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Current studies

Easing the way to achieving target serum urate in people with gout: a non-inferiority strategy trial using an allopurinol dosing model

Study participants needed

The University of Otago, Christchurch in collaboration with the University of Auckland is currently conducting a study about the best way to increase allopurinol for treating your gout.

If you live in Christchurch or Auckland, are aged over 18 years, have gout, and would be interested in taking part in this research, please contact us. Some exclusion criteria apply. Assistance/koha will be provided for travel required for study visits.

Read the participant information sheet for 'The EASY ALLO Study' (PDF)

To receive a call from Jill Drake, Study Co-ordinator:

Please email your name and phone number to:


For study information

Jill Drake
Rheumatology Research Nurse

Tel +64 3 378 6088
Mob +64 21 0849 6753

For Māori Communities

Leanne Te Karu

For Pacific Communities

Vui Suli Tuitaupe
Mob +64 27 229 3806


Professor Lisa Stamp

Assessing Risk Factors for Developing Gout if you have high Urate levels

Study participants needed


The University of Otago, Christchurch in collaboration with the University of Auckland is currently conducting a study on the risk factors for developing Gout, for people who have high urate levels in their blood but do NOT have gout.

If you live in Christchurch or Auckland, are aged over 18 years, do NOT have gout, and would be interested in taking part in this research, please contact us. Some exclusion criteria apply.

Read the participant information sheet for the 'High urate levels in the transition to gout' study (PDF)

To receive a call from Janine Haslett, Study Co-ordinator:

Please email your name and phone number to:


For study information

Janine Haslett
Rheumatology Research Nurse

Tel +64 3 378 6487
Mob +64 21 0849 6753


Professor Lisa Stamp

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