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The New Zealand Familial Breast Cancer Study commenced in 2013 with the key goal of better understanding DNA sequence changes in genes that alter the risk of developing breast cancer through cutting-edge research with cancer experts from around the world.

We know that solving the mystery of these genetic changes requires a collaborative effort from many international laboratories and the New Zealand Familial Breast Cancer Study is now in a unique position to do just that through collaborative links with various international scientific groups.

Have you, or a member of your family/whanau, been tested for a mutation in a breast cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1 or BRCA2)?

Would you be willing to volunteer for the New Zealand Familial Breast Cancer Study, to be conducted by the University of Otago, Christchurch?

The New Zealand Familial Breast Cancer Study invites anybody (male or female) who has had genetic testing through Genetic Health Service NZ, and who carry a BRCA mutation and/or a BRCA sequence variant of unknown clinical significance.

What will being in the study mean for you?

  • The study staff would interview you about your general health, lifestyle, and the history of cancer in your close relatives. This would take about 15 minutes and could be by phone or at a convenient place for you.
  • We would seek your consent to access your relevant medical and pathology records (including tumour material) and any cancer genetic test results.
  • We would like to collect a small blood sample.
  • We would also ask you whether your close relatives or whanau would like to be involved in the same study. This is optional, and is not required for your own involvement in the study.

Further Information

Information Brochure
Consent Form


Study Coordinator,
Dr Logan Walker
Phone: 03 364 0544

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