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Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad)


    The Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad) can be used for many purposes, and in some cases, effectively provides an additional major. It requires you to do at least seven papers, of which at least four are at 300-level or above. The programme is designed for graduates and may be completed by full-time candidates in one year or by part-time candidates over more than one year.

    A DipGrad is a great way to retrain or to update existing qualifications. Many students also find it a convenient way to continue learning and that it is a useful bridge to postgraduate study.

    Available endorsements:

    Ready to apply?

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    Programme details

    Regulations for the Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad)

    1. Nature of the Diploma

      The Diploma for Graduates is a justifiable and academically feasible programme of study, designed for graduates and others with equivalent qualifications or experience, who require additional training with or without the objective of undertaking postgraduate study in that discipline; or training in another discipline without the necessity to undertake another full degree programme; or who wish to extend their knowledge of an area of study or bring it up to date; or who wish to gain the equivalent of an additional major subject; or who wish to satisfy the requirements of an external professional body.

    2. Admission to the Programme

      1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Senate.
      2. Every applicant shall
        1. be a graduate; and
        2. have attained a satisfactory standard of academic performance; or
        3. have submitted evidence satisfactory to the Senate of previous training and experience appropriate to the planned programme of study.

    3. Subjects of Study

      The diploma may be taken in any subject or combination of subjects which constitutes a justifiable and academically feasible programme, taking into account the prior qualifications and experience of the candidate concerned. The papers to be included shall be decided in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or nominee and the heads of the academic units concerned.

    4. Structure of the Programme

      1. Every programme of study for the diploma shall
        1. consist of papers worth at least 120 points;
        2. include at least 72 points for papers at or above 300-level;
        3. include such other work as may be prescribed in particular cases.
      2. The Diploma may be endorsed in any of the subjects defined in the Schedule of Endorsements if the programme includes the requirements specified in the Schedule.
      3. Students who have been granted credit for study elsewhere that has not been counted towards any other qualification may include up to 60 points for such credit in a programme. The credit may be at 100- or 200-level only, except in the case of students participating in the Student Exchange Programme, who may be credited with papers at 300-level or above.

    5. Duration of the Programme

      The programme may be completed by full-time candidates in one year, or by part-time candidates over more than one year. Any paper in which a candidate is enrolled in any year shall be examined in that year.

    6. Variations

      The Senate may in exceptional circumstances approve a course of study which does not comply with these regulations.

    Note: All enquiries should be sent to the Programme Director,

    More information

    See the Diploma for Graduates website for more details.

    This information must be read subject to the statement on our Copyright & Disclaimer page.

    Regulations on this page are taken from the 2025 Calendar and supplementary material.

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