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Te Ao o Rongomaraeroa | National Centre for Peace and Conflicts Studies offers global expertise on indigenous rights, peace building and conflict transformation

We also offer global cross-disciplinary expertise on critical terrorism and development.

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We are committed to manaakitanga for all in the Centre whānau; scholarly excellence; advocacy for human rights; the building of just and unconditionally inclusive societies; and to non-violent peace building activism.

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Karakia | Prayer

Kia tau te Rangimārie  |  May the peace
O te Rangi e tu iho nei  |  Of the Sky above
O Papatūānuku e takoto nei  |  Of Mother Earth below
O te Taiao e awhi nei  |  And of the all-embracing Universe
Ki runga i a tātou  |  Rest upon us all
Tihei Mauri Ora!  |  Behold, It Is Life!

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