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Internationalisation Framework

Te Aka Whakaranea ā-Ao | Internationalisation Framework 2021–2025 is the key strategic framework for internationalisation at the University of Otago.

Te Aka Whakaranea ā-Ao 2021–2025 Internationalisation Framework (PDF)

Internationalisation Committee

The University of Otago's Internationalisation Committee supports and co-ordinates our internationalisation strategy. It also makes decisions on funding for a range of international initiatives.

Internationalisation Committee webpage

The Education Code of Practice

The University of Otago is a signatory to The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code), which supports the wellbeing of tertiary and international learners enrolled with New Zealand education providers.

Code of Pastoral Care for international students – NZQA


International Student Services

Otago's international networks and partnerships

The University of Otago's international partnerships provide opportunities for our students and staff to strengthen their participation as global citizens.

Matariki Network of Universities (MNU)

The Matariki Network is an international group of leading, historic universities of which the University of Otago is a founding member.

Matariki Network website

Funding opportunities with the MNU


Otago International Partnerships Co-ordinator

Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)

The Association of Commonwealth Universities is an international organisation dedicated to building a better world through higher education.

ACU website

Funding opportunities with the ACU


Otago International Partnerships Co-ordinator

Other international partnerships

Otago office of the Confucius Institute in Auckland

The aim of the Otago office of the Confucius Institute in Auckland is to enhance the knowledge of Chinese language and culture to all staff, students, and their families.

Confucius Institute in Auckland


Otago International Partnerships Co-ordinator

New Zealand Centre at Peking University

The aim of the New Zealand Centre at Peking University is to raise the profile of New Zealand at Peking University, enhancing academic and cultural exchange between China and New Zealand.

New Zealand Centre at Peking University

University of Otago House, National University of Samoa

The University of Otago House provides accommodation for University of Otago staff and students conducting research with the National University of Samoa, or in the Samoan Islands.

For bookings, contact:

Property Management

International partnership agreements

Partnership agreements can take many forms, including:

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU, a formal, strategic partnership)
  • Letters of Intent, (a formal letter of introduction, authorising topics for discussion)
  • Articulation Agreements (for transfer credit arrangements)
  • Advanced Standing Agreements (for recoding accepted pre-requisites for admission)
  • Study Abroad Agreements (for inbound students)
  • Exchange Agreements (for students participating in bilateral, reciprocal study exchanges)
  • Education Agent Agreements, and
  • any other new form of partnership

Staff seeking advice about the process for establishing new – and managing existing – partner relationships with international institutions should contact:

The International Partnerships Co-ordinator

Partnership Arrangements with International Institutions Policy

International Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The University of Otago has MOUs in place with institutions in many countries.

View the list of countries with partnership agreements

For more information, contact:

The International Partnerships Co-ordinator

International Student Exchange Agreements

The University of Otago has Exchange Agreements with institutions in many countries.

View the list of Exchange Partners

For more information, contact:

The Otago Global Team

Study Abroad Agreements

The University of Otago has Study Abroad Agreements with a range of partner institutes and Study Abroad providers across several countries.

There agreements are managed by:

The International Marketing and Recruitment Regional Market Managers

Education Agent Agreements

The University of Otago has Education Agent Agreements in the many countries.

View the list of countries and their approved education representatives  

These agreements are managed by:

The International Marketing and Recruitment team

Articulation Agreements

The University of Otago has Articulation Agreements (credit transfer arrangements) in place with partner institutes in a range of countries.  Articulation Agreements are primarily led and developed at the department/division level, with support from the respective Associate Dean International, Divisional Board and Pro Vice Chancellor.

Academics can access practical advice and assistance from the International Office to support the development of Articulation Agreements. This includes the International Programme Development Team, International Marketing and Recruitment Team (Regional Market Managers) and International Partnerships Co-ordinator.


International Programmes Development Team

International visits – notable visitor procedure

To ensure appropriate arrangements are in place, and to maximise the benefit of the visit, international visits with notable guests are to be notified to:

The International Visits Specialist

Notable Visitor Notification Procedure

Information for visitors regarding planning a visit

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