Team Approach to Polypharmacy Evaluation and Reduction (AusTAPER) hospital study: Effect of a collaborative medication review on the number of current regular medicines for older hospital inpatients. Internal Medicine Journal. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/imj.16510 Journal - Research Article
Journal - Research Article
Cossette, B., Boissy, P., Milot, M.-H., Hilmer, S. N., O'donnell, L. K., Gnjidic, D., … Mangin, D., … Lebel, K. (2025). Feasibility of measuring physical function by wearable devices during deprescribing of anticholinergic and sedative medicatiossns. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/s0714980825000078
Nicholson, K., Salerno, J., Borhan, S., Cossette, B., Guenter, D., Vanstone, M., … Mangin, D. (2025). The co-occurrence of multimorbidity and polypharmacy among middle-aged and older adults in Canada: A cross-sectional study using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) and the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN). PLoS ONE, 20(1), e0312873. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0312873
Journal - Research Article
Healy, D., & Mangin, D. (2024). Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction: Barriers to quantifying incidence and prevalence. Epidemiology & Psychiatric Sciences, 33, e40. doi: 10.1017/s2045796024000441
Etherton-Beer, C., Page, A., Criddle, D., Somers, G., Parkinson, L., Clifford, R., & Mangin, D. (2024). The Australian Team Approach to Polypharmacy Evaluation and Reduction (AusTAPER) hospital study: Effect of a collaborative medication review on the number of current regular medicines for older hospital inpatients. Internal Medicine Journal. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/imj.16510
Hafid, S., Freeman, K., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Queenan, J., Drummond, N., Lawson, J., … Mangin, D., & Howard, M. (2024). Describing primary care patterns before and during the COVID-19 pandemic across Canada: A quasi-experimental pre-post design cohort study using national practice-based research network data. BMJ Open, 14, e084608. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-084608
Cossette, B., Griffith, L., Emond, P. D., Mangin, D., Moss, L., Boyko, J., … Dolovich, L. (2024). Drug and natural health product data collection and curation in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/S0714980823000806
Okafor, C. E., Keramat, S. A., Comans, T., Page, A. T., Potter, K., Hilmer, S. N., … Mangin, D., … Etherton-Beer, C. (2024). Cost-consequence analysis of deprescribing to optimize health outcomes for frail older people: A within-trial analysis. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.12.016
Duncan, S., Bergler, H. U., Menclova, A., Pickering, J. W., Nishtala, P. S., Ailabouni, N., … Mangin, D., & Jamieson, H. (2024). The drug burden index and level of frailty as determinants of healthcare costs in a cohort of older frail adults in New Zealand [Economic evaluation]. Value in Health Regional Issues, 41, 72-79. doi: 10.1016/j.vhri.2023.11.009
Journal - Research Other
Nicholson, K., Liu, W., Fitzpatrick, D., Hardacre, K. A., Roberts, S., Salerno, J., … Mangin, D. (2024). Prevalence of multimorbidity and polypharmacy among adults and older adults: A systematic review. Lancet Healthy Longevity, 5(4), e287-e296. doi: 10.1016/s2666-7568(24)00007-2
Ailabouni, N. J., Weir, K. R., Brandt, N., Hanjani, L. S., Green, A., Thompson, W., … Mangin, D., … Reeve, E. (2024). Partnering with a stakeholder steering group to co-design the PRIME deprescribing conversation tool: Reflections and recommendations. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 134, 121-125. doi: 10.1111/bcpt.13938
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Etherton-Beer, C., Page, A., Naganathan, V., Potter, K., Comans, T., Hilmer, S., … Mangin, D. (2024). Deprescribing to optimise health outcomes for frail older people: The Opti-med study. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 43(Suppl. 1), OR21. doi: 10.1111/ajag.13323
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Richardson, O., & Mangin, D. (2024, July). Legacy prescribing: How much does this occur in general practice and is this a golden opportunity to improve care? Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Mangin, D., Lamarche, L., Templeton, J. A., Salerno, J., Siu, H., Trimble, J., … Etherton-Beer, C. (2023). Theoretical underpinnings of a model to reduce polypharmacy and its negative health effects: Introducing the Team Approach to Polypharmacy Evaluation and Reduction (TAPER). Drugs & Aging, 40(9), 857-868. doi: 10.1007/s40266-023-01055-z
Fikree, S., Hafid, S., Lawson, J., Agarwal, G., Griffith, L. E., Jaakkimainen, L., Mangin, D., & Howard, M. (2023). The association between patients' frailty status, multimorbidity, and demographic characteristics and changes in primary care for chronic conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A pre-post study. Family Practice, cmad089. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmad089
Garrison, S. R., Kelmer, M., Korownyk, T., Kolber, M. R., Allan, G. M., Bakal, J., … Mangin, D., … Green, L. (2023). Tolerability of bedtime diuretics: A prospective cohort analysis. BMJ Open, 13, e068188. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068188
Nishtala, P. S., Pickering, J. W., Bergler, U., Mangin, D., Hilmer, S. N., & Jamieson, H. (2023). Post hoc analyses of a randomized controlled trial for the effect of pharmacist deprescribing intervention on the anticholinergic burden in frail community-dwelling older adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 24(8), 1253-1260. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.05.014
Clark, R., Gaber, J., Datta, J., Talat, S., Bomze, S., Marentette-Brown, S., … Mangin, D. (2023). Understanding collaborative implementation between community and academic partners in a complex intervention: A qualitative descriptive study. BMC Health Services Research, 23, 606. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09617-y
Mangin, D., Lamarche, L., Freeman, K., Ali, A., Clark, R., Shah, N., … Trimble, J. (2023). Linking patients' goals and priorities to recommendations for medication changes in a polypharmacy-focused structured clinical pathway. Journal of Patient Experience. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/23743735231174762
Etherton-Beer, C., Page, A., Naganathan, V., Potter, K., Comans, T., Hilmer, S. N., … Mangin, D. (2023). Deprescribing to optimise health outcomes for frail older people: A double-blind placebo-controlled randomised controlled trial: Outcomes of the Opti-med study. Age & Ageing, 52, afad081. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afad081
Mangin, D., Lamarche, L., Agarwal, G., Ali, A., Cassels, A., Colwill, K., … Trimble, J. (2023). Team approach to polypharmacy evaluation and reduction: Feasibility randomized trial of a structured clinical pathway to reduce polypharmacy. Pilot & Feasibility Studies, 9, 84. doi: 10.1186/s40814-023-01315-0
Mangin, D., Lawson, J., Risdon, C., Siu, H. Y.-H., Packer, T., Wong, S. T., & Howard, M. (2023). Association between frailty, chronic conditions and socioeconomic status in community-dwelling older adults attending primary care: A cross-sectional study using practice-based research network data. BMJ Open, 13, e066269. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066269
Mangin, D., Lamarche, L., Oliver, D., Blackhouse, G., Bomze, S., Borhan, S., … Price, D. (2023). Health TAPESTRY Ontario: A multi-site randomized controlled trial testing implementation and reproducibility. Annals of Family Medicine, 21(2), 132-142. doi: 10.1370/afm.2944
Farrell, B., Raman-Wilms, L., Sadowski, C. A., Mallery, L., Turner, J., Gagnon, C., … Mangin, D., … Upshur, R. (2023). A proposed curricular framework for an interprofessional approach to deprescribing. Medical Science Educator, 33, 551-567. doi: 10.1007/s40670-022-01704-9
Jamieson, H., Nishtala, P. S., Bergler, H. U., Weaver, S. K., Pickering, J. W., Ailabouni, N. J., Abey-Nesbit, R., … Deely, J., … Mangin, D. (2023). Deprescribing anticholinergic and sedative drugs to reduce polypharmacy in frail older adults living in the community: A randomized controlled trial. Journals of Gerontology Series A, 78(9), 1692-1700. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glac249
Quek, H. W., Etherton-Beer, C., Page, A., McLachlan, A. J., Lo, S. Y., Naganathan, V., … Mangin, D., … Potter, K. (2023). Deprescribing for older people living in residential aged care facilities: Pharmacist recommendations, doctor acceptance and implementation. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 107, 104910. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2022.104910
Page, A. T., Potter, K., Naganathan, V., Hilmer, S., McLachlan, A. J., Lindley, R. I., … Mangin, D., & Etherton-Beer, C. (2023). Polypharmacy and medicine regimens in older adults in residential aged care. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 105, 104849. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2022.104849
Journal - Research Other
Howard, M., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Drummond, N., Lussier, M.-T., Queenan, J. A., Vanstone, M., … Mangin, D. (2023). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on primary health care for chronic conditions in Canada: Protocol for a retrospective pre-post study using national practice-based research network data. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, e49131. doi: 10.2196/49131
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Elsedfy, Y., Mangin, D., Jamieson, H., Berger, U., Nishtala, P., Weaver, S., … Ailabouni, N. (2023). An international comparison of deprescribing interventional studies: How to determine factors that contribute to translational deprescribing success? Pharmacy Education, 23(6), (pp. 361). doi: 10.46542/pe.2023.236.350423
Mangin, D. (2023). Using pilot and feasibility RCT methods: Team Approach to Polypharmacy Evaluation and Reduction (TAPER). Proceedings of the New Zealand Primary Health Care, General Practice & Rural Health Research Symposium. (pp. 11). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2023, July). How to prescribe for impact on patient and planetary health: A practical interactive workshop. Workshop presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland, New Zealand.
Mangin, D. (2023, July). Team approach to Polypharmacy Evaluation and Reduction (TAPER). Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland, New Zealand.
Mangin, D. (2023, July). The impact general practice COVID care had on patients and the population: Evaluation of the outcomes of the COVID@Home primary care model. Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Turk, A., Wong, G., Mahtani, K. R., Maden, M., Hill, R., Ranson, E., … Mangin, D., … Reeve, J. (2022). Optimising a person-centered approach to stopping medicines in older people with multimorbidity and polypharmacy using the DExTruS framework: A realist review. BMC Medicine, 20, 297. doi: 10.1186/s12916-022-02475-1
Reeve, J., Maden, M., Hill, R., Turk, A., Mahtani, K., Wong, G., … Mangin, D., … Radson, E. (2022). Deprescribing medicines in older people living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: The TAILOR evidence synthesis. Health Technology Assessment, 26(32). doi: 10.3310/AAFO2475
Clarke, C. S., Duffy, L., Lewis, G., Freemantle, N., Gilbody, S., Kendrick, T., … Mangin, D., … Hunter, R. M. (2022). Cost-utility analysis of discontinuing antidepressants in England primary care patients compared with long-term maintenance: The ANTLER study. Applied Health Economics & Health Policy, 20, 269-282. doi: 10.1007/s40258-021-00693-x
Lamarche, L., Clark, R. E., Parascandalo, F., & Mangin, D. (2022). The implementation and validation of the NoMAD during a complex primary care intervention. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22, 175. doi: 10.1186/s12874-022-01655-0
Di Pelino, S., Lamarche, L., Carr, T., Datta, J., Gaber, J., Oliver, D., … Mangin, D. (2022). Lessons learned through two phases of developing and implementing a technology supporting integrated care: Case study. JMIR Formative Research, 6(4), e34899. doi: 10.2196/34899
Morrow, R. L., Mintzes, B., Souverein, P. C., Hallgreen, C. E., Ahmed, B., Roughead, E. E., … Mangin, D., … Dormuth, C. R. (2022). Hydroxyzine initiation following drug safety advisories on cardiac arrhythmias in the UK and Canada: A longitudinal cohort study. Drug Safety, 45, 623-638. doi: 10.1007/s40264-022-01175-2
Bayliss, E. A., Albers, K., Gleason, K., Pieper, L. E., Boyd, C. M., Campbell, N. L., … Mangin, D., … Dublin, S. (2022). Recommendations for outcome measurement for deprescribing intervention studies. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 70, 2487-2497. doi: 10.1111/jgs.17894
Gaber, J., Di Pelino, S., Datta, J., Talat, S., Browne, T., Marentette-Brown, S., … Mangin, D. (2022). Community volunteers and primary care providers supporting older adults in system navigation: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(1), 18. doi: 10.5334/ijic.5978
Gaber, J., Clark, R. E., Lamarche, L., Datta, J., Talat, S., Bomze, S., … Mangin, D. (2022). Understanding volunteer retention in a complex, community-centred intervention: A mixed methods study in Ontario, Canada. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(6), 2259-2269. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13775
Gaber, J., Datta, J., Clark, R., Lamarche, L., Parascandalo, F., Di Pelino, S., … Mangin, D., & Price, D. (2022). Understanding how context and culture in six communities can shape implementation of a complex intervention: A comparative case study. BMC Health Services Research, 22, 221. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-07615-0
Morrow, R. L., Mintzes, B., Souverein, P. C., De Bruin, M. L., Roughead, E. E., Lexchin, J., … Mangin, D., … Dormuth, C. R. (2022). Influence of drug safety advisories on drug utilization: An international interrupted time series and meta-analysis study. BMJ Quality & Safety, 31, 179-190. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2021-013910
Healy, D., Bahrick, A., Bak, M., Barbato, A., Calabrò, R. S., Chubak, B. M., … Mangin, D., … Waraich, A. (2022). Diagnostic criteria for enduring sexual dysfunction after treatment with antidepressants, finasteride and isotretinoin. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 33, 65-76. doi: 10.3233/JRS-210023
Healy, D., Mangin, D., & Lochhead, J. (2022). Development and persistence of patient-reported visual problems associated with serotonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressants. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 33(1), 37-47. doi: 10.3233/JRS-210018
Journal - Research Other
Ali, M. U., Sherifali, D., Fitzpatrick-Lewis, D., Kenny, M., Lamarche, L., Raina, P., & Mangin, D. (2022). Interventions to address polypharmacy in older adults living with multimorbidity. Canadian Family Physician / Le Médecin de famille canadien, 66, e215-e226. doi: 10.46747/cfp.6807e215
Beck, A., Persaud, N., Tessier, L. A., Grad, R., Kidd, M. R., Klarenbach, S., … Mangin, D., … Moher, D. (2022). Interventions to address potentially inappropriate prescriptions and over-the-counter medication use among adults 65 years and older in primary care settings: Protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 11, 225. doi: 10.1186/s13643-022-02044-w
Garrison, S. R., Kolber, M. R., Allan, G. M., Bakal, J., Green, L., Singer, A., … Mangin, D., … Korownyk, T. (2022). Bedtime versus morning use of antihypertensives for cardiovascular risk reduction (BedMed): Protocol for a prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded end-point pragmatic trial. BMJ, 12, e059711. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059711
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Mangin, D. (2022). How to treat: COVID-19 in primary care. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, (February). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ioannidis, G., Hewston, P., Adachi, J. D., Marr, S., Kennedy, C. C., Lee, J., Mangin, D., … Papaioannou, A. (2022). GERAS frailty rehabilitation at home randomized controlled trial: Virtual bundled care for seniors who are frail to build strength and resilience during COVID-19. Proceedings of the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases. (pp. 60-61). Retrieved from
Clarke, C. S., Duffy, L., Lewis, G., Freemantle, N., Gilbody, S., Kendrick, T., … Mangin, D., … Hunter, R. M. (2022). Impact of depression relapse on participant quality of life and costs to the English NHS: Secondary analysis from the ANTLER study on antidepressant discontinuation in well patients in primary care. Value in Health, 25(7, Suppl.), (pp. S375). doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2022.04.463
Tinwala, M., Zaidi, D., Ye, F., Muneer, S., Ghimire, A., Khan, M., … Mangin, D., & Bello, K. A. (2022). Prevalence of polypharmacy and associated adverse health outcomes in patients with CKD: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Kidney International Reports, 7(2, Suppl.), (pp. S141-S142). doi: 10.1016/S2468-0249(22)01080-4
Tinwala, M., Zaidi, D., Ye, F., Muneer, S., Ghimire, A., Khan, M., … Mangin, D., & Bello, K. A. (2022). Polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medication use in patients with CKD managed in Canadian primary care. Kidney International Reports, 7(2, Suppl.), (pp. S141). doi: 10.1016/S2468-0249(22)01080-4
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Ivers, N., Newberry, S., Eissa, A., Bayoumi, I., Kiran, T., Pinto, A., … Mangin, D., … on behalf of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. (2022). Brief on primary care part 3: Lessons learned for strengthened primary care in the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic [Science brief]. (pp. 1-21). Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. Retrieved from
Mangin, D., Premji, K., Bayoumi, I., Ivers, N., Eissa, A., Newberry, S., … on behalf of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. (2022). Brief on primary care part 2: Factors affecting primary care capacity in Ontario for pandemic response and recovery [Science brief]. (pp. 1-24). Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. Retrieved from
Kiran, T., Eissa, A., Mangin, D., Bayoumi, I., Ivers, N., Newberry, S., … on behalf of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. (2022). Brief on primary care part 1: The roles of primary care clinicians and practices in the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario [Science brief]. (pp. 1-31). Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Thandi, M., Wong, S. T., Aponte-Hao, S., Grandy, M., Mangin, D., Singer, A., & Williamson, T. (2021). Strategies for working across Canadian practice-based research and learning networks (PBRLNs) in primary care: Focus on frailty. BMC Family Practice, 22, 220. doi: 10.1186/s12875-021-01573-y
Duffy, L., Clarke, C. S., Lewis, G., Marston, L., Freemantle, N., Gilbody, S., … Mangin, D., … Lewis, G. (2021). Antidepressant medication to prevent depression relapse in primary care: The ANTLER RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 25(69), 1-62. doi: 10.3310/hta25690
Mangin, D., & Siu, H. Y.-H. (2021). Deprescribing antidepressants in older people: Breaking up can be hard to do. Senior Care Pharmacist, 36(5), 228-237. doi: 10.4140/TCP.n.2021.228
Aponte-Hao, S., Wong, S. T., Thandi, M., Ronksley, P., McBrien, K., Lee, J., … Mangin, D., … Williamson, T. (2021). Machine learning for identification of frailty in Canadian primary care practices. International Journal of Population Data Science, 6(1), 11. doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v6i1.1650
Lewis, G., Marston, L., Duffy, L., Freemantle, N., Gilbody, S., Hunter, R., … Mangin, D., … Lewis, G. (2021). Maintenance or discontinuation of antidepressants in primary care. New England Journal of Medicine, 385, 1257-1267. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2106356
Hudson, B., Williman, J. A., Stamp, L. K., Alchin, J. S., Hooper, G. J., Mangin, D., Lennox Thompson, B. F., & Toop, L. (2021). Nortriptyline for pain in knee osteoarthritis in general practice: A double blind randomised controlled trial. British Journal of General Practice, 71(708), e538-e546. doi: 10.3399/bjgp.2020.0797
Journal - Research Other
Mangin, D., Lamarche, L., Agarwal, G., Banh, H. L., Brown, N. D., Cassels, A., … Thabane, L. (2021). Team approach to polypharmacy evaluation and reduction: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 22, 746. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05685-9
Bergler, U., Ailabouni, N. J., Pickering, J. W., Hilmer, S. N., Mangin, D., Nishtala, P. S., Jamieson, H., & Sponsor-investigator (2021). Deprescribing to reduce polypharmacy: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial assessing deprescribing of anticholinergic and sedative drugs in a cohort of frail older people living in the community. Trials, 22, 766. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05711-w
Okpechi, I. G., Tinwala, M. M., Muneer, S., Zaidi, D., Ye, F., Hamonic, L. N., … Mangin, D., & Bello, A. K. (2021). Prevalence of polypharmacy and associated adverse health outcomes in adult patients with chronic kidney disease: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 10, 198. doi: 10.1186/s13643-021-01752-z
Mangin, D., & Howard, M. (2021). The use of inhaled corticosteroids in early-stage COVID-19. Lancet, 398, 818-819. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(21)01809-2
Parkinson, L., Magin, P., Etherton-Beer, C., Naganathan, V., & Mangin, D. (2021). Engaging general practice and patients with AusTAPER, a pharmacist facilitated web-based deprescribing tool [Brief report]. Journal of Pharmacy Practice & Research, 51, 154-159. doi: 10.1002/jppr.1713
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Jamieson, H., Nishtala, P., Bergler, U., Ailabouni, N. J., Weaver, S., Pickering, J., Abey-Nesbit, R., … Gee, S., … Mangin, D. (2021). Deprescribing anticholinergic and sedative medications in older New Zealanders living in the community: A randomized controlled trial. Proceedings of the Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference. 217. Retrieved from
Morrow, R. L., Mintzes, B., Souverein, P. C., De Bruin, M., Roughead, E. E., Lexchin, J., … Mangin, D., … Dormuth, C. (2021). Influence of drug safety advisories on drug utilization: An international interrupted time series and meta-analysis study. Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety, 30(Suppl. 1), (pp. 33-34). doi: 10.1002/pds.5305
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2021, August). Not if, but when: General Practice monitoring and management of mild to moderate COVID-19 illness. Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Wellington, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Santaguida, P. L., Oliver, D., Gilsing, A., Lamarche, L., Griffith, L. E., Mangin, D., … Dolovich, L. (2020). Delphi consensus on core criteria set selecting among health-related outcome measures (HROM) in primary health care. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 127, 105-116. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2020.04.028
Mangin, D., Lawson, J., Adamczyk, K., & Guenter, D. (2020). Embedding "smart" disease coding within routine electronic medical record workflow: Prospective single-arm trial. JMIR Medical Informatics, 8(7), e16764. doi: 10.2196/16764
Dolovich, L., Gaber, J., Valaitis, R., Ploeg, J., Oliver, D., Richardson, J., Mangin, D., … Agarwal, G. (2020). Exploration of volunteers as health connectors within a multicomponent primary care-based program supporting self-management of diabetes and hypertension. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28(3), 734-746. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12904
Journal - Research Other
Ali, M. U., Sherifali, D., Fitzpatrick-Lewis, D., Kenny, M., Liu, A., Lamarche, L., Mangin, D., & Raina, P. (2020). Polypharmacy and mobility outcomes. Mechanisms of Ageing & Development, 192, 111356. doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2020.111356
Nguyen, L., Lamarche, L., Lennox, R., Ramdyal, A., Patel, T., Black, M., & Mangin, D. (2020). Strategies to mitigate anxiety and pain in intrauterine device insertion: A systematic review. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Canada, 42(9), 1138-1146. doi: 10.1016/j.jogc.2019.09.014
Mangin, D., Lamarche, L., Oliver, D., Bomze, S., Borhan, S., Browne, T., … Price, D. (2020). Health TAPESTRY Ontario: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial to test reproducibility and implementation. Trials, 21, 714. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04600-y
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Parkinson, L., Magin, P., Etherton-Beer, C., Naganathan, V., & Mangin, D. (2020). Engaging general practice and patients with AusTAPER, a pharmacist-facilitated, web-based deprescribing tool. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 107(Suppl. 1), (pp. S41). doi: 10.1002/cpt.1732
Journal - Research Article
Bello, A. K., Ronksley, P. E., Tangri, N., Kurzawa, J., Osman, M. A., Singer, A., … Mangin, D., & Drummond, N. (2019). Quality of chronic kidney disease management in Canadian primary care. JAMA Network Open, 2(9), e1910704. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.10704
Agarwal, G., Gaber, J., Richardson, J., Mangin, D., Ploeg, J., Valaitis, R., … Dolovich, L. (2019). Pilot randomized controlled trial of a complex intervention for diabetes self-management supported by volunteers, technology, and interprofessional primary health care teams. Pilot & Feasibility Studies, 5, 118. doi: 10.1186/s40814-019-0504-8
Healy, D., Le Noury, J., & Mangin, D. (2019). Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction: Patient experiences of engagement with healthcare professionals. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 30, 167-178. doi: 10.3233/JRS-191005
Dolovich, L., Oliver, D., Lamarche, L., Thabane, L., Valaitis, R., Agarwal, G., … Mangin, D., … Price, D. (2019). Combining volunteers and primary care teamwork to support health goals and needs of older adults: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. CMAJ, 191, E491-E500. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.181173
Ploeg, J., Valaitis, R. K., Cleghorn, L., Yous, M.-L., Gaber, J., Agarwal, G., … Mangin, D., … Dolovich, L. (2019). Perceptions of older adults in Ontario, Canada on the implementation and impact of a primary care programme, Health Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Health TAPESTRY): A descriptive qualitative study. BMJ Open, 9, e026257. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026257
Griffith, L. E., Gilsing, A., Mangin, D., Patterson, C., van den Heuvel, E., Sohel, N., … Raina, P. (2019). Multimorbidity frameworks impact prevalence and relationships with patient-important outcomes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(8), 1632-1640. doi: 10.1111/jgs.15921
Mangin, D., Risdon, C., Lamarche, L., Langevin, J., Ali, A., Parascandalo, J., … Trimble, J. (2019). 'I think this medicine actually killed my wife': Patient and family perspectives on shared-decision-making to optimize medications and safety. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 10. doi: 10.1177/2042098619838796
Bello, A. K., Ronksley, P. E., Tangri, N., Kurzawa, J., Osman, M. A., Singer, A., … Mangin, D., & Drummond, N. (2019). Prevalence and demographics of CKD in Canadian primary care practices: A cross-sectional study. Kidney International Reports, 4(4), 561-570. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2019.01.005
Mangin, D., Parascandalo, J., Khudoyarova, O., Agarwal, G., Bismah, V., & Orr, S. (2019). Multimorbidity, eHealth and implications for equity: A cross-sectional survey of patient perspectives on eHealth. BMJ Open, 9, e023731. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023731
Millar, E., Gurney, J., Stanley, J., Stairmand, J., Davies, C., Semper, K., Dowell, A., Lawrenson, R., Mangin, D., & Sarfati, D. (2019). Pill for this and a pill for that: A cross-sectional survey of use and understanding of medication among adults with multimorbidity. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 38(2), 91-97. doi: 10.1111/ajag.12606
Siu, H. Y.-H., Delleman, B., Langevin, J., Mangin, D., Howard, M., Fang, Q., … Chan, D. (2019). Demonstrating a technology-mediated intervention to support medication adherence in community-dwelling older adults in primary care: A feasibility study. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, 5. doi: 10.1177/2333721419845179
Currie, O., Williman, J., Mangin, D., McKinnon-Gee, B., & Bridgford, P. (2019). Comparative risk of new-onset diabetes following commencement of antipsychotics in New Zealand: A population-based clustered multiple baseline time series design. BMJ Open, 9(2), e022984. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022984
Ailabouni, N., Mangin, D., & Nishtala, P. S. (2019). DEFEAT-polypharmacy: Deprescribing anticholinergic and sedative medicines feasibility trial in residential aged care facilities. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 41, 167-178. doi: 10.1007/s11096-019-00784-9
Journal - Research Other
Mangin, D., & Garfinkel, D. (2019). Foreword to the first special collection: Addressing the invisible iatrogenic epidemic: The role of deprescribing in polypharmacy and inappropriate medication use. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 10. doi: 10.1177/2042098619883156
Puil, L., Lexchin, J., Bero, L., Mangin, D., Hallgreen, C. E., Wong, G. W. K., & Mintzes, B. (2019). The impact of post-market regulatory safety advisories on patients, prescribers, and the healthcare system (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 12, CD013510. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013510
Healy, D., & Mangin, D. (2019). Clinical judgments, not algorithms, are key to patient safety: An essay by David Healy and Dee Mangin. BMJ, 367, I5777. doi: 10.1136/bmj.l5777
Farrell, B., & Mangin, D. (2019). Deprescribing is an essential part of good prescribing. American Family Physician, 99(1), 7-9. [Editorial].
Lennox, R., & Mangin, D. (2019). Gabapentin misuse. CMAJ, 191, E47. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.180599
Duffy, L., Bacon, F., Clarke, C. S., Donkor, Y., Freemantle, N., Gilbody, S., … Mangin, D., … Lewis, G. (2019). A randomised controlled trial assessing the use of citalopram, sertraline, fluoxetine and mirtazapine in preventing relapse in primary care patients who are taking long-term maintenance antidepressants (ANTLER: ANTidepressants to prevent reLapse in dEpRession): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 20(1), 319. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3390-8
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Jilani, K., Singer, A., Abrams, E., Mangin, D., Kosowan, L., Queenan, J., & Williamson, T. (2019). Defininf pediatric eczema in Canadian primary care practices. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 188(Suppl. 11), (pp. S341). doi: 10.1007/s11845-019-02130-4
Ailabouni, N. J., Mangin, D., Gray, S., Marcum, Z., & Nishtala, P. (2019). To be successful or not to be: Retrospective analysis of two prescribing case studies. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(Suppl. 1), (pp. S185). doi: 10.1111/jgs.15898
Hudson, B., Toop, L., Williman, J., Hooper, G., Mangin, D., Alchin, J., Thompson, B., & Stamp, L. (2019). Nortriptyline in knee arthritis (nortika): A randomised controlled double blind trial of nortriptyline for pain in knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 71(Suppl. 10), 2758. doi: 10.1002/art.41108
Journal - Research Article
Javadi, D., Lamarche, L., Avilla, E., Siddiqui, R., Gaber, J., Bhamani, M., … Mangin, D., & Dolovich, L. (2018). Feasibility study of goal setting discussions between older adults and volunteers facilitated by an eHealth application: Development of the Health TAPESTRY approach. Pilot & Feasibility Studies, 4, 184. doi: 10.1186/s40814-018-0377-2
Mangin, D., Lawson, J., Cuppage, J., Shaw, E., Ivanyi, K., Davis, A., & Risdon, C. (2018). Legacy drug-prescribing patterns in primary care. Annals of Family Medicine, 16(6), 515-520. doi: 10.1370/afm.2315
Stairmand, J., Gurney, J., Stanley, J., Millar, E., Davies, C., Semper, K., Dowell, A., Mangin, D., Lawrenson, R., & Sarfati, D. (2018). The impact of multimorbidity on people's lives: A cross-sectional survey. New Zealand Medical Journal, 131(1477), 78-90. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Other
Santaguida, P., Dolovich, L., Oliver, D., Lamarche, L., Gilsing, A., Griffith, L. E., … Mangin, D., … Raina, P. (2018). Protocol for a Delphi consensus exercise to identify a core set of criteria for selecting health related outcome measures (HROM) to be used in primary health care. BMC Family Practice, 19, 152. doi: 10.1186/s12875-018-0831-5
Ho, J. M.-W., Tung, J., Maitland, J., Mangin, D., Thabane, L., Pavlin, J. M., … Benjamin, S. (2018). GeriMedRisk,a telemedicine geriatric pharmacology consultation service to address adverse drug events in long-term care: A stepped-wedge cluster randomized feasibility trial protocol (ISRCTN17219647). Pilot & Feasibility Studies, 4, 116. doi: 10.1186/s40814-018-0300-x
Mangin, D., Bahat, G., Golomb, B. A., Herzig Mallery, L., Moorhouse, P., Onder, G., … Garfinkel, D. (2018). International Group for Reducing Inappropriate Medication Use & Polypharmacy (IGRIMUP): Position statement and 10 recommendations for action. Drugs & Aging, 35(7), 575-587. doi: 10.1007/s40266-018-0554-2
Millar, E., Dowell, A., Lawrenson, R., Mangin, D., & Sarfati, D. (2018). Clinical guidelines: What happens when people have multiple conditions? New Zealand Medical Journal, 131(1472), 73-81. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2018, August). A state of wonder: Research in the real world. Plenary presentation at the Primary Health Care Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Hudson, B., Williman, J. A., Stamp, L. K., Alchin, J. S., Hooper, G. J., Mangin, D., Thompson, B. F., & Toop, L. (2018, September). Nortriptyline in knee osteoarthritis (NortIKA Study): A randomised controlled trial. Verbal presentation at the General Practice and Primary Care Research Weekend, Hanmer Springs, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Ailabouni, N., Tordoff, J., Mangin, D., & Nishtala, P. S. (2017). Do residents need all their medications? A cross-sectional survey of RNs' views on deprescribing and the role of clinical pharmacists. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 43(10), 13-20. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20170914-05
Ailabouni, N., Mangin, D., Tordoff, J. M., & Nishtala, P. S. (2017). Do my patients need all their medicines? Registered nurses' views on deprescribing. Innovation in Aging, 1(Suppl. 1), 571. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.2009
Ailabouni, N., Mangin, D., & Nishtala, P. S. (2017). Can deprescribing give what polypharmacy has taken away? Feasibility trial in residential aged care. Innovation in Aging, 1(Suppl. 1), 588-589. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.2065
Signal, L., Semper, K., Stairmand, J., Davies, C., Millar, E., Dowell, T., … Mangin, D., & Sarfati, D. (2017). A walking stick in one hand and a chainsaw in the other: Patients’ perspectives of living with multimorbidity. New Zealand Medical Journal, 130(1455), 65-76. Retrieved from
Ailabouni, N., Mangin, D., & Nishtala, P. S. (2017). Deprescribing anticholinergic and sedative medicines: Protocol for a feasibility trial (DEFEAT-polypharmacy) in residential aged care facilities. BMJ Open, 7(4), e013800. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013800
Siu, H. Y.-H., Mangin, D., Howard, M., Price, D., & Chan, D. (2017). Developing and testing an electronic medication administration monitoring device for community dwelling seniors: A feasibility study. Pilot & Feasibility Studies, 3(1), 5. doi: 10.1186/s40814-016-0118-3
Journal - Research Other
Swinburn, B., Vandevijvere, S., on behalf of submitting health professors, including Hornblow, A., Taylor, B., Drummond, B., Murdoch, D., Mangin, D., Sarfati, D., Sellman, D., Sopoaga, F., Thomson, G., Abel, G., Hoek, J., Connor, J., Krebs, J., Mann, J., McCall, J., Broughton, J., Toop, L., Signal, L., Beckert, L., Farella, M., Baker, M., Keall, M., Skeaff, M., Thomson, M., Wilson, N., Chandler, N., Priest, P., Brunton, P., Crampton, P., Gendall, P., Howden-Chapman, P., Taylor, R., Edwards, R., Gauld, R., McGee, R., Mulder, R., Derrett, S., Hales, S., Pullon, S., & Blakely, T. (2017). Proposed new industry code on unhealthy food marketing to children and young people: Will it make a difference? New Zealand Medical Journal, 130(1450), 94-101. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Currie, O., Mangin, D., & Williman, J. (2017). What do GPs care about when it comes to pharmacoepidemiology? Proceedings of the Primary Health Care and General Practice Research Weekend. Retrieved from
Peter, J., Agarwal, G., Letts, L., Liddy, C., Mangin, D., O'Reilly, D., … Dolovich, L. (2017). A feasibility randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention for supporting patients with multiple chronic conditions in the self-management of their health. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 45th Annual Meeting. MY33. Retrieved from
Nicholson, K., Griffith, L., Raina, P., Fortin, M., Mangin, D., Terry, A., & Williamson, T. (2017). Therapeutic competition and ageing phenotypes of multimorbidity in Canada. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 45th Annual Meeting. SRF161. Retrieved from
Dolovich, L., Lamarche, L., Agarwal, G., Carr, T., Foster, G., Griffith, L., … Mangin, D., … Price, D. (2017). A pragmatic randomized controlled trial using the health teams advancing patient experience: Strengthening quality (Health TAPESTRY) approach to promote person-focused primary healthcare for older adults. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 45th Annual Meeting. HH28. Retrieved from
Cuppage, J., Mangin, D., Lawson, J., Ivanyi, K., Shaw, E., & Risdon, C. (2017). Legacy drug prescribing patterns and associations in primary care: Cohort study in the MUSIC Practice Based Research Network. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 45th Annual Meeting. P332. Retrieved from
Stairmand, J., Signal, L., Semper, K., Davies, C., Millar, E., Dowell, T., … Mangin, D., & Sarfati, D. (2017). A walking stick and a chainsaw: Patients' perspectives of living with multimorbidity. Proceedings of the 15th World Congress on Public Health. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2017, November). A state of wonder: Research and the real world. Plenary presentation at the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 45th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Chapter in Book - Research
Healy, D., & Mangin, D. (2016). Does my bias look big in this? In F. Baylis & A. Ballantyne (Eds.), Clinical research involving pregnant women. (pp. 197-208). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-26512-4_11
Mangin, D. (2016). The contribution of primary care research to improving health services. In F. Goodyear-Smith & B. Mash (Eds.), International perspectives on primary care research. (pp. 67-72). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Journal - Research Article
Healy, D., Le Noury, J., & Mangin, D. (2016). Links between serotonin reuptake inhibition during pregnancy and neurodevelopmental delay/spectrum disorders: A systematic review of epidemiological and physiological evidence. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 28(3), 125-141. doi: 10.3233/JRS-160726
Mangin, D., Stephen, G., Bismah, V., & Risdon, C. (2016). Making patient values visible in healthcare: A systematic review of tools to assess patient treatment priorities and preferences in the context of multimorbidity. BMJ Open, 6(6), e010903. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010903
Ailabouni, N. J., Nishtala, P. S., Mangin, D., & Tordoff, J. M. (2016). Challenges and enablers of deprescribing: A general practitioner perspective. PLoS ONE, 11(4), e0151066. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151066
Dolovich, L., Oliver, D., Lamarche, L., Agarwal, G., Carr, T., Chan, D., … Mangin, D., … Price, D. (2016). A protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial using the Health Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Health TAPESTRY) platform approach to promote person-focused primary healthcare for older adults. Implementation Science, 11, 49. doi: 10.1186/s13012-016-0407-5
Ailabouni, N. J., Nishtala, P. S., Mangin, D., & Tordoff, J. M. (2016). General practitioners' insight into deprescribing for the multimorbid older individual: A qualitative study. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 70(3), 261-276. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.12780
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Dolovich, L., Oliver, D., Larmarche, L., Foster, G., Griffith, L., Valaitis, R., Mangin, D., … Price, D. J. (2016). Health goals and needs identified in older adults and resultant actions taken after using the Health TAPESTRY volunteer and technology enabled interprofessional team based care platform. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 44th Annual Meeting. GR33. Retrieved from
Valaitis, R., Dolovich, L., Ploeg, J., Risdon, C., Agarwal, G., Oliver, D., Mangin, D., … Cleghorn, L. (2016). Evolving structures and processes: Interprofessional teamwork and the implementation of Health TAPESTRY. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 44th Annual Meeting. PR25. Retrieved from
Peter, J., Agarwal, G., Oliver, D., Valaitis, R., Richardson, J., Ploeg, J., Mangin, D., … Dolovich, L. (2016). Exploration of the effects of the Health Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality with Health Connectors for Diabetes Management (Health TAPESTRY-HC-DM) program on volunteers. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 44th Annual Meeting. DE25. Retrieved from
Mangin, D., Dowson, C., Mulder, R., Wells, E., Toop, L., Dowell, T., & Arroll, B. (2016). Can't fight this feeling? When and how to stop antidepressants [Invited]. Proceedings of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice. Retrieved from
Mangin, D. (2016). Commercial influence on healthcare and its influence on polypharmacy. Proceedings of the WONCA Europe Conference: Family Doctors with Head and Hearts. S04.5. Retrieved from
Mangin, D. (2016). Pay for performance, single disease targets and polypharmacy. Proceedings of the WONCA Europe Conference: Family Doctors with Head and Hearts. S04.4. Retrieved from
Garfinkel, D., & Mangin, D. (2016). "We should treat the patients - Not their numbers..." How to fight polypharmacy and reduce IMU in your own practice/clinic? [IGRIMUP Workshop]. Proceedings of the WONCA Europe Conference: Family Doctors with Head and Hearts. W77. Retrieved from
Mangin, D. (2016). How to involve patients in de-prescribing [IGRIMUP Symposium]. Proceedings of the WONCA Europe Conference: Family Doctors with Head and Hearts. S30.4. Retrieved from
Mangin, D. (2016). The Antidepressant Cessation Trial Study: Maintenance vs gradual withdrawal of fluoxetine in stable depression [IGRIMUP Symposium]. Proceedings of the WONCA Europe Conference: Family Doctors with Head and Hearts. S27.5. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2016, July). Does iron deficiency without anaemia in infancy affect long term developmental outcomes? Prospective 6 year cohort study. Verbal presentation at the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) 45th Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.
Mangin, D. (2016, July). A life worth living: Primary care in medicine's next era. Invited presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Conference for General Practice, Auckland, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Mangin, D. (2016, March). Dangerous caring: How good medicine can be bad for your health (and how to avoid it). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Chapter in Book - Research
Mangin, D. (2015). A primary care perspective on prescribing for women. In M. Harrison-Woolrych (Ed.), Medicines for women. (pp. 403-432). Springer.
Journal - Research Article
Mangin, D., & Heath, I. (2015). Multimorbidity and quaternary prevention (P4). Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, 10(35), 1-5. doi: 10.5712/rbmfc10(35)1069
Journal - Research Other
Hudson, B., Williman, J. A., Stamp, L. K., Alchin, J. S., Hooper, G. J., Mangin, D., Thompson, B. F., & Toop, L. (2015). Nortriptyline in knee osteoarthritis (NortIKA Study): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 16, 448. doi: 10.1186/s13063-015-0961-1
Toop, L., & Mangin, D. (2015). The art and science of marketing medications. New Zealand Medical Journal, 128(1421). Retrieved from
Birtwhistle, R., Barber, D., Drummond, N., Godwin, M., Greiver, M., Singer, A., … Mangin, D. (2015). Horses and buggies have some advantages over cars, but no one is turning back. Canadian Family Physician / Le Médecin de famille canadien, 61(5), 416-418. [Letter].
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Ailabouni, N. J., Nishtala, P. S., Mangin, D., & Tordoff, J. (2015). Deprescribing feasibility study in New Zealand residential care homes. Proceedings of the Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association and the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (APSA-ASCEPT) Joint Scientific Meeting: Drugs to Medicines: Up Close and Personal. 400. Retrieved from
Dolovich, L., Oliver, D., Valaitis, R., Agarwal, G., Raina, P., Ploeg, J., … Mangin, D., … Price, D. (2015). The use of volunteers, technology, system navigation and interprofessional team to keep older adults healthy at home: Findings from the TAPESTRY pilot studies. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 43rd Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
Mangin, D., Dowson, C., Fergusson, D., & Wells, E. (2015). Does iron deficiency without anemia in infancy affect long term developmental outcomes? Prospective 6 year cohort study. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 43rd Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
Mangin, D., Bismah, V., Khudoyarova, O., Orr, S., & Parascandalo, J. (2015). eHealth: Survey of access, interest and concerns among adults and older adults attending primary care. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 43rd Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
Javadi, D., Siddiqui, R., Valaitis, R., Cleghorn, L., Ploeg, J., Avilla, E., … Mangin, D., … Dolovich, L. (2015). Development and pilot testing of a technology-enabled process for ascertainment, documentation, and dialogue about life and health goals. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 43rd Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
Mangin, D., Dowson, C., Mulder, R., Wells, E., Toop, L., Dowell, T., & Arroll, B. (2015). The effectiveness of maintenance SSRI treatment in primary care depression to prevent recurrence: Multicentre double blinded placebo controlled RCT. Proceedings of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 43rd Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
Mangin, D. (2015). How to involve patients in de-prescribing. Irish Ageing Studies Review, 6(1), 0932, (pp. 114-115). [Abstract]
Mangin, D. (2015). The Antidepressant Cessation Trial study: Maintenance vs gradual withdrawal of fluoxetine in stable depression. Irish Ageing Studies Review, 6(1), 0931, (pp. 114). [Abstract]
Mangin, D. (2015). Commercial influence on healthcare and its influence on polypharmacy. Irish Ageing Studies Review, 6(1), 0930, (pp. 114). [Abstract]
Mangin, D. (2015). Pay for performance (P4), targets and polypharmacy. Irish Ageing Studies Review, 6(1), 0927, (pp. 114). [Abstract]
Ailabouni, N., Nishtala, P. S., Mangin, D., & Tordoff, J. (2015). Deprescribing: An insight into general practitioners' views on deprescribing for older patients. Proceedings of the New Zealand Hospital Pharmacists' Association (NZHPA) Annual Conference. (pp. 44). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2015, February). Sacred Monsters. Workshop presentation at the Thompson Region Division of Family Practice Medicine Sun Peaks CME: Navigating the Practice Maze, Sun Peaks, BC, Canada.
Mangin, D. (2015, February). Dangerous Caring. Workshop presentation at the Thompson Region Division of Family Practice Medicine Sun Peaks CME: Navigating the Practice Maze, Sun Peaks, BC, Canada.
Mangin, D. (2015, April). Polypharmacy: Practical approaches in primary care. Verbal presentation at the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada 23rd Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Course: Innovation in Practice, Teaching and Research, Montreal, Canada.
Mangin, D. (2015, April). Doing nothing, well: How good medicine can be bad for your patient's health (and how to avoid it). Keynote presentation at the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada 23rd Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Course: Innovation in Practice, Teaching and Research, Montreal, Canada.
Mangin, D. (2015, June). Patient reporting of drug adverse events. Plenary presentation at the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISBD) General Assembly, Pamplona, Spain.
Journal - Research Article
Hogan, C., Le Noury, J., Healy, D., & Mangin, D. (2014). One hundred and twenty cases of enduring sexual dysfunction following treatment. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 26(2), 109-116. doi: 10.3233/JRS-140617
Brookwell, L., Hogan, C., Healy, D., & Mangin, D. (2014). Ninety-three cases of alcohol dependence following SSRI treatment. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 26(2), 99-107. doi: 10.3233/JRS-140616
Healy, D., Howe, G., Mangin, D., & Le Noury, J. (2014). Sudden cardiac death & the reverse Dodo verdict. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 26(2), 71-79. doi: 10.3233/JRS-140615
Journal - Research Other
da Silva, A. L., Mangin, D., Pizzanelli, M., Jamoulle, M., Wagner, H. L., De Silva, D. H. S., … Júnior, W. R. (2014). Manifesto de Curitaba: pela Prevenção Quaternária e por uma Medicin sem conflitos de interesse [The Curitiba Manifesto: for the quaternary prevention and for a medical practice without conflicts of interest. Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, 9(33), 371-374. doi: 10.5712/rbmfc9(33)1006
Mangin, D. (2014). Ethical issues related to health checks. BMJ, 349, g4787. doi: 10.1136/bmj.g4787
Healy, D., Mangin, D., & Applbaum, K. (2014). The shipwreck of the singular. Social Studies of Science, 44(4), 518-523. doi: 10.1177/0306312714536270
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mangin, D., Hoffman, M., Lundgren, C., & Trimble, J. (2014). Dangerous caring: Examining drivers for overtreatment and its consequences, evidence from interventions to counteract this, discussion of potential solutions at policy and clinical levels and how involvement of patients and families might facilitate change [Workshop]. Proceedings of the Second Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference. (pp. 4). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2014, February). Disease mongering and de-prescribing. Verbal presentation at the Clinical Advisory Pharmacists Association (CAPA) Pharmacotherapy Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Other
Toop, L., & Mangin, D. (2013). Marketing of pharmaceuticals. In P. Joyce, G. Nicholls, K. Thomas & T. Wilkinson (Eds.), The Christchurch experience: 40 years of research and teaching. (pp. 177-182). Christchurch, New Zealand: University of Otago.
Journal - Research Article
Currie, O., Mangin, D., Williman, J., McKinnon-Gee, B., & Bridgford, P. (2013). The comparative risk of new-onset diabetes after prescription of drugs for cardiovascular risk prevention in primary care: A national cohort study. BMJ Open, 3(11), e003475 . doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003475
Healy, D., Mangin, D., & Antonuccio, D. (2013). Data based medicine and clinical judgement. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 25(2), 111-121. doi: 10.3233/JRS-130588
Hudson, B., Toop, L., Mangin, D., Brunton, C., Jennings, L., & Fletcher, L. (2013). Pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09: Risk of infection in primary healthcare workers. British Journal of General Practice, 63(611), e416-e422. doi: 10.3399/bjgp13X668212
Journal - Research Other
Mangin, D. (2013). Commentary on Review: Cranberry products do not reduce urinary tract infections in susceptible populations. Annals of Internal Medicine, 158(10), JC11. [Commentary].
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mangin, D. (2013). The manner of our dying: Prevention and polypharmacy. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 17(Suppl. 1), (pp. S96-S97). [Abstract]
Mangin, D. (2013). Dangerous caring: Why having a good doctor may be bad for your health [Panel discussion: The disease-mongering of aging]. Proceedings of the Selling Sickness Conference: People before Profits. (pp. 17). Retrieved from
Jamoulle, M., Tsoi, G., Heath, I., Mangin, D., Pezeshki, M. Z., Pizzanelli Báez, M., … Bernstein, J. (2013). Quaternary prevention, addressing the limits of medical practice [Workshop]. 20th WONCA World Conference: Family Medicine: Care for Generations. (pp. 292). Prague, Czech Republic: WONCA. [Abstract]
Seers, M., Toop, L., Mangin, D., & Brokenshire, S. (2013). General Practice based extended care at home in New Zealand: 15 years experience from Pegasus Health. 20th WONCA World Conference: Family Medicine: Care for Generations. (pp. 276). Prague, Czech Republic: WONCA. [Abstract]
Toop, L., Alderton, A., Copeland, A., Hudson, B., Mangin, D., & Beresford, P. (2013). Effecting change to promote the rational use of medicines: A whole system approach: "The challenge of balancing evidence, expert opinion and patient choice". 20th WONCA World Conference: Family Medicine: Care for Generations. (pp. 196). Prague, Czech Republic: WONCA. [Abstract]
Mangin, D. (2013). Avoiding dangerous caring: Quaternary prevention and multi-morbidity [Workshop]. 20th WONCA World Conference: Family Medicine: Care for Generations. (pp. 112). Prague, Czech Republic: WONCA. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2013, November). Disease-Mongering: Doenças criadas pela saúde e sua influência na atençāo à saúde. Verbal presentation at the Seminário Brasileiro sobre Prevençāo Quaternária em Atençāo Primária à Saúde, Curitiba, Brazil.
Edited Book - Research
Ingham, T., Jones, B., on behalf of the Pharmacovigilance Ethics Advisory Group, including Smith, B., Mangin, D., & Moore, A. (Eds.). (2012). Medicine safety for New Zealanders: Ethical issue regarding the use of routinely collected data from general practice for pharmacovigilance (Draft ed.). Wellington, New Zealand: University Of Otago, 46p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Mangin, D., & Heath, I. (2012). Polifarmácia [Polypharmacy]. In G. Gusso & J. M. C. Lopes (Eds.), Tratado de medicina de família e comunidadae [Textbook of family and community medicine]. (pp. 198-204). artmed.
Journal - Research Article
Caplan, G. A., Sulaiman, N. S., Mangin, D. A., Ricauda, N. A., Wilson, A. D., & Barclay, L. (2012). A meta-analysis of "hospital in the home". Medical Journal of Australia, 197(9), 512-519. doi: 10.5694/mja12.10480
Starfield, B., Gérvas, J., & Mangin, D. (2012). Clinical care and health disparities. Annual Review of Public Health, 33(1), 89-106. doi: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031811-124528
Mangin, D., Murdoch, D., Wells, J. E., Coughlan, E., Bagshaw, S., Corwin, P., Chambers, S., & Toop, L. (2012). Chlamydia trachomatis testing sensitivity in midstream compared with first-void urine specimens. Annals of Family Medicine, 10(1), 50-53. doi: 10.1370/afm.1323
Journal - Research Other
Mangin, D., Hudson, B., & Toop, L. (2012). Direct-to-consumer genetic testing: Letting the genie out of the bottle? New Zealand Medical Journal, 125(1364). Retrieved from
Mangin, D. (2012). Adherence to evidence-based guidelines is the key to improved health outcomes for general practice patients: The 'no' case. Journal of Primary Health Care, 4(2), 158-160. [Commentary].
Mangin, D., Heath, I., & Jamoulle, M. (2012). Beyond diagnosis: Rising to the multimorbidity challenge. BMJ, 344, e3526. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e3526
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2012, June). Primary care and innovations in New Zealand: Approaches to improving practice, measurements and methods in primary care. Verbal presentation at the Survivorship Symposium: A Key to Unlocking the Potential for Shared Care, Prince George, Canada.
Mangin, D. (2012, October). Effects of the earthquakes on healthcare in NZ. Verbal presentation at the Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Primary Care Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
Dowell, T., & Mangin, D. (2012, September). Research evidence and quality in primary care. Workshop presentation at the APAC Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care:, Auckland, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Starfield, B., & Mangin, D. (2011). An international perspective on the basis of pay-for-performance. In S. Gillam & A. N. Siriwardena (Eds.), The quality and outcomes framework (QOF): Transforming general practice. (pp. 147-155). Abingdon, UK: Radcliffe.
Journal - Research Article
Hudson, B., Toop, L., Mangin, D., & Pearson, J. (2011). Risk communication methods in hip fracture prevention: A randomised trial in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 61(589), e469-e476. doi: 10.3399/bjgp11X588439
Gill, E., & Mangin, D. (2011). Can general practitioners provide effective cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention? Dreams and realities of CVD prevention. New Zealand Medical Journal, 124(1328). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Other
Urato, A., Mintzes, B., Mangin, D., & Jureidini, J. (2011). [Letter to the editor about the article Diagnosis, pathophysiology, and management of mood disorders in pregnant and postpartum women]. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 118(3), 708. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e31822bd7e3
Mangin, D., Healy, D., & Mintzes, B. (2011). Paroxetine is associated with malformation during pregnancy [Letter]. BMJ, 343, d5060. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d5060
Heath, I., Mangin, D., Toop, L., & Brodersen, J. (2011). The future of national health systems [Editorial]. British Journal of General Practice, 61(586), 319-320. doi: 10.3399/bjgp11X572292
Garfinkel, D., & Mangin, D. (2011). In reply to Reducing polypharmacy: Is hospitalization the right time? [Editor's correspondence]. Archives of Internal Medicine, 171(9), 870. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2011.209
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2011, April). The effect of direct marketing and prescription drugs. Verbal presentation at the 12th Annual Medical Law Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Starfield, B., & Mangin, D. (2010). An international perspective on the basis for payment for performance. Quality in Primary Care, 18(6), 399-404.
Mangin, D. (2010). All people over 75 years with a five-year CVD risk of ≥15% should be treated with statins unless specifically contraindicated: The 'no' case. Journal of Primary Health Care, 2(4), 333-335.
Garfinkel, D., & Mangin, D. (2010). Feasibility study of a systematic approach for discontinuation of multiple medications in older adults: Addressing polypharmacy. Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(18), 1648-1654. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2010.355
Healy, D., Mangin, D., & Mintzes, B. (2010). The ethics of randomized placebo controlled trials of antidepressants with pregnant women. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 22(1), 7-16. doi: 10.3233/JRS-2010-0487
Journal - Research Other
Mangin, D. (2010). Urinary tract infection in primary care [Editorial]. BMJ, 340, c657. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c657
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Healy, D., Mangin, D., & Mintzes, B. (2010). Risky business [Letter to the editor]. Hastings Center Report, 40(4), 7. doi: 10.1353/hcr.0.0291
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mangin, D. (2010). Rational drug use in the elderly: Addressing and minimising polypharmacy. Proceedings of the New Zealand General Practitioners Conference: Doing the right thing. (pp. 61). Retrieved from
Mangin, D. (2010). Marketing madness: Hearts and minds. Proceedings of the General Practice Symposium: Controversies in Healthcare: Mental Health: Are We on the Right Track? Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Mangin, D. (2010, September). Marketing madness: Hearts and minds. Keynote presentation at the General Practice Symposium: Controversies in Healthcare: Mental health: Are We on the Right Track? Dunedin, New Zealand.
Edited Book - Research
Mintzes, B., Mangin, D., & Hayes, L. (Eds.). (2009). Understanding and responding to pharmaceutical promotion: A practical guide [Working draft for pilot field testing]. World Health Organization & Health Action International. Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Mangin, D. (2009). Promotion, professional practice and patient trust. In B. Mintzes, D. Mangin & L. Hayes (Eds.), Understanding and responding to pharmaceutical promotion: A practical guide [Working draft for pilot field testing]. (pp. 163-173). World Health Organization & Health Action International. Retrieved from
Mintzes, B., Toop, L., & Mangin, D. (2009). Promotion to consumers: Responding to patient requests for advertised medicines. In B. Mintzes, D. Mangin & L. Hayes (Eds.), Understanding and responding to pharmaceutical promotion: A practical guide [Working draft for pilot field testing]. (pp. 81-104). World Health Organization & Health Action International. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Other
Mintzes, B., & Mangin, D. (2009). Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines: A counter argument. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 1(9), 1555-1560. doi: 10.4155/fmc.09.136
Toop, L., & Mangin (Richards), D. (2009). [Commentary to A dipstick clinical prediction rule modestly improved diagnostic precision in women with suspected urinary tract infection]. Evidence-Based Medicine, 14(5), 155. doi: 10.1136/ebm.14.5.155
Healy, D., & Mangin, D. (2009). The once and future psychiatry [Commentary]. Academic Medicine, 84(4), 418-420.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Mangin, D. (2009). Women should give informed consent before starting SSRIs [Letter to the editor]. BMJ, 339, b4292. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b4292
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mangin, D. (2009). The manner of our dying: Prevention and polypharmacy. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13(Suppl. 1), (pp. S67). doi: 10.1007/s12603-009-0093-y
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Dowell, T., Cavana, E., Noble, V., Mangin, D., Graham Smith, H., & Judkins, A. (2009, September). Research into community health and wellbeing changes nothing [Debate]. Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners Annual Scientific Conference: Myths and Realities of Primary Care, Wellington, New Zealand.
Mangin, D. (2009, May). Manual Evaluation: Are we doing what we think we are doing? Verbal presentation at the 62nd World Health Assembly: From Education to Regulation: Innovative Tools for the Rational Use of Medicines, Geneva, Switzerland.
Journal - Research Article
Wilson, K., Dowson, C., & Mangin, D. (2007). Prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine use in Christchurch, New Zealand: Children attending general practice versus paediatric outpatients. New Zealand Medical Journal, 120(1251). Retrieved from
Mangin, D., Sweeney, K., & Heath, I. (2007). Preventive health care in elderly people needs rethinking. BMJ, 335, 285-287. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39241.630741.BE1
Journal - Research Other
Mangin, D., & Toop, L. (2007). Urinary tract infection in primary care. BMJ, 334, 597-598. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39148.403206.80
Mangin, D., & Toop, L. (2007). The quality and outcomes framework: What have you done to yourselves? [Editorial]. British Journal of General Practice, 57(539), 435-437.
Toop, L., & Mangin, D. (2007). Industry funded patient information and the slippery slope to New Zealand. BMJ, 335, 694-695. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39346.525764.AD
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Toop, L. J., & Mangin, D. (2007). Evidence of net benefit is lacking. BMJ, 335(7631), 1170. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39416.414688.BE
Journal - Research Article
Gill, E. A., Corwin, P. A., Mangin, D. A., & Sutherland, M. G. (2006). Diabetes care in rest homes in Christchurch, New Zealand. Diabetic Medicine, 23, 1252-1256.
Journal - Research Other
Mangin, D. (2006). Management of uncertainty [Commentary]. BMJ, 333, 693. doi: 10.1136/bmj.38978.491667.68
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Mangin (Richards), D., Toop, L. J., Epton, M. J., McGeoch, G. R. B., Town, G. I., Wynn-Thomas, S. M., Dawson, R. D., Hlavac, M. C., Werno, A. M., & Abernethy, P. D. (2006). [In Reply]. Medical Journal of Australia, 184(3), 143.
Mangin, D., & Toop, L. (2006). Direct to consumer advertising in New Zealand: Is the end in sight? Best Practice Journal, (2), 4-5.
Toop, L., & Mangin, D. (2006). The impact of advertising prescription medicines directly to consumers in New Zealand: Lessons for Australia [Editorial]. Australian Prescriber, 29(2), 30-32.
Journal - Research Article
Corwin, P., Toop, L., McGeoch, G., Than, M., Wynn-Thomas, S., Wells, J. E., Dawson, R., … Pithie, A., Chambers, S., Fletcher, L., & Richards, D. (2005). Randomised controlled trial of intravenous antibiotic treatment for cellulitis at home compared with hospital. British Medical Journal, 330(7483). Retrieved from
Richards, D., Toop, L., Chambers, S., & Fletcher, L. (2005). Response to antibiotics of women with symptoms of urinary tract infection but negative dipstick urine test results: Double blind randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 331(7509). Retrieved from
Mangin, D., Toop, L., Chambers, S., Ikram, R., & Harris, B. (2005). Increased rates of trimethoprim resistance in uncomplicated urinary tract infection: Cause for concern? New Zealand Medical Journal, 118(1225). Retrieved from
Richards, D. A., Toop, L. J., Epton, M. J., McGeoch, G. R. B., Town, G. I., Wynn-Thomas, S. M. H., Dawson, R. D., Hlavac, M. C., Werno, A. M., & Abernethy, P. D. (2005). Home management of mild to moderately severe community-acquired pneumonia: A randomised controlled trial. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(5), 235-238.
Journal - Research Other
Toop, L., Richards, D., & Dowell, T. (2005). Response to Maubach and Hoek's paper on GP attitudes to DTCA [Letter]. New Zealand Medical Journal, 118(1217). Retrieved from
Mansfield, P. R., Mintzes, B., Richards, D., & Toop, L. (2005). Direct to consumer advertising: Is at the crossroads of competing pressures from industry and health needs [Editorial]. BMJ, 330(7481), 5-6. doi: 10.1136/bmj.330.7481.5
Journal - Research Other
Toop, L., & Richards, D. (2004). Physicians' negative views of direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA): The international evidence grows [Editorial]. New Zealand Medical Journal, 117(1195). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Richards, D. A., Toop, L. J., Epton, M., Town, I., Wynn-Thomas, S., McGeoch, G., … Murdoch, D., Than, M., & Bone, J. (2004). From whence it came: Community vs hospital care of community acquired pneumonia. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 13(2), ABS058, (pp. 114). doi: 10.1016/j.pcrj.2004.02.001
Journal - Research Article
Richards, D. A., Toop, L. J., & Graham, P. J. (2003). Do clinical practice education groups result in sustained change in GP prescribing? Family Practice, 20(2), 199-206.
Richards, D., Toop, L., Brockway, K., Graham, S., McSweeney, B., MacLean, D., … Parsons, A. (2003). Improving the effectiveness of smoking cessation in primary care: Lessons learned. New Zealand Medical Journal, 116(1173). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Other
Toop, L. J., Richards, D. A., & Dowell, A. C. (2003). The leadership role of general practice in public health: Advocating a ban of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs in New Zealand. 'Possums in the headlights?'. British Journal of General Practice, 53(489), 342-345.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Richards, D. A., Toop, L. J., Ikram, R., Harris, B., & Sutherland, M. G. (2003, July). Antibiotic resistance: Which data to use for rational antibiotic prescribing? Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners Conference, Dunedin.
Gill, E., Richards, D. A., Corwin, P. A., & Sutherland, M. G. (2003, July). Diabetes management in Christchurch rest homes. Verbal presentation at the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners Conference, Dunedin.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Pitama, S., Robertson, P., Gillies, M., Baxter, J., Ahuriri-Driscoll, A., Haitana, T., Wells, E., Toop, L., Gower, S., Richards, D., & Richardson, A. (2003). Focusing on Ngai Tahu 2025: The Ngati Wheke pilot. Commissioned by Ngai Tahu Development Corporation. Christchurch, New Zealand: CSMHS, University of Otago. 72p.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Toop, L. J., Richards, D. A., Dowell, A. C., Tilyard, M., Fraser, T., & Arroll, B. (2003). Direct to consumer advertising of prescription drugs in New Zealand: For health or for profit? Report to the Minister of Health supporting the case for a ban on DTCA. 61p.
Journal - Research Article
Richards, D. A., Toop, L. J., Chambers, S., Sutherland, M. G., Harris, B., Ikram, R., … Peddie, B. A. (2002). Antibiotic resistance in uncomplicated urinary tract infection: Problems with interpreting cumulative resistance rates from local community laboratories. New Zealand Medical Journal, 115(1146), 12-14.
Journal - Research Other
Toop, L. J., & Richards, D. A. (2002). DTCA in New Zealand: The challenge of finding an acceptable balance. British Journal of General Practice, 52(477), 341.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Kirk, R., Barnett, P. S., Clayden, C., Cumming, J. M., Heckert, K. A., Penrose, A. J., Pitama, S., Richards, D. A., & Siataga, P. T. (2002). Evaluation of the Pegasus Health Global Budget Contract. Commissioned by The New Zealand Ministry of Health. Christchurch: NZHTA. 332p.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Toop, L. J., & Richards, D. A. (2001). Preventing cardiovascular disease in primary care. British Medical Journal, 323(7307), 246-247. British Medical Association.