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Exploring genetic influences on health and disease

Research in the Gene Structure and Function Laboratory (GSFL) centres around the role of genetic variation in the development and treatment of disease.

Our primary research efforts are in pharmacogenetics and genomics, genetic and epigenetic factors involved in neuropsychiatric disorders and their treatment, and application of new technologies for genome analysis.

Learn more about the research being undertaken by the Gene Structure and Function Laboratory.

Postgraduate research opportunities in genetics

We have postgraduate opportunities available for highly motivated biomedical science students with excellent undergraduate grades and an interest in genetics research.

Science graduates from any New Zealand university can enrol in our Christchurch-based, one-year intensive research and training programme, leading to a Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours degree.

Learn more about Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with Honours (BBiomedSc(Hons)) at the University of Otago, Christchurch.

We also offer PhD opportunities for top students, and can assist you with Fellowship applications to support your degree.

Learn more about postgraduate opportunities at the Gene Structure and Function Laboratory.

Gene Structure and Function Laboratory Research Photo 2023

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