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A Meeting Place for Interdisciplinary Explorations of Justice

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The University of Otago Legal Issues Centre - Te Pokapū Take Ture and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, New Zealand's Māori Centre for Research Excellence are excited to co-host the 2017 Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ) Conference at Otago University on the 6th-9th December 2017.

We invite researchers and postgraduate students from any discipline (including law, humanities, social sciences, sciences) who are interested in exploring an inherent component of the law and society discipline: justice. Specific conference themes for 2017 are:Cultural justice, Transitional justice, Criminal justice, Gender justice, Justice institutions, practice and practitioners, and Environmental justice.

Venue information

The conference is being held at the St David Lecture Theatre Complex located on the corner of St David & Cumberland Street.

Most keynote and plenary panel sessions will take place in the main St David Lecture Theatre. Parallel sessions will be located in the six surrounding seminar rooms, including two rooms on the mezzanine floor of the complex. A map of the complex will be in the Conference Handbook or you can download a copy here [St David Complex Map, 444 KB]

Calendar of events

This conference will provide a significant meeting place for those seeking interdisciplinary researched solutions for a safe, fair and just society. It is a coming together of people and ideas.

A pre-conference Postgraduate Day will be held Wednesday, 6 December 2017, 9:15am-4:30pm that is open to Postgraduate students.

The Programme commences at 5:15pm Wednesday, 7 December and concludes Saturday, 9 December at 12:30pm. The Conference dinner will be held at Ōtākou marae on Friday 8 Dec.

Keynote Speakers

We have an exciting range of Keynote Speakers lined up for the conference:

  • Professor Hilary Charlesworth, Melbourne Law School and Australian National University, Australia
  • Professor Angela R. Riley, University California Los Angles, USA
  • Professor Brian Tamanaha, Washington University Law School
  • Judge Heemi Taumaunu, Rangatahi Courts, New Zealand
  • Judge Lisa Tremewan, Waitakere District Court and Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court, New Zealand
  • Professor Tom Tyler, Yale University, USA

Conference Updates

For more information, please sign up to our email updates and we will let you know when dates are released for the:
Call for Papers - CLOSED
Registrations - CLOSED
Release of the full programme - AVAILABLE

Mailing List Signup

Download the LSAANZ 2017 Poster here (PDF, 136kb)

The official hashtag for the conference is #LSAANZ2017

Follow @LSAANZ1

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