With a PhD in ancient Greek philology, I started my teaching career lecturing in classics, Greek, and Latin in several universities in the United States (Colorado College, Bowdoin College, and the University of Hawaii). After emigrating to New Zealand, I studied law at the University of Otago. I had originally begun my university career thinking that I would become a lawyer, but I got sidetracked and followed my interests.
Upon graduation with a law degree, I went straight into lecturing at Otago, broken early on by work as a local government solicitor in London for a year in the administrative law and parliamentary affairs department. While at Otago, I have practiced law on the side, initially as a specialist labour law advocate, and then as a barrister. I have appeared in the Employment Tribunal, Human Rights Review Tribunal, Employment Court, High Court, and Court of Appeal. I have worked at the Dunedin Community Law Centre since my law student days, and now volunteer there as a duty solicitor. I have done work for several government agencies and international organizations, including the International Labour Office (a United Nations agency) in Geneva, and the European Union. I was recently on an international team that drafted new model labour laws for Liberia.
I teach in the areas of labour law, international human rights law, and information and data protection law. My principal areas of research interest are employment law and data protection law. My most recent publications have dealt with child labour and migrant labour in New Zealand; workplace issues arising from new technologies; and the relevance of data protection regulation to Web 2.0 activities.
Research Interests
International Human Rights Law; Employment Law, Privacy and Information Law.
Email paul.roth@otago.ac.nz
Roth, P. A. (2019, June). Indigenous approaches to labour law. Verbal presentation at the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN) Conference, Valparaíso, Chile. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Roth, P. (2018). Privacy law and practice (308 pages). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis NZ. Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2018). Privacy law and practice (562 pages). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis NZ. Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2018). Employment Law. New Zealand Law Review, (2), 315-370. Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2018). Indigenous peoples and employment law: The Australasian model. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 43(2), 36-51. Journal - Research Article
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Roth, P. A. (2019, June). Indigenous approaches to labour law. Verbal presentation at the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN) Conference, Valparaíso, Chile.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2018). Privacy law and practice (308 pages). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis NZ.
Roth, P. (2018). Privacy law and practice (562 pages). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis NZ.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2018). Employment Law. New Zealand Law Review, (2), 315-370.
Roth, P. (2018). Indigenous peoples and employment law: The Australasian model. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 43(2), 36-51.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2017). Privacy law and practice (1490 pages). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis NZ.
Roth, P., & Taylor, G. (2017). Access to information (2nd ed.). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 485p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. (2017). Economic rights, workplace rights and the right to social security. In M. Bedggood, K. Gledhill & I. McIntosh (Eds.), International human rights law in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 707-791). Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson Reuters.
Roth, P. (2017). Privacy, autonomy and family life. In M. Bedggood, K. Gledhill & I. McIntosh (Eds.), International human rights law in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 483-552). Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson Reuters.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2017). ‘Adequate level of data protection’ in third countries post-Schrems and under the General Data Protection Regulation. Journal of Law, Information & Science, 25(1), 51-67. Retrieved from http://www.jlisjournal.org/abstracts/Roth.25.html
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2016). Privacy law and practice (1244 pages). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis NZ.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. (2016). Privacy Act 1993 (785 pages). In Mazengarb's Employment Law. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis NZ.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2016). Employment law. New Zealand Law Review, (3), 647-686.
Roth, P. (2016). Privacy law reform in New Zealand: Will it touch the workplace? New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 41(2), 36-57.
Roth, P. (2016). Institutional and technological barriers to accessing justice at the first instance in the employment law jurisdiction. Employment Law Bulletin, 8(December), 149-151.
Roth, P. (2016). Privacy law developments relevant to employment law. Employment Law Bulletin, 3(May), 53-57.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2015). Privacy law and practice. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. (2015). Employment relations authority. In Mazengarb's employment law. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Roth, P. (2015, June). Data protection meets labour law: Two ships passing in the night? Verbal presentation at the Labour Law Research Network Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Roth, P. (2015, May). Indigenous peoples and labour law in Australasia and North America. Verbal presentation at the Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT) International Conference: Institutional Change and Experimentation: Shaping the Future of Work and Employment, Montreal, Canada.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. (2014). Collective autonomy in New Zealand. In D. Roux (Ed.), Autonomie collective et droit du travail. Mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Pierre Verge. (pp. 327-350). Quebec, Canada: Les Presses de l'Université Laval.
Roth, P. (2014). Indigenous voices at work. In A. Bogg & T. Novitz (Eds.), Voices at work: Continuity and change in the common law world. (pp. 96-121). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2014). Employment Law. New Zealand Law Review, 3, 453-488.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2013). Privacy law and practice. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2013). The resolution of employment disputes in New Zealand. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 34(4), 877-898.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Edwards, J., & Roth, P. (2013). Privacy law: Where are we now? New Zealand Law Society Seminar. (pp. 1-105). Wellington, New Zealand: NZLS CLE. [Full Paper]
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2012). Privacy law and practice. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Authored Book - Research
Taylor, G., & Roth, P. (2011). Access to information. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 454p.
Roth, P. (2011). Privacy law and practice. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 718p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. (2011). General provisions. In S. Jenkison (Ed.), Mazengarb's employment law. (6th ed.) (pp. 2100001-2100504). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Roth, P. (2011). Institutions. In S. Jenkison (Ed.), Mazengarb's employment law. (6th ed.) (pp. 2010201-2030009). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2011). Employment Law. New Zealand Law Review, 749-778.
Authored Book - Research
Anderson, G., Hughes, J., Roth, P., & Leggat, M. (2010). Employment law: A practical guide. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Roth, P. (2010). Privacy law and practice. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 1114p.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2010). Data protection meets Web 2.0: Two ships passing in the night. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 33(2), 532-561.
Roth, P. (2010). Child labour in New Zealand: A job for the nanny state? Otago Law Review, 12(2), 245-264.
McKenzie, J. E., Herbison, G. P., Roth, P., & Paul, C. (2010). Obstacles to researching the researchers: A case study of the ethical challenges of undertaking methodological research investigating the reporting of randomised controlled trials. Trials, 11(28). doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-11-28
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Roth, P. (2010). Workplace information issues arising from new technologies. Proceedings of the New Zealand Law Society Employment Law Coference. (pp. 105-123). Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Law Society. [Full Paper]
Roth, P. (2010). Legal update: Recent Privacy Act cases. Proceedings of the Privacy Awareness Week Forum: The future of privacy. Retrieved from http://privacy.org.nz/forum-speakers-presentations/
Authored Book - Research
Anderson, G., Drake, A. F., Hughes, J., Robson, S., & Roth, P. (2009). Personal grievances companion: Practice and procedure. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 544p.
Roth, P. (2009). Privacy law and practice. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 1050p.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2009). Migrant labor in New Zealand. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 31(1), 67-89.
Roth, P. (2009). The new trial period legislation: A rush job. Employment Law Bulletin, (1), 7-12.
Journal - Research Other
Roth, P. (2009). Employment Law. New Zealand Law Review, 311-340.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2008). Privacy law and practice. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 1292p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. (2008). Human Rights Review Tribunal. In Brookers Human Rights Law (Vol. 1). (pp. 701-809). Wellington, New Zealand: Brookers.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2008). Interpretation of 'personal information' remains problematic in New Zealand privacy law. Privacy Laws & Business International Newsletter, 92(April), 9-11.
Roth, P. (2008). Employment law. New Zealand Law Review, 159-194.
Roth, P. (2008). Captive audience speech under New Zealand law. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 29(2), 147-175.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Roth, P. (2008). Jurisdictional options: The human rights track. Proceedings of the New Zealand Law Society Employment Law Conference. (pp. 125-141). Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Law Society. [Full Paper]
Roth, P. (2008). Privacy in the workplace. Proceedings of the Privacy Issues Forum. Auckland, New Zealand: Privacy Comissioner. Retrieved from http://www.privacy.org.nz/assests/Files/PAW/8.-Speaker-Paul_Roth.doc
Roth, P. (2008). The difficulty in regulating child labour in developed countries: A New Zealand perspective. Proceedings of the International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation. Retrieved from http://www.childjustice.org/wsecl/html/papers_text.htm
Other Research Output
Roth, P. (2008, March). Child labour in New Zealand: A job for the nanny state. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2007). Privacy law and practice. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 3773p.
Roth, P. (2007). Privacy law and practice: Case notes 1994-2005. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 686p.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2007). Employment law. New Zealand Law Review, 179-209.
McLennan, S., Celi, L. A., & Roth, P. (2007). The Health and Safety in Employment Act and the influenza vaccination of healthcare workers. New Zealand Medical Journal, 120(1250). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/120-1250/2442/content.pdf
Roth, P. (2007). What is a collective agreement under the Employment Relations Act? Employment Law Bulletin, (2), 19-22.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Roth, P. (2007, June). Comparative Privacy Statistics Project: Report on comments of External Reference Group. Verbal presentation at the 27th Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities Forum, Cairns, Australia.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2006). Privacy law and practice. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 967p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. (2006). New Zealand. In Privacy & human rights: An international survey of privacy laws and developments. Washington, DC and London, UK: Electronic Privacy Information Center and Privacy International. Retrieved from https://www.privacyinternational.org/article/about-privacy-and-human-rights-2006
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2006). Unlawful photography in public places: The New Zealand position. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 11(8), 213-215.
Roth, P. (2006). The workplace implications of RFID technology. Employment Law Bulletin, (1), 10-14.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. A. (2005). Privacy law and practice (Volume 1-2 ed.). Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 2500p.
Anderson, G., Hughes, J., Leggat, M., & Roth, P. (2005). Employment Law Guide (7th ed.). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths, 1297p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Anderson, G., Hughes, J., Leggat, M., & Roth, P. A. (2005). Institutions. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Employment Law Guide. (7th ed.) (pp. 1011-1152). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Anderson, G., Hughes, J., Leggat, M., & Roth, P. (2005). General Provisions. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Employment Law Guide. (7th ed.) (pp. 1153-1182). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Anderson, G., Hughes, J., Leggat, M., & Roth, P. A. (2005). Employment relations education leave. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Employment Law Guide. (7th ed.) (pp. 495-505). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Roth, P. (2005). Globalization and sovereignty: The case of human rights in New Zealand. In R. Patman & C. Rudd (Eds.), Sovereignty under siege. (pp. 59-76). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2005). Employment law. New Zealand Law Review, Part 4, 577-602.
Roth, P. A. (2005). National's workplace law policy. Employment Law Bulletin, (5), 79-80. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis.
Roth, P. (2005). Recent institutional developments in employment law. Employment Law Bulletin, (3), 37-41.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. (2004). Privacy law and practice: Volumes 1 & 2. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis, 3397p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. (2004). New Zealand. In Privacy and human rights 2004. (pp. 483-495). Washington D.C., USA: Electronic Privacy Information Centre (EPIC). Retrieved from http://www.epic.org/bookstore/phr2004/
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. (2004). Employment law. New Zealand Law Review, (Part 4), 723-750.
Roth, P. (2004). Failure to provide access: Prisoners and plaintiffs compensated. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 11(4), 109-111.
Roth, P. (2004). Remedies under New Zealand privacy law: Part 1. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 10(8), 153-157.
Roth, P. (2004). Remedies under New Zealand privacy law: Part 2. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 10(9), 174-178.
Roth, P. (2004). Remedies under New Zealand law: Part 3. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 10(10), 193-196.
Roth, P. (2004). Privacy proceedings and the dead. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 11(2), 50-51.
Roth, P. (2004). Privacy remedies under New Zealand law: Part 4. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 11(1), 25-27.
Journal - Research Other
Roth, P. (2004). Review of the book Law and labour market regulation in East Asia. Australian Journal of Asian Law, 6(1), 97-99.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Roth, P. (2004). Privacy issues in the employment life cycle. Proceedings of the Employment Law Conference. (pp. 199-217). Wellington: New Zealand Law Society. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Roth, P. (2004). The impact of the privacy legislation on the workplace: The New Zealand experience. Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference of Labour, Employment and Work in New Zealand. (pp. 5). [Abstract]
Edited Book - Research
Roth, P. A. (Ed.). (2003). Privacy law and practice. Wellington: Lexis Nexis, 3109p.
Anderson, G., Banks, B., Brown, J. M., Chauvel, C., Davenport, G., Harr, R., … Roth, P. A., & Skiffington, L. (Eds.). (2003). Mazengarb's employment law (6th ed.). Wellington, New Zealand: Lexis Nexis, 5032p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. A. (2003). New Zealand. In Privacy & human rights. (pp. 370-378). United States of America: Electronic Privacy Information Center.
Roth, P. A. (2003). Employment law. In J. Dawson & N. Peart (Eds.), The law of research: A guide. (pp. 285-304). Dunedin: University of Otago Press.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. A. (2003). Employment law. New Zealand Law Review, Part IV, 609-634.
Roth, P. A. (2003). The demise of private life [Editorial]. Employment Law Bulletin, (5), 57-60.
Roth, P. A. (2003). Remedies under New Zealand privacy law: recent cases. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 10(6), 116-119.
Roth, P. A. (2003). Confidential employment references: Access denied? New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(1), 91-107.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Roth, P. A. (2003). Reflections on ten years of the privacy act. Proceedings of the Privacy Issues Forum 2003. (pp. 1-3). Auckland: Office of the Privacy Commissioner. [Full Paper]
Roth, P. A. (2003). Remedies and process under the Privacy Act 1993. Proceedings of the International Law and Policy Conference: Surveillance and Privacy 2003: Terrorists and Watchdogs. (pp. 1-20). Sydney: Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre. [Full Paper]
Roth, P. A. (2003). High court appeals from tribunal decisions. Proceedings of the Privacy Issues Forum. (pp. 1-11). Wellington: Office of the Privacy Commissioner. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Roth, P. A. (2003, May). Monitoring of e-mail and internet use in the workplace. Verbal presentation at the Balancing employer liability and employees' rights: Legally monitoring internet communication [Clearswift panel discussion], Auckland, New Zealand.
Authored Book - Other
Roth, P. A. (2002). Employment Law Guide (6th ed.). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Mazengarb's Employment Law. Wellington, New Zealand: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Privacy Law and Practice. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Personal Grievances. Wellington: Butterworths.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. A. (2002). Commentary to Schedule 3. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Employment Law Guide. (6th ed.) (pp. 1065-1102). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Part 10: Institutions. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Employment Law Guide. (6th ed.) (pp. 883-999). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Commentary to Schedule 2. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Employment Law Guide. (6th ed.) (pp. 1030-1064). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Part 7: Employment relations education leave. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Employment Law Guide. (6th ed.) (pp. 369-379). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Part 11: General Provisions. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Employment Law Guide. (6th ed.) (pp. 999-1029). Wellington: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. A. (2002). What is personal information? New Zealand Universities Law Review, 20(1), 41-70.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Information about individuals. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 9(3), 49-52.
Roth, P. A. (2002). New Zealand compliance with and ratification of international labour organisation conventions 87 and 98. Employment Law Bulletin, 4-8.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Recent developments in New Zealand privacy law. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 9(7), 121-126.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Surveillance cameras in the workplace. Employment Law Bulletin, 54-60.
Roth, P. A. (2002). Employment Law. New Zealand Law Review, (1).
Roth, P. A. (2002). New Zealand twins: Access review processes for personal and third party requests. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 9(1), 9-12.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Roth, P. A. (2002). Reply to surveillance cameras in the workplace. Employment Law Bulletin, 109.
Roth, P. A. (2002). National's workplace law policy. Employment Law Bulletin, 73-76.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Roth, P. A. (2002). Remedies for personal data infringements: The New Zealand model. Personal Data and Privacy in the Digital Age. (pp. 1-21). Seoul: Korea Information Security Agency and Ministry of Information and Communication. [Full Paper]
Roth, P. A. (2002). Applying privacy principles to Online transactions and web sites. Understanding the Expanding Laws of E-Business. (pp. 1-7). Auckland: Institute for International Research. [Full Paper]
Roth, P. A. (2002). New Zealand twins: Access review processes for personal and third party requests. International Symposium on Freedom of Information and Privacy. (pp. 61-67). Auckland: Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand. [Full Paper]
Roth, P. A. (2002). The privacy/data protection aspects of doing business on line. Business Online: The Legal Issues. (pp. 51-67). Wellington: New Zealand Law Society. [Full Paper]
Authored Book - Other
Roth, P. A. (2001). Personal Grievances. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2001). Privacy Law and Practice. Wellington: Butterworths.
Anderson, G., Banks, B., Brown, J. M., Chauvel, C., Davenport, G., Harrison, R., … Roth, P. A., … Leggat, M. (2001). Mazengarb's Employment Law. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A., Anderson, G., Chauvel, C., Hughes, J., Johnston, K., & Leggat, M. (2001). Butterworths Employment Law Guide. Wellington: Butterworths.
Edited Book - Research
Holvast, J., Madsen, W., & Roth, P. (Eds.). (2001). The global encyclopaedia of data protection regulation: Supplement No. 3. London, UK: Kluwer Law International.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. A. (2001). Privacy: Electronic commerce issues. In D. Harvey (Ed.), Electronic Business and Technology Law. (pp. 11001-11169). Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2001). Employment relations education leave. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Butterworths Employment Law Guide. (pp. 323-332). Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2001). General provisions. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Butterworths Employment Law Guide. (pp. 892-1000). Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2001). Institutions. In G. Anderson, C. Chauvel, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, M. Leggatt & P. Roth (Eds.), Butterworths Employment Law Guide. (pp. 790-891). Wellington: Butterworths.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. A. (2001). New Zealand's Privacy Act in the courts. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 8(6), 122-125.
Roth, P. A. (2001). Enterprise transfer regulations: Overseas reality, New Zealand possibility. Employment Law Bulletin, 2001(March), 42-48.
Roth, P. A. (2001). Harder v Proceedings commissioner. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 7(7), 134-137.
Roth, P. A. (2001). International Labour Organisation Conventions 87 and 98 and the Employment Relations Act. New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, 26(2), 145-169.
Journal - Research Other
Roth, P. (2001). Employment law. New Zealand Law Review, (4).
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Roth, P. A. (2001). The poverty of fairness in employment law [Editorial]. Employment Law Bulletin, July, 85-87.
Roth, P. A. (2001). Symposium on the Employment Relations Act: Introduction. New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, 26(1), 1-4.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. A., & Churchman, P. (2000). Employment Relations Act 2000. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Law Society, 108p.
Authored Book - Other
Roth, P. A., Hughes, J., & Anderson, G. (2000). Personal Grievances. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A., Banks, B., Chauvel, C., Davenport, G., Harrison, R., Hughes, J., … Skiffington, L. (2000). Mazengrab's Employment Law. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (2000). Privacy Law and Practice. Wellington: Butterworths.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. A. (2000). Privacy and the human rights challenges of technology and globalisation. In R. G. Patman (Ed.), Universal Human Rights. (pp. 191-210). Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan Press.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. A. (2000). The new institutional framework. Employment Law Bulletin, (April), 64-69.
Roth, P. A. (2000). Workplace privacy: New Hong Kong and United Kingdom codes. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 7(6), 111-117.
Journal - Research Other
Roth, P. A. (2000). Employment law. New Zealand Law Review, (3).
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Roth, P. A. (2000). The individual employment relationship under the new industrial legisation [Editorial]. Employment Law Bulletin, July, 94-96.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Roth, P. A. (2000). The employment relations act and international labour organisation conventions 87 and 98. Proceedings of the New Zealand Law Society Employment Law Conference. (pp. 67-89). Wellington: New Zealand Law Society. [Full Paper]
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P., Holvast, J., & Madsen, W. (1999). The global encyclopaedia of data protection regulation. London, UK: Kluwer Law International, 330p.
Authored Book - Other
Roth, P. A., Anderson, G., Banks, B., Grills, W., Harrison, R., Hughes, J., … Skiffington, L. (1999). Mazengarb's Employment Law. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (1999). Privacy Law and Practice. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A., Hughes, J., & Anderson, G. (1999). Personal Grievances. Wellington: Butterworths.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. A. (1999). New Zealand. In S. Davies & D. Banisar (Eds.), Privacy and Human Rights. (pp. 221-229). Washingtion D.C., USA: Electronic Privacy Information Center.
Roth, P. A. (1999). Legislation: New Zealand. In R. Blanpain (Ed.), International Encyclopaedia of Labour Law and Industrial Relations. (pp. 1-228). The Hague: Kluwer Law International.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. A. (1999). Right and process in the Privacy Act. Human Rights Law & Practice, 5(1), 17-30.
Roth, P. A. (1999). The OECD on employment protection legislation and labour market performance. Employment Law Bulletin, 104-105.
Roth, P. A. (1999). Retirement: Finding a loophole in the net? (editorial). Employment Law Bulletin, 78-80.
Journal - Research Other
Roth, P. A. (1999). [Review of the book The Employment Contracts Act: The judicial Influence 1991-1997]. New Zealand Sociology, 11. [Book Review].
Authored Book - Other
Roth, P. A. (1998). Butterworths Employment Law Guide: 4th Edition. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (1998). Personal Grievances. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (1998). Privacy Law and Practice. Wellington: Butterworths.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. A. (1998). The Government's proposals regarding probationary employment. Employment Law Bulletin, 116-120.
Roth, P. A. (1998). Privacy Act Review: access and complaints. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 5(6), 115-118.
Roth, P. A. (1998). Opening employees' mail. Employment Law Bulletin, 43-46.
Roth, P. A. (1998). The unfinished business of regulating high-tech surveillance: a reply to Robert Stevens. Human Rights Law & Practice, 4(2), 120-122.
Roth, P. A. (1998). The International Labour Office code of practice on the protection of workers' personal data. Privacy Law & Policy Reporter, 5(1), 5-8.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Roth, P. A. (1998). Workplace privacy: the state of the play (editorial). Employment Law Bulletin, 134-135.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Roth, P. A. (1998). Discrimination in Employment. The XVth International Congress of Labour Law and Social Security, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (pp. 291-302). Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishers. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Roth, P. A. (1998). Development and eqaulity in respect to renummeration. The Sixth Pacific Basin Symposium on Development and Equality. (pp. 95-102). Bangkok, Thailand. [Abstract]
Roth, P. A. (1998). Workplace monitoring & surveillance. Privacy Issues Forum. Wellington. [Abstract]
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. A. (1997). The Privacy Act 1993: workplace testing, monitoring and surveillance. Human Rights Law & Practice, 3(2), 113-127.
Roth, P. A. (1997). International Labour Organisation Code of Practice: workers' privacy and the Privacy Act. Employment Law Bulletin, (7), 120-123.
Roth, P. A. (1997). Penalty actions against employees for breach of contracts. Employment Law Bulletin, (4), 63-66.
Journal - Research Other
Roth, P. A. (1997). [Review of the book The Legal Future of Employee Representation]. New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations, 22. [Book Review].
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Roth, P. A. (1997). Privacy Issues Forum: New Zealand's privacy regime at the cutting edge. LawTalk, 484, 14-15.
Roth, P. A. (1997). The cost of "individualising" labour law (editorial). Employment Law Bulletin, (5), 82-83.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Roth, P. A. (1997). Mapping the legal limits to workplace testing, monitoring and surveillance. Office of the Privacy Commissioner. (pp. 1-9). Auckland: Office of the Privacy Commissioner. [Abstract]
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. A., Hughes, J., & Anderson, G. (1996). Personal Grievances. Wellington: Butterworths.
Hughes, J., Roth, P. A., & Anderson, G. (1996). Personal Grievances. Wellington: Butterworths, 1000p.
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. A. (1996). The Privacy Act comes of age - but does it have any teeth in the workplace? Employment Law Bulletin, 98-99.
Roth, P. A. (1996). Labour law or labour market regulation? Trends in the Asia-Pacific region. Bar Tender, (5), 10.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Roth, P. A. (1996). Principles in practice: Privacy Act challenges for lawyers. The 1996 New Zealand Law Conference: Papers, Vol 2. (pp. 287-289). Dunedin: New Zealand Law Society. [Full Paper]
Roth, P. A. (1996). Privacy in the workplace: getting the balance right? Privacy Issues Forum. (Christchurch 1996). (pp. 1-9). Auckland: Office of the Privacy Commissioner. [Full Paper]
Journal - Research Article
Roth, P. A. (1995). Security for costs in the employment institutions: a recent phenomenon. Employment Law Bulletin, 130-133. Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (1995). The adjudication function of the Employment Tribunal. Employment Law Bulletin, 90-91. Wellington: Butterworths.
Authored Book - Research
Roth, P. A. (1994). Privacy Law and Practice. Wellington: Butterworths, 1084p.
Authored Book - Research
Anderson, G., Banks, B., Beris, S., Grills, W., Harison, R., Hughes, J., … Roth, P. A., & Skiffington, L. (1993). Mazengarb's Employment Law. Wellington: Butterworths, 400p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Roth, P. A. (1993). Privacy Act 1993. In G. Anderson, B. Banks, W. Grills, R. Harrison, J. Hughes, K. Johnston, … P. Roth (Eds.), Mazengarb's Employment Law. (pp. H701-H1304). Wellington: Butterworths.
Roth, P. A. (1993). The Privacy Act 1993. In G. Anderson, B. Banks, S. Beri, W. Grills, R. Harrison, J. Hughes, … P. A. L. Roth Skiffington (Eds.), Mazengarb's Employment Law. (pp. H701-H1304). Wellington: Butterworths.