Graduate research policies and guidelines
Key policies related to graduate research candidates and supervisors (Doctoral and Master's thesis) are available in the University's Policy Library:
Key policies for graduate research candidates
Guidelines for Graduate Research Supervisors
Please contact your department's administrator for specific guidance on Master's thesis processes.
Doctoral / PhD forms
PhD admission and scholarship
Apply for both PhD admission and a scholarship through your eVision portal
Changes during the PhD
Request for change of research details form
Use the Request for change of research details form to request any of the following changes:
- Change of Topic
- Change of Supervisory arrangements
- Change to Full-time/Part-time status
- Change of supervising department or subject code
- Additional papers
- Off-Campus study approval request (including travel and relocation)
Note that if travelling overseas you will also need to complete the Postgraduate Travel Overseas Research and Safety Plan form:
Postgraduate Travel Overseas Research and Safety Plan (PDF)
Postgraduate Travel Overseas Research and Safety Plan (DOC)
The Request for update to EFTS splits is a separate form which is submitted to the Strategy, Analytics, and Reporting Office (SARO) when completed:
Request for update to EFTS splits (PDF)
Request for deferral can be made through your eVision portal or by completing a deferral form.
Request for permanent withdrawal can also be made through your eVision portal.
- Checklist for PhD candidates and their primary supervisor (DOCX)
- Checklist for PhD candidates and their primary supervisor (PDF)
- Student-Supervisor Agreement – PhD (DOCX)
- Student-Supervisor Agreement – PhD (PDF)
- Guidelines for appointing external supervisors – for staff (PDF)
- Appointment form for external supervisors – for staff (PDF)
Skills audit
A skills audit will help you assess which research skills may need to be further developed as part of your doctoral education.
Skills audit template for doctoral researchers (DOC)
Progress reporting
Requirements for the Student Self-Review Document
Nominations of examiners are entered, checked, saved and submitted by staff in eVision. The form from that page is then printed, signed by the Head of Department, and emailed to
- Thesis submission declaration form (PDF) – for digital thesis for examination
- Author declaration form (PDF) – for accompanying final digital copies
- Graduation booklet form (DOCX)
- List of approved PhD Conveners of Examiners (PDF)
- Guidance in relation to COVID‑19 Pandemic Circumstances (DOCX)
Master's research (thesis) forms
Master's supervision
- Student-Supervisor Agreement – Master's (DOCX)
- Student-Supervisor Agreement – Master's (PDF)
- Sample Checklist for Master's Candidates and their Research Supervisors (DOCX)
- Sample Checklist for Master's Candidates and their Research Supervisors (PDF)
- Thesis submission declaration form (PDF) – for digital thesis for examination
- Author declaration form (PDF) – for accompanying final digital copies
- Guidance in relation to COVID‑19 Pandemic Circumstances (DOCX)
If you can't find the form, policy or guideline you require, please contact: