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MedMoodle is the virtual learning environment for all University of Otago, Christchurch graduate courses.

This year we are seeing the migration of postgraduate courses to Moodle. Nursing will have their own Moodle but will be able to access the wealth of resources on MedMoodle.

There are now four dedicated E-learning Technologists to support staff and students with their online and technology endeavours. The Christchurch E-learning technologist is Scott Hallman.


  • You use your standard university login and password to access your learning online via MedMoodle.
  • The latest version of Moodle provides a clean, easy to use interface and such things as the ability to simply rename an item (without editing the item), drag and drop activities, quiz banks, scenario building and also has my files to store docs online.
  • This year the E-learning team hope to develop a new staff and student interface, roll out the curriculum map and integrate it with Moodle learning activities, increase the activities and resources in all courses and provide more in depth staff training.
  • Online training courses can be found at Staff support pages or contact Scott to receive face to face training. For students there are Student support pages too.
    Staff support pages
    Student support pages

Support contacts

You can direct your queries about MedMoodle or any E-learning to Scott Hallman.

Tel +64 3 364 1254
Mob +64 21 686 912

Scott will be happy to provide training and develop your course to provide the best online environment for students. Alternatively you can reach the whole eLearning team at

Training and workshops

Scott can provide 121 and group training in Moodle or Blackboard to all staff. So please contact him with all your wonderful E-learning needs and projects.

MedMoodle Login Use your university username (eg bonja007) to login

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