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Dr Njimeh Ali

Dr Nijmeh Ali is a political and academic activist with a background in Political Science and Sociology. She is a researcher and policy analyst, with a PhD from the National Centre for Peace and Conflict studies at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Her research focuses on resistance and activism within oppressed groups, particularly among Palestinian activists in Israel. In a comprehensive view, her research provides a critical perspective on studying resistance and revolution in non-western societies and challenges the classic liberal framework of citizenship. It also deals with exposing strategies used by oppressed and marginalized groups in resisting their subjugation; therefore, it applies to women, minorities, refugees and migrants. Nijmeh writes regularly in al-shabaka: the Palestinian policy network, and provides political consultancy on Middle Eastern politics, mainly on the Israeli Palestinian conflict.


Dr Roderic Alley

Dr Roderic Alley was formerly Associate Professor of International Politics and International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington, and is a graduate of Victoria University and the London School of Economics. He is currently Senior   Fellow at the Victoria University Centre for Strategic Studies. Dr Alley has published and taught widely in foreign relations, international organisations, international relations in the Pacific, and arms control and disarmament.  Dr Alley  has interests in human rights, international humanitarian law, and is active in the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs.


Professor Eileen F. Babbitt

Professor Babbitt is Professor of International Conflict Management Practice, Director of the International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Program and co-director of the Program on Human Rights and Conflict Resolution at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Tufts University. She is also a Faculty Associate of the Program on Negotiation at the Harvard Law School. Her research and policy interests include identity-based conflicts; coexistence and trust-building in the aftermath of civil war; and the interface between human rights concerns and peacebuilding. Her 20+ years of practice as a facilitator, mediator, and trainer has included work in the Middle East and the Balkans, and with the United Nations, U.S. government agencies, regional inter-governmental organizations, and international and local NGOs.

Before joining the Fletcher faculty, Professor Babbitt was Director of Education and Training at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, D.C. and Deputy Director of the Program on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University.

Professor Babbitt's latest publications include the forthcoming book, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution in Context: Colombia, Sierra Leone, and Northern Ireland, co-edited with Ellen Lutz and published by Syracuse University Press; and Negotiating Self-Determination (2007), co-edited with Hurst Hannum and published by Lexington Books.

Dr. Babbitt holds a Master's Degree in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and a PhD from MIT.


Professor Margaret Bedggood  QSO

MA, New Zealand and University College London,
LLB, University of Otago

Professor Bedggood is Honorary Professor of Law, University of Waikato, New Zealand and Visiting Fellow, Kellogg College, Oxford.  A former Dean of the Law School, she was an elected member of the International Executive Committee of Amnesty International from 1999–2005.  Her research interests include human rights law, both domestic and international especially economic, social and cultural rights, and more recently the intersection of human rights, religion and theology.  She is a former Chief Commissioner and Chair of the New Zealand Human Rights Commission, Chair of the Human Rights Foundation of Aotearoa/New Zealand and a member of the Third Order of the Society of Saint Francis.


Professor Scott H. Bennett

Dr. Scott H. Bennett is professor of history at Georgian Court University, in Lakewood, New Jersey, USA.  He has special interests in twentieth century U.S. history with an emphasis on reform and radicalism; war, peace, & society; and America and the world.  His research focuses on radical pacifism, conscientious objectors, and nonviolent social movements.  He is past president of the Peace History Society.

He has published and spoken widely on radical pacifism, World War II conscientious objectors, and political nonviolence.  He has written Radical Pacifism: The War Resisters League and Gandhian Nonviolence in America, 1915–23 (2003). In addition, he has edited Army GI, Pacifist CO: The World War II Letters of Frank and Albert Dietrich (2005); and co-edited “Patriotic Protest: Antiwar Dissent & Peace Activism in World War I America: A Documentary Reader” (Univ. of Nebraska Press, forthcoming). He has completed a book manuscript on the lives and World War II prison letters of radical pacifists Igal and Vivien Roodenko.  He is currently writing a biography of socialist pacifist David McReynolds.


Dr Elvira Bobekova

Dr Elvira Bobekova received her PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Otago in 2013 and MA in Development Studies from the University of Auckland in 2007. Her doctoral thesis examined the role of third parties in conflict management of river disputes in Asia and Africa with particular focus on Central Asia. Dr Bobekova's research interests include environmental security, conflict management of water resources, mediation, Central Asian politics and hydropolitics. She has an extensive experience in evaluation, expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, conflict management and conflict resolution. She worked for more than 10 years in the education and NGO sector in developing countries. She successfully managed complex field data collection activities in several Asian countries, has extensive experience in primary data collection, and has specific experience in the field of conflict management of water based conflicts.

Journal articles

  • Bobekova, E; Svensson, I; Pearson, S. (2013). What Explains the East-Asian Peace and the Mekong River Cooperation, European Journal of East Asian Studies, 12, 7-34
  • Bobekova, E. (2013). “Absolute integrity or absolute sovereignty? Recent developments in hydropolitics and the role of Russia in Central Asia”. International Journal of Central Asian Studies..
  • Bobekova, E. (2007). “Decentralization of Education in Rural Kyrgyzstan”, Asian Development Bank Reports

Conference papers

  • Bobekova, E. (2012). Conflict management of river disputes in Asia and Africa. Paper presented at the NZ Political Studies Association Conference (NZPSA), Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, 25–28 November.
  • Bobekova, E. (2012). Hydropolitics in Central Asia: a new conceptual framework. Paper presented at the International Development Conference, The University of Auckland, Auckland, 3–5 December.
  • Bobekova, E. (2011). The role of third parties in conflict management of transboundary river disputes. Paper presented at the NZ Political Studies Association Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, 1–2 December 2011.
  • Bobekova, E. (2011). Water scarcity, riparian disputes and the role of third parties in transboundary river cooperation. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, 'Global Governance: Political Authority in Transition', March 16–20, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
  • Bobekova, E. (2011). Water scarcity, conflict and third parties. Paper presented at the Centre for Sustainability: Agriculture, Food, Energy and Environment, University of Otago, Seminar, 21 April, 2011.
  • Bobekova, E. (2006). Decentralisation of education in rural Kyrgyzstan. Paper presented at the Conference 'Global Governance, Educational Change, and Cultural Ecology', November 30 – December 4, 2006, Canberra, Australia.


Dr Volker Boege

Dr Boege is a Research Fellow at the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (ACPACS), University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Volker studied history, political science and German literature and has a PhD from the University of Hamburg.

His involvement with peace and conflict studies goes back to the early 1980s, when he first worked as a research assistant with the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg. Later he was a peace and security policy advisor to the parliamentary group of the Green Party in the German Parliament. In the 1990s he worked with the Unit for the Study of Wars, Armaments and Development of the University of Hamburg and for the Swiss Peace Foundation's ENCOP project (Environment and Conflicts Project). From 2001 to October 2003 he worked as a lecturer at the Institute for Development and Peace of the University of Duisburg, Germany. In October 2003 he joined the “Security and Environment” programme of the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC). He then began researching issues of water, conflict and cooperation, predominantly in southern Africa. In February 2005 he joined ACPACS as a visiting fellow. He continued to work for BICC while an ACPACS fellow. In October 2006 he took on the position of Research Fellow with ACPACS.

At present he mainly focuses on extractive industries and conflict; customary approaches to conflict transformation, peacebuilding and conflict resolution; conflicts and peacebuilding in the South Pacific; hybrid political orders, fragile states and state-building.

He has published numerous papers, articles and books in the fields of peace research and contemporary history. The latest book is: Muschelgeld und Blutdiamanten. Traditionale Konfliktbearbeitung in zeitgenössischen Gewaltkonflikten. Hamburg 2004 (Schriften des Deutschen Uebersee-Instituts Hamburg Nummer 63).


Professor Marie Breen-Smyth

Marie Breen-Smyth is Associate Dean International for the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences at the University of Surrey and Professor of International Politics in the School of Politics at Surrey. Together with Professor Sir Michael Aaronson, she founded the Centre for International Intervention (cii) a research initiative aimed at re-examining dominant ideas about international intervention with a view to incorporating non-Western and non-elite perspectives.

Previously, she was Director of the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Contemporary Political Violence (CSRV) in the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University. Prior to her appointment at Aberystwyth in 2005, she was Director of Research and Communication for Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, which was charged with the reform of standards in the criminal justice after the Good Friday Agreement. From 2002-2003 she was Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace. In 1994 she initiated The Cost of the Troubles Study, the first study to document the impact of political violence on the population (including children) of Northern Ireland and subsequently founded the Institute for Conflict Research which she directed until 2004. During this time, she worked with the Special Representative of the Secretary General of United Nations for Children and Armed Conflict on the issue of recruitment of children into paramilitary groups. She was on the academic staff of the University of Ulster from 1985 onward.

Together with Richard Jackson and Jeroen Gunning she has advocated a more critical approach within 'terrorism' studies and with Jackson, Gunning, George Kassimeris and Piers Robinson, she is a founder editor of the journal Critical Studies on Terrorism. Her recent books are The Ashgate Research Companion on Political Violence (Ashgate, 2012) and Terrorism; a critical introduction (with Richard Jackson, Lee Jarvis and Jeroen Gunning) ; a jointly edited work with Richard Jackson and Jeroen Gunning Critical Terrorism Studies (Routledge, 2008) and Truth and justice after violent conflict: managing violent pasts (Routledge, 2007).


Professor Benjamin J. Broome

Benjamin Broome is Professor in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University (ASU), where he teaches courses in intercultural communication, group facilitation, and conflict transformation. His research focuses on facilitation of sustainable dialogue in conflicts and other complex problem situations. Professor Broome has been actively involved since 1994 with civil society peacebuilding efforts in Cyprus, offering workshops, seminars, training, and other activities in conflict resolution, problem solving, and interactive design. In addition, he has organized and facilitated seminars and workshops for governmental, non-governmental, and corporate organizations in the United States and several European countries. Ben has a strong commitment to developing avenues for genuine dialogue that meaningfully addresses the increasingly complex and diverse issues facing our contemporary world.

Professor Broome regularly presents papers at international conferences, and his publications appear in journals such as International Journal of Peace Research, International Negotiation, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Small Group Research, Journal of Intergroup Relations, and other academic outlets. He is a member of the National Communication Association (of the United States), the International Communication Association, and the International Academy of Intercultural Research.

Prior to taking his current position at Arizona State University, Professor Broome taught at George Mason University, where he was one of the original founding members of the Faculty Advisory Board that developed the curriculum for what was then called the Center for Conflict Resolution and later became the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR). He also taught at the American College of Greece and wrote the award-winning book Exploring the Greek Mosaic. Broome served as Senior Fulbright Scholar in Cyprus from 1994-1996, and he has been a visiting scholar at the Australian Center for Peace and Conflict Studies in Brisbane and visiting faculty at the Center for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at Sabanci University in Istanbul.

Research Interests

Intercultural dialogue, third-party facilitation, culture and identity

Representative Publications


  • Broome, B. J.  (2005). Building Bridges Across the Green Line: A Guide to Intercultural Communication in Cyprus. Nicosia, Cyprus: United Nations Development Program (UNDP).  [translated into Greek and Turkish]

Book Chapters

  • Broome, B. J. (2009). Building Relational Empathy Through an Interactive Design Process, in Dennis D. J. Sandole, Sean Byrne, Ingrid Staroste-Sandole, Jessica Senihi (eds), Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Routledge, 184–200.
  • Broome, B. J. and Jakobsson Hatay, A.  (2006).  Building Peace in Divided Societies: The Role of Intergroup Dialogue, in John Oetzel and Stella Ting-Toomey (eds), Handbook of Conflict Communication, pp. 627–662, Sage Publications.
  • Broome, B. J.  (2006).  Applications of Interactive Design Methodologies in Protracted Conflict Situations, in Lawrence Frey (Ed.), Facilitating group communication in context: Innovations and applications with natural groups, pp. 125–154, Hampton Press.

Journal Articles

  • Broome, B. J. (2009). Dialogue Theories. In Steven Littlejohn & Karen Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. Sage.
  • Broome, B. J.  (2004).  Reaching Across the Dividing Line: Building a Collective Vision for Peace in Cyprus, International Journal of Peace Research, 41(2), 191–209.
  • Broome, B. J.  (2003). Responding to the challenges of third-party facilitation: Reflections of a scholar-practitioner in the Cyprus conflict, Journal of Intergroup Relations, 26 (4), 24–43.


Dr Karen Brounéus

Dr Brounéus is proud to have been part of the foundation team of NCPACS, working at the Centre from August 2009 until January 2014, first as a Postdoc and later as a Lecturer. She is currently Senior Lecturer and Director of Studies at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Sweden.

After psychology studies and working as a clinical psychologist with refugee women and children, Dr Brounéus did her PhD on the psychological aspects of truth and reconciliation processes in postconflict societies (Uppsala 2008). A particular focus in her PhD was on the psychological effects of witnessing in the gacaca process in Rwanda.

While at Otago, she conducted a three year project on the outcomes of the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) process on attitudes of importance to peacebuilding, eg towards trust, coexistence and ex-militant reintegration. Surveys and focus group interviews conducted in 2011 and 2013 in collaboration with Pasifiki Ltd, Honiara, will shed important light on the role of TRCs for peacebuilding. Read the report published in 2016 here.

Other research interests and ongoing projects include the psychological health of soldiers returning from operational deployment, the relationship between attitudes towards gender equality and violent political behaviour, and the legacies of sexual violence for peacebuilding after war.

She has published in several high-ranking journals such as Security Dialogue, Journal of Conflict Resolution and Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society.


Dr Darren Brunk

Dr. Darren Brunk is a public servant in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, where he is the Senior Policy Analyst on Peacebuilding within Canada's Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force (START). Presently, his areas of policy focus include UN peacebuilding architecture and Conflict-Sensitive Business Practices, though he has also extensive program and field experience in themes ranging from transitional justice to conflict mediation, Security Sector Reform (SSR) and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR). Between 2007 and 2008, he served as Legislative Assistant to the federal New Democratic Party's shadow minister for foreign affairs. Dr. Brunk has also worked with a number of humanitarian and development NGOs on peacebuilding issues in West, North and Central Africa, as well as in the Andean region of South America.

Dr. Brunk studied as a Commonwealth Scholar at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, where he completed his PhD in 2007. His thesis focused on humanitarian intervention in African conflict. His articles have been published in International Relations and Foreign Policy Analysis. He also holds degrees from Dalhousie University and the University of Waterloo.

Research Interests

His current research interests involve issues in intervention and peacebuilding, including Western perceptions of African conflict, the role of foreign businesses, indigenous peoples and diasporas in peacebuilding initiatives, and federal power-sharing responses to ethnic conflict.

Representative Publications

  • Brunk, D.(2008) 'Curing the Somalia Syndrome: US Policy-Making, Analogy and the Rwandan Genocide,' Foreign Policy Analysis, 4(3): 301–320.
  • Brunk, D.(2008) 'Dissecting Darfur: Anatomy of a Genocide Debate,' International Relations, 22(1): 25–44.


Dr Kenneth Bush

Kenneth Bush (PhD, Cornell) is the Research Coordinator of INCORE (International Conflict Research Institute) at the University of Ulster, in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Prior to this position, Dr. Bush was a founding professor of the Conflict Studies Programme at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. He has published and taught courses in: Evaluation, Methodology for Peace and Conflict Studies, Social Justice, Ethnicized Conflict; Peacebuilding; Post-Cold War Security; International Relations Theory; Conflict Management; Forced Displacement; war-affected kids; Foreign Policy; and Indigenous Governance. Dr. Bush has worked with a broad spectrum of policy, development and humanitarian organizations in the Global North and South.


Dr Sally Carlton

Sally gained her PhD in 2011 from the University of Western Australia. Entitled 'Calling the fallen: French veteran mobilisation of the war dead on Armistice Day 1919-2009,' her thesis considered the enactment of rituals and the use of certain spaces designed to facilitate communion between the living and the dead, as well as the three primary 'lessons' of war which prompt veterans to conduct these rituals: values, unity and peace. Sally's thesis has given her a solid understanding of both veteran politics and the commemoration and memorialisation of conflict. She has presented on these themes at universities and conferences around the world, and has also participated in a number of discussions intended to produce practical policy outputs such as the 2012 'Breaking the Silence: International Memory Initiatives Exchange Forum' organised by Impunity Watch.

After completing her PhD, Sally moved to Kathmandu to volunteer for a year with the Nepal Institute for Policy Studies (NIPS) through the Australian government-supported Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD) programme. As a Research Fellow, her work focussed on the country's troubled post-conflict present - particularly on the nexus between protest, human rights and democracy - and issues such as human security.

Having lived in countries across four continents, Sally is now based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Alongside her academic pursuits into the situation in post-earthquake Christchurch, she works for the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. She is also involved in the 'ANZAC Remembered' project headed by Monash University in Melbourne, which aims to gauge attitudes to the commemoration in various locations around the world.


Professor David Carment

Professor Carment is a full Professor of International Affairs at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University and Fellow of the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI). He is also a NATO Fellow and listed in Who's Who in International Affairs. In addition Professor Carment serves as the principal investigator for the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy project (CIFP).

Professor Carment has served as Director of the Centre for Security and Defence Studies at Carleton University and is the recipient of a Carleton Graduate Student's teaching excellence award, SSHRC fellowships and research awards, Carleton University's research achievement award, and a Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award. Professor Carment has held fellowships at the Kennedy School, Harvard and the Hoover Institution, Stanford and currently heads a team of researchers that evaluates policy effectiveness in failed and fragile states (see - Country Indicators for Foreign Policy). Recent articles on these topics appear in the Harvard International Review, the Journal of Conflict Management and Peace Science and the Global Responsibility to Protect Journal. His most recent book is Security, Development and the Fragile State: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Policy.



Conflict analysis, mediation, international organization, negotiation and policy analysis.

Research interests Include

The international dimensions of ethnic conflict including diaspora, the role of communication technologies in risk analysis and early warning, peacekeeping, conflict prevention and Canadian foreign policy analysis.


Dr Monica Carrer

Dr Monica Carrer is a researcher and practitioner in the field of peace and conflict studies, specializing in everyday peace and micro-level dynamics of violence. She has conducted fieldwork research in a post-conflict setting in India. Her main research interest is learning about how people respond to everyday forms of violence and build everyday peace.

In 2018, after earning her PhD from the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago, she co-founded The Everyday Peace Initiative with Dr Sylvia Frain – also alumna of the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at Otago – in order to bridge peace research and everyday peace action. Her current research for The Everyday Peace Toolkit Project looks at how people can respond to everyday violence by focusing on the micro-level dynamics of everyday violence in interpersonal interactions and in the context of structures of power. The findings will be used to create an interactive online toolkit that people can access to address everyday violence in their lives.

The Everyday Peace Initiative
The Everyday Peace Toolkit Project


Dr Feargal Cochrane

Dr Cochrane was born and educated in Belfast Northern Ireland. He is currently Director of the Conflict Analysis Research Centre, at the School of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent.

His research focuses in particular on patterns of political violence, peace-building, and the role of civil society in conflict transformation.

Over the last several years his work has been focusing on migration, conflict and security. He teaches on the peace studies and conflict resolution courses within the Richardson Institute at Lancaster University at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. He has published widely on issues linked to violent political conflict, including several books, numerous articles in leading international journals and contributions to a number of edited collections. He is currently working with a network of scholars from across Europe and North America on a comparative analysis of the role of Diaspora groups in peace and violence, and his monograph The End of Irish America? Globalisation and the Irish Diaspora, will be published by Irish Academic Press in Spring 2010. His last book was entitled Ending Wars (Polity Press 2008).



The Rt Revd Dr David Coles

MA(Hons), BD, MTh, DipRelEd, PhD

The Rt Revd Dr  David Coles  was Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Christchurch in New Zealand from 1990 to 2008. Previously he served as Vicar of Takapuna in Auckland an then as Dean of St John's Cathedral Napier, and in 1984 as Dean of Christchurch Cathedral until 1990. Since retirement as Bishop he has served in ministry appointments in Queenstown in Central Otago, Copenhagen in Denmark and in post-earthquake Christchurch until 2018

He has been deeply involved in the ecumenical movement throughout his Ministry and in 1974 he graduated PhD at the University of Manchester with a Dissertation on “The search for methods in Ecumenical Social Ethics” as the first PhD graduate in the Department of Social and Pastoral Theology under the supervision of the late  Professor Ronald Preston. His research engaged with the World Council of Churches and its Church and Society Programme under the leadership of the late Dr Paul Abrecht.

David Coles was Chair of the Council on Ecumenism of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia for  15 years. He was also a member and Chair of the Anglican Commission on Doctrine and Theological Questions.  He was  a President of the Conference of Churches of Aotearoa New Zealand from 1991-94. In 2007 he became the founding President of the Christchurch Inter-Faith Council. He was Proctor Fellow at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge Massachusetts in 1995 and Woods Fellow at Virginia Theological Seminary in 2005. He chaired the Anglican Tikanga Pakeha Commission of Sexuality from 1994 until the presentation of the Report in 1998. He was also a member of the World Council of Churches/Bossey Institute Working Parties on Human Sexuality in 2002 and 2003. He was a delegate to the WCC Assemblies in 1983 and 1991.

He continues to have active engagement with peace and justice issues, especially in relation to human sexuality and inter-faith matters.


Dr Kate Dewes

PhD ONZM (Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit)

Dr Dewes has coordinated the South Island Regional Office of the Aotearoa/New Zealand Peace Foundation from her home in Christchurch for 30 years. She taught Peace Studies from 1986-1997 part time and from 1999-2006 at the University of Canterbury. Between 1988-90, and again from 2000-2007, she served on the Public Advisory Committee on Disarmament and Arms Control. From 1992-96, she was an International Peace Bureau (IPB) Executive member, and was a Vice President from 1997-2003. She has been a member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Aotearoa) for 34 years. In 2007 she was appointed to the UN Secretary General's Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters and was the New Zealand government expert on the United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education from 2000-2002.

A pioneer of the World Court Project (WCP) - an international campaign by a network of citizen organisations which led to a legal challenge to nuclear deterrence in the International Court of Justice - she was on its International Steering Committee from 1992-96. Her Peace Studies doctoral thesis documents the evolution and impact of the WCP. She co-authored Aotearoa/New Zealand at the World Court with her partner Robert Green and has published numerous articles and chapters on the WCP and other nuclear disarmament and peace related issues (see ). She was the main instigator in the successful adoption of the proposal to have Christchurch declared New Zealand's first Peace City in July 2002 and received a Peace City Award in 2007.


Dr Chandima Daskon

Dr Chandima Daskon has been a Lecturer in Geography in University of Kelaniya and University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, between 2001 and 2012. She obtained her BA (Hons, First Class) in Geography from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, followed by an MPhil in Social Change from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She was subsequently awarded a fellowship from the United Nations University (UNU) in Japan and then a PhD (2010) from the University of Otago, New Zealand. She has been a principal researcher in two leading projects conducted by the United Nations University, Japan in collaboration with the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. She has been awarded a number of scholarships, medals and prizes for her academic competence. Since completing her doctorate, Dr Daskon has developed an international publication record, and her doctoral thesis on 'Culture, Tradition and Sustainable Livelihoods', was published in 2011.

Dr Daskon's research focuses particularly on culture-development initiatives, cultural capital, religion and development, rural sustainability, creative practices and post-war development scenarios. Her doctoral research specifically explores the significance of 'cultural capital', and advocates that the development industry needs to carefully consider and understand the role of cultural assets and move towards incorporating such assets and understanding into its work at both conceptual and programmatic levels. Dr Daskon is currently initiating a research project on the 'significance of local cultural values and creative practices in negotiating and restoring cultural integrity in the post-conflict context of Northern Province, Sri Lanka'.

Recent publications

  • Daskon, C (2014) Significance of Cultural Values in Securing Livelihood Asset Portfolios of Rural Communities,   Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences (forthcoming)
  • Daskon, C and T. Binns (2014) Faith and Development: Practising Buddhism in a development context - Sri Lankas Sarvódaya movement' in Carol Rakodi (ed), Religion, religious Organisations and Development – scrutinising religious perceptions and organisations, Routledge, pp 867-874.
  • Daskon C. and A. McGregor (2012) Cultural Capital and Sustainable Livelihoods in Sri Lanka's Rural villages – towards culturally aware development, Journal of Development Studies vol 48, No. 4,  pp549-563
  • Daskon, C. (2010) 'Are cultural traditions real 'assets' for rural people? – an analysis from a livelihood perspective' Global Journal of Human Social Science, vol. 10 Issue 3 (Ver 1.0) August 2010, pp. 13-24
  • Daskon, C. (2010) 'Cultural resilience – roles of cultural traditions in sustaining rural livelihoods', Sustainability, Special Issue – Sustainable human population in remote areas, 2010, 2(4), 1080-1100; doi:10.3390/su2041080.
  • Daskon, C. and Binns, T. (2009) Culture, tradition and sustainable rural livelihoods: exploring the culture-development interface in  Kandy, Sri Lanka, Community Development Journal, Advance Access published on 3 May 2009, doi:10.1093/cdj/bsp019.


Professor Barbara Einhorn

Professor Barbara Einhorn's research concerns issues of citizenship, gender and civil society; return migration and notions of 'home' and belonging; gender and mass dictatorships; nation and identity; religion, gender, and conflict. She is best known for her work on gender and citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe.

Significant publications include Cinderella Goes to Market: Citizenship, Gender and Women's Movements in East Central Europe (1993); Citizenship in an Enlarging Europe: From Dream to Awakening (2006; paperback edition with new introduction 2010); 'Insiders and Outsiders: Within and Beyond the Gendered Nation', pp. 196-213 in Kathy Davis, Mary Evans and Judith Lorber (eds) Handbook of Gender and Women's Studies (2006); Questioning the Secular: Religion, Gender, Politics, Special Issue of the European Journal of Women's Studies, 15(3) 2008; 'Democratization, Nationalism and Citizenship: The Challenge of Gender', pp. 47-66 in Linda Racioppi and Katherine O'Sullivan See (eds) Gender Politics in Post-Communist Eurasia (2009); 'Mass Dictatorships and Gender Politics: Is the Outcome Predictable?', pp. 34-62 in Jie-Hyun Lim and Karen Petrone (eds) Gender Politics and Mass Dictatorship: Global Perspectives (2011); 'Citizenship' in Mary Evans and Carolyn H. Williams (eds) Gender: The Key Concepts (2013); 'Human Security, Armed Conflict and Religion' chapter in Barbara Einhorn and Mary Evans, Confronting Gender: Conflict, Citizenship and Religion in Global Perspective (Zed Press, 2015 forthcoming).


Professor Mari Fitzduff

Professor Fitzduff is Professor and founding Director of the MA program in Coexistence and Conflict that started at Brandeis University, Boston, in 2004. The program is specifically geared towards the development of mid-career personnel working in governments, international and NGO organizations, who wish to develop their capacities in coexistence and conflict theory, policy and practice skills. Website:

From 1997-2003, she held a Chair of Conflict Studies at the University of Ulster where she was Director of UNU/INCORE ( from 1997-2003. UNU/INCORE was set up in 1993 by the University of Ulster and the United Nations University to address the management of ethnic, political and religious conflict through an integrated approach using research, training, policy, and program and practice development.

From 1990-1997 she was the founding Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council ( which was set up in 1990 to fund and work with government, statutory bodies, trade unions, churches, community groups, security groups, women's group, prisoners, businesses and politicians interested in developing programs and training to address issues of community relations/coexistence in Northern Ireland.

She has also worked on programmes on conflict resolution, human rights, and diversity/coexistence work in the Basque Country, the Caucasus, Sri Lanka, Middle East, Indonesia, Russia, Crimea, Cameroon, Philippines, Peru and Columbia, and is utilized as an international expert by many international organizations on international conflict such as the British Council, the Commonwealth, UNDP, UNDPA, UNDESA, World Bank, DiFID, etc.


Dr Michael Foley

Dr Foley is Senior Lecturer at the Department of History, University of Sheffield. He is interested in peace history and the history of social movements in post-1945 America. He has written widely on the draft resistance movement during the Vietnam War, and has just completed a major monograph on grassroots politics in the US in the 1970s and 1980s (to be published by Hill & Wang in September 2013). His next projects will examine the politics of homelessness in the Reagan era and the transnational movement to shut down Guantanamo and end torture. He is also a founding co-editor of The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics, and Culture (published by Routledge since 2008).

Representative Publications

  • Front Porch Politics and the Forgotten Heyday of American Activism: the 1970s and 1980s (New York: Hill & Wang, forthcoming in 2013)
  • Home Fronts: A Wartime America Reader (ed., with Brendan P. O´Malley) (New York: The New Press, 2008)
  • Witness Against Torture: The Campaign to Shut Down Guantanamo (ed., with Anna J. Brown, Matthew W. Daloisio, Patrick Stanley, Matthew Vogel) (New York: Yellow Bike Press, 2008)
  • Dear Dr. Spock: Letters about the Vietnam War to America's Favorite Baby Doctor (ed.) (New York: New York University Press, 2005)
  • Confronting the War Machine: Draft Resistance during the Vietnam War (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003)
  • "'Everyone Was Pounding on Us': Front Porch Politics and the American Farm Crisis," Journal of Historical Sociology (forthcoming in 2013).
  • "A Lesson of Commitment and Sacrifice: Draft Resistance in Boston and Puerto Rico during the Vietnam War," in Benjamin Ziemann, ed., Peace Movements in Western Europe, Japan and the USA during the Cold War. Essen, Germany: Klartext Verlag, 2007, pp. 61-76.
  • "The 'Point of Ultimate Indignity' or a 'Beloved Community?': The Draft Resistance Movement and New Left Gender Dynamics," in John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds.,The New Left Revisited (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003); 178-198.
  • "Sanctuary!: A Bridge Between Civilian and GI Protest against the Vietnam War," in Robert Buzzanco and Marilyn Young, eds., A Companion to the Vietnam War, (Boston: Blackwell, 2002), 426-433.
  • "Confronting the Johnson Administration at War: The Trial of Dr. Spock and Use of the Courts to Effect Political Change," Peace & Change, 28: 3 (January 2003), 67-107.
  • "A Mission Unfulfilled: The Post Office and the Distribution of Information in Rural New England, 1821-1835," Journal of the Early Republic, 17: 4 (Winter 1997), 611-650.


Dr Kieran Ford

Dr Kieran Ford completed his PhD at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies in 2019. Kieran's research focuses on educational approaches to countering terrorism and extremism. With an interest in critical terrorism studies, and critical research methods, Kieran is particularly interested in the discourses of extremism and terrorism, and the ways in which the problems of extremism, peace and violence are constructed. His PhD thesis, "Defending a Castle Under Siege: A critical examination of the British counter-extremism in schools strategy" examined discourses of extremism and terrorism within teaching materials designed to fulfil the UK's controversial and heavily-contested Prevent strategy. Drawing from this research, his current research interests include: agonistic politics and extremism; anti-racism and white supremacy; nonviolent counter-terrorism and counter-extremism.

Kieran currently works with the Toda Peace Institute on a project developing educational resources on issues of extremism, racism and violence in New Zealand, funded by Quaker Peace and Service Aotearoa/New Zealand. Alongside his research, he tutors in the Department of Sociology, University of Otago.

Recent publications

  • Ford, K. (2019). “This violence good, that violence bad: Normative and state-centric discourses in British school textbooks”.  Critical Studies on Terrorism 12:4. 693-714.
  • Ford, K. (2019). “A pacifist approach to countering extremism”.  Global Society.
  • Martini, A., Ford, K., & Jackson, R. (eds.) (forthcoming). Encountering Extremism: A Critical Examination of Theoretical Issues and Local Challenges.  Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Dr Sylvia C Frain

Sylvia C Frain earned her PhD with the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago in 2017 and was the inaugural  postdoctoral fellow with the Pacific Media Centre at Auckland University of Technology in 2018. She currently serves as a Research Associate with the Micronesian Area Research Center at the University of Guam, continues as a member of the Vakatele Pacific Research Network at Auckland University of Technology, and conducts research for Impact Research NZ.

Sylvia assists with grant writing for Practical Solutions, LLC, based in Saipan, The Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, Micronesia, is a content contributor for the blog Pasifika Rising, which is part of the Raising Pacific Voices Project with Oxfam Pacific, and is the resource editor for the digital site, Aotearoa New Zealand Disarmament Hub, hosted by Peace Movement Aotearoa.

Along with the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies alumni, Dr Monica Carr, she co-founded The Everyday Peace Initiative a collective which supports people and communities to build peace through research, education, and consulting services. Finally, Sylvia serves as a council member with the Auckland-based Peace Foundation.

Sylvia continues to use new media platforms to archive her research data and share resources for others working across Oceania. She founded and manages the research-oriented Facebook page, Oceania Resistance to share her research in the Marianas Archipelago and highlight current issues impacting the Pacific region. Her work is linked through the #hashtag: #OceaniaResistance and her doctoral thesis is available as an e-book on the Guam-based website, Guampedia.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Policy Brief

Web-Based Publications with the Pacific Media Centre:


Dr Daniel Fridberg

Peacebuilding scholar-practitioner – Danny is an experienced mediator, specialising in public participation processes and consensus building in public and environmental disputes; dialogue group facilitator and advisor, ranging from the grassroots to track II levels in Israel and Palestine, Cyprus and the US; peace-building project manager and evaluator; trainer and teacher. Danny has taught at the Evens Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation in Tel-Aviv University, as well as at the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Oregon.

His PhD research at the Centre focused on transformation processes that people undergo in violent conflicts, which lead them to walk away from violence and engage in peaceful action. Danny holds a BA degree in Psychology and an MA degree in Conflict Research, Management and Resolution, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Since 2014, together with Dr Heather Devere, Danny has been the trainer and professional supervisor at the Otago Peer Mediation Centre, which provides students with full mediation training, followed by enrolling them as mediators, assisting other students with their day-to-day disputes. Since 2018, Danny also works as a Learning and Teaching Specialist at Otago Polytechnic.

Publications include

  • Friedberg, Daniel and Pinus, Diana Alderoqui (2012). The Peace Labyrinth: An interactive exhibition on conflict resolution.  Curator: The Museum Journal 55(3), 341–354.
  • Fridberg, Daniel (2009). Between the personal and the political: An observation on group dynamics in dialogue encounters of Jews and Palestinians in Israel (in Hebrew).  Organizational Analysis 14, 61–85.
  • Har Lev, Amitay and Fridberg, Daniel (2007). Mediation: Shared dialogue and consensus building (in Hebrew). A document for the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Mob +64 20 4032 6954

Dr Ellen Furnari

Ellen Furnari received her PhD in peace and conflict studies from the University of Otago, New Zealand in 2014 and MSW from Adelphi University, Garden City, USA.  Her doctoral thesis focused on what frontline peacekeepers understand contributes to effective peacekeeping, including the perspectives of military, police, civilian and unarmed civilian peacekeepers. Her research interests include epistimology - the process of knowing and research methods, effective peacekeeping, nonviolence, and critical peace studies more broadly. She is currently an adjunct faculty at Webster University, St. Louis, MO, USA, a lecturer at John F. Kennedy University, Pleasant Hill CA, USA, and senior partner at Transforming Matters, an evaluation and learning consultancy. Her current research project uses process tracing and cross case comparison methods to test the theories of change and explore emerging practices in unarmed civilian peacekeeping in three case studies. She also facilitates Alternatives to Violence Projects in prison and supports Buddhist practitioners in prison.

Recent publications include

  • The Role of Relationships In The Emergence of Peace forthcoming chapter in Behavioural Processes and Systems of Peace. Peter Verbeek and Benjamin A. Peters, Eds. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publishers 2015
  • Securing Space for Local Peacebuilding: The Role of International and National Civilian Peacekeepers. Ellen Furnari, Huibert Oldenhuis and Rachel Julian. Presented at Shaping Peace: Local Infrastructures and State Formation, University of Manchester, September 2014.
  • Creating knowledge in the midst of conflict: How peacekeepers know, what they know and implications for effective peacekeeping.  The Art of Composing the Picture: Knowledge Production in Conflict and Peacebuilding Interventions. International conference by invitation only. Uppsala. 2-3 June 2014
  • Unarmed civilian peacekeeping: a potential response to peacekeepers' and critical scholars' parallel critiques of multidimensional peace operations?  Presented at the International Humanitarian Studies Association,  October, 2013.
  • It's about relationships more than weapons: front line peacekeepers define effective peacekeeping. Presented at the International Peace Research Association November 2012.
  • Ellen is a co-author  of Strengthening Civilian Capacities to Protect Civilians from Violence: An Introductory Course. Co-authored with Huibert Oldenhuis, Rolf Carrier and Mel Duncan. Forthcoming manual and online course UNITAR, 2014.


Professor Ed Garcia

Prof. Ed Garcia has served for two decades as peace envoy and senior advisor at International Alert, a peace-building organisation working in diverse regions of conflict where he has worked in Asia (Aceh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Nepal and the Philippines), Africa (Burundi, Rwanda, Nigeria, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Sudan and South Africa), Americas (Colombia), among others.

His work has focused on people's participation in peace processes, facilitation and mediation in peace negotiations, and drawing lessons learned in peacemaking.  He led in the drafting of the first Code of Conduct for Conflict Transformation Work (International Alert, 1998), highlighting the primacy of people, linking human rights to peacebuilding, and underscoring principled impartiality;  wrote the Alert-Asia Comparative Learning on Peace Practice on Alert's 20th anniversary year (2006), as well as a series on building peace constituencies to accompany peace processes in 2004: Accompanying Peace Advocates in Burundi; Working with Religious Leaders and the Justice and Peace Commission; Accompanying Peace Advocates in Colombia;Working Towards a Just Peace; and Accompanying Peace Advocates in the Philippines 1987-2004.  He also wrote Revisiting the People's Power Experience and Re-thinking Peace Processes in the Philippines and Nepal, Alert, 2006; conducted consultations relevant to constitution-making and published, Consolidating Peace. Nepali Constitution-Making: A Filipino Peace Practitioner's Perspective, Alert, 2008.  He has also co-edited a series of publications on the annual gathering, Waging Peace in the Philippines.

As a member of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, he helped to draft the Philippine Constitution ratified in the 1987 plebiscite.  He headed the public hearings committee which held consultations throughout the country, and was the principal sponsor of provisions recognizing the role and rights of people's organisations, the creation of the Commission on Human Rights, the abolition of the death penalty, and crucial provisions in the Bill of Rights and the Article on Social Justice.  He was also a main protagonist in the debate on the issue of freedom from nuclear weapons and freedom from foreign military bases.

Previously, he taught at the political science department of the University of the Philippines from 1981 to 1994, and at the interdisciplinary studies department of the Ateneo de Manila University; was researcher at the international secretariat of Amnesty International 1978-80, and founding convenor of Amnesty International in the Philippines from 1984 to 1994.  He did his masteral dissertation on Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue in 1965 at the Loyola School of Theology/Ateneo de Manila University, post-graduate work on Latin American Studies at the Universidad Nacional de Mexico and Asian Studies at the Centro de Estudios de Asia y Africa del Norte, and post-graduate courses on peace studies at both the Centre for Peace and Conflict Research at Upsaala, Sweden and the summer institute at the Blindern campus of the University of Oslo in 1988.


Dr Gautam Ghosh

Gautam has studied and taught at the top anthropology departments in the U.S. including the University of California-Berkeley, the University of Chicago and the University of Pennsylvania . His research has been funded by the Fulbright, Guggenheim, MacArthur and Rockefeller Foundations, as well as by the Davis Center of Princeton University.

He has given invited lectures at Harvard University, the University of Amsterdam, Columbia University, the University of Chicago, the University California at Berkeley, Stanford University, the State University of New York at Binghamton, Bryn Mawr College and Wellesley College among other institutions. He has served on the editorial boards of Anthropological Quarterly, the International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, Expedition (the magazine of the Pennsylvania Museum) and Peace and Democracy in South Asia. He is an elected officer of the American Anthropological Association's Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology. In 2009 Gautam was named among the top ten teachers at the University of Otago. He has been quoted in major U.S. newspapers and appeared on National Geographic television. He has also been featured in an Otago Daily Times article and interviewed on the radio.

His research interests are: Social & Cultural Theory; Religion, Politics & Political Theology; Cyberia; Time & Space; Anthropology & History; Liberalism and Sovereignty; PostColonial Studies; Migration & Multiculturalism; Music; South Asia; Asian-American studies.

Publications include

  • Partition, Unification, Nation: Imagined Moral Communities in Modernity. Special Volume of Social Analysis 42(1). Gautam Ghosh (ed).
  • “The (Un) Braiding of Time in the 1947 Partition of British India.” Migration in History.  Anthony Grafton and Marc Rodriquez (eds).  University of Rochester Press,  2007.
  • Flags of Anarchy: the Liberal Patriotism of Benedict Anderson,” forthcoming.
  • "Outsiders at Home?" in Everyday Life in India. Sarah Lamb and Diane Mines (eds).  Indiana University Press.
  • “Civilization, Vulnerability and Translation:  Reflections in the Aftermath of September 11” Anthropological Quarterly, 75(1), Gautam Ghosh (ed).


Associate Professor Piero P. Giorgi

BSc (Hons), PhD (Newcastle/Tyne, UK), FAIBiol

Associate Professor Giorgi, formally Adjunct Associate Professor at the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies of the University of Queensland, is now a member of the European Centre of Gargnano (Brescia, Italy) and a founding member of the association Neotopia (Piacenza, Italy) . Research Interests: origins of violence and war, neurobiology of violence and cooperation, anthropology of nonviolence, human nature, applied nonviolence in daily life, Europe for peace. Current activities: lecturing at universities and schools, training for social promotion groups, training for active citizenship, writing on violence and nonviolence.


Piero P. Giorgi gained a BSC Hons in Biology (1965, University of Bologna, Italy), a PhD in Neurology (1974, University of Newcastle/Tyne, UK) and was elected a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Biology (1998). As a neuroscientist, he has introduced scientific concepts and different research methods into peace studies, a discipline usually operating within humanities and social sciences. A coordinator of the course “Origins of Aggression and Cooperation” for the BA degree on Peace & Conflict Studies, University of Queensland (1991-2003), Piero retired in 2004 to promote peace studies in Italy, as a member of the European Centre of Gargnano (Brescia) and of the association Neotopia (Piacenza). Hobbies: nature, friends and writing historical novels.

Essential references (on Peace Studies)

Giorgi P. P. (2001) The origins of violence by cultural evolution, 2nd edition. Minerva E&S, Brisbane. [Out of print, free download at]
Giorgi, P. P. (2007) The origins of violence – New ideas and new explanations affecting responses to terrorism, in Senthil Ram & Ralph Summy (eds) Nonviolence – An alternative for defeating global terror(ism), pp. 11–27. Foreword by The Dalai Lama. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge (NY).
Giorgi, P. P. (2007) Countering with nonviolence the pervasive structural violence of everyday life – The case of small Italian townships, in Ralph Summy (ed) Nonviolent alternatives for social change, in Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford (UK).
Giorgi, P. P. (2008) La violenza inevitabile – Una menzogna moderna (The inevitable violence – A modern lie). Jaca Book, Milan
Giorgi, P. P. (2009) Nonkilling biology, in Joam Evans Pim (ed) Toward a nonkilling paradigm, pp. 95–124. Centre for Global Nonkilling, University of Hawaii (Honolulu).
Giorgi, P. P., Guy, S., Hocking B. A. (2009) I sing of arms and the doctors – What role for law when biology is called to war? in B. A. Hocking (ed.) The nexus of law and biology, pp. 23–43. Ashgate, Farnham (Surrey).
Giorgi, P.P. (2010) Not killing other people – The origins and only future for Homo sapiens, in Joam Evans Pim (ed) Nonkilling societies, pp. 83–100. Centre for Global Nonkilling, University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu).
Giorgi, P. P. (2015) The centrality of women in the human adventure, in Mino Vianello & Mary Hawkesworth (eds) Gender and power – Toward equality and democratic governance, Chapter 9, pp. 154–170.  Mcmillan, New York.
Giorgi, P. P. (2015) Spirituality and Nonkilling – Theoretical Basis and Practical Evidence, in Joàm Evans Pim & Pradeep Dhakal (eds) Spiritual nonkilling traditions, Chapter 4, pp. 81–96. Center for Global Nonkilling, University of Hawaii, Honolulu.


Dr Kennedy Graham

BCom (Auckland), BA (Wellington), MA (Boston), PhD (Wellington)

Dr Graham is Senior Adjunct Fellow at the School of Law, University of Canterbury (2007–10), having held a research fellowship for the previous two years. The fellowship facilitated a research project on 'alternative models of regional governance for Pacific Island States'.

Dr Graham holds a BCom (Auckland), MA in International Relations (Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Boston), and a PhD (Victoria University, Wellington). He has received Fulbright and Fletcher scholarships, a McCarthy Fellowship (1986), and was Quartercentenary Fellow at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, England (1995). Dr Graham served in the NZ foreign service for 16 years, specializing in global security and the UN, his last diplomatic assignment being counsellor in the NZ Mission to the United Nations in Geneva. He has lived and worked in nine countries in Asia, the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas.

From 1999 to 2004 he worked for the United Nations University, first as Director of its Leadership Academy (Amman, Jordan; 1999-2002); then as director of its Regional Security & Global Governance Project (Bruges, Belgium; 2002–4). In 2004 he was commissioned to provide a paper for the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Paper on Threats, Challenges and Change.

In 2005–6 he was Senior Consultant to the UN's Department of Political Affairs in New York, assisting in the preparation and convening of the Secretary-General's high-level meetings, and the Security Council's meetings, with regional organizations.


Dr Paula Green


Dr Green has many years of experience in peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and reconciliation. Her international experience includes the development, design, and delivery of multi-year programmes in peacebuilding, inter-communal dialogue, and reconciliation for diverse stakeholders. As the founder and former director of the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding, she directed the organization's peacebuilding and conflict resolution programmes and has worked in over 25 countries in Asia, Africa, Mid East, the Balkans, and the Caucasus. She is also the founder and Director of the CONTACT (Conflict Transformation Across Cultures) programme and a faculty member at the School for International Training Dr. Green has held numerous university faculty positions and has been a counseling psychologist and professor of psychology. She is the author of a number of publications on peacebuilding and conflict transformation.  In April 2009, Dr. Green was awarded an Unsung Hero of Compassion by the Dalai Lama. The Unsung Heroes award is presented to “individuals who, through their loving kindness and service to others, have made their communities and our world a better place.”  In 2012 Dr Green received the Marsella Prize for Psychology of Peace & Justice "For tireless dedication to supporting new generations of peacebuilders", from Psychologists for Social Responsibility.


Commander Robert Green

Royal Navy (Retired)

Commander Green served from 1962–82, navigating Buccaneer nuclear strike aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters. Promoted to Commander in 1978, he worked in the Ministry of Defence in London and finally as Staff Officer (Intelligence) to the Commander-in-Chief Fleet during the Falklands War.

In 1984, the murder of Rob's aunt Hilda Murrell, an anti-nuclear energy and weapons campaigner, led him to campaign against nuclear power. Then the break-up of the Soviet Union and the 1991 Gulf War caused him to speak out against nuclear weapons.

In October 1991 he became Chair of the UK branch of the World Court Project, through which he met Kate Dewes, a pioneer of this international legal challenge to the doctrine of nuclear deterrence. After marrying in 1997, they established the Disarmament & Security Centre in their home in Christchurch. Rob is using his twenty years' military experience to promote alternative thinking about defence issues, and help build bridges between the military and the peace movement. See for his numerous publications.


Dr Peter Greener

New Zealand Defence Force

Dr Greener is Senior Fellow at the Command and Staff College, New Zealand Defence Force, Trentham, Wellington. Professionally qualified as a psychotherapist, Peter has a Master of Public Policy from Victoria University of Wellington, and a PhD in Politics from the University of Auckland.

He joined NZDF in 2008, having previously been Head of School, School of Public Health & Psychosocial Studies, AUT University where he had been a senior staff member since 1997. Prior to joining AUT Peter had been Director of the Auckland Family Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre for some 12 years. Peter has been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Bradford, and Fellow of the Asia Pacific College of Security Studies, Honolulu. From 1995 - 1999 he was Chair of the Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs.

Peter's research interests include the aetiology, management and resolution of conflict; post conflict development; and the politics of defence decision making. He brings to these interests the perspective of his many years experience as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. Peter has edited a number of books including Turning the tide – A New Approach to Conflict Resolution (2001); Push for Peace (2005); Legacy of Armistice – why Afghanistan? (2006); The Balkan Question – is there an answer in sight? (2007) and “very, very, very good friends”? New Zealand United States Relationships (2008); and he was a contributing author to The No-Nonsense Guide to Conflict and Peace (2005 and 2006).


Sanjana Hattotuwa

Sanjana Hattotuwa is an Ashoka, Rotary World Peace, and TED Fellow, and is a pioneer in the use of technology for peacebuilding.

In 2006 Sanjana founded the award-winning Groundviews, Sri Lanka's first civic media website, which he curated for over 11 years. From 2002 to 2020 he was with the Centre for Policy Alternatives, a think-tank based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where he worked on civic media, social media tactics and strategy, digital activism, and digital security for activists. He completed his doctoral studies in 2021, where he studied the complicated and symbiotic relationships between online content on social media and consequential offline socio-political developments in post-war Sri Lanka.

As a Special Advisor at the Swiss-based ICT4Peace Foundation since 2006, Sanjana helps strengthen information management during crises and work on countering violent extremism online. This includes leading the Foundation's work on these lines with the United Nations on peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and humanitarian responses.

Since 2008, Sanjana has worked extensively in South Asia, South-East Asia, North Africa, Europe and the Balkans to capture, disseminate and archive inconvenient truths in austere, violent contexts.

Sanjana is presently working with Te Pūnaha Matatini, at the University of Auckland, studying misinformation and disinformation ecologies in Aotearoa, New Zealand, building on over two decades of grounded research at the intersection of social media, political communication, violence generation and the fuller realisation of a country's democratic potential.


Marian Hobbs

Marian's driving force, even in retirement from full-time work and full diaries, is to help build societies where the members can work through difficult issues without resort to bullying, physical violence or warfare.

Marian's working life has been divided between education and NZ Parliament. She taught at several Christchurch schools, ending as Principal of Avonside Girls' High School. She began her school working life helping establish Four Avenues Alternative School, which was funded by the Department of Education.

Sprinkled through her working life has been setting up an urban commune, Chippenham; anti-apartheid activism 1972-1985; anti-war movement, civil liberties.

Then came formal politics: Labour MP for 12 years, with six as a Cabinet Minister 1999-2005. Between 2002-2005 she held three interlocking portfolios: Minister for Environment; Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control and as Associate Minister for Foreign Affairs(NZAID). Working in these portfolios, Marian learnt much of the ways of negotiation and worked with many wonderful workers for peace throughout the world.She is still connected as a Past President of PNND. Recently she has been supporting the movement for a nuclear-weapons free Arctic and a nuclear weapons free Scotland.


Dr Garth den Hayer

Manager: Security, Counter Terrorism and Emergency Planning, New Zealand Police

Dr. den Heyer is an Inspector with the New Zealand Police with more than 32 years experience.  Garth is also a Senior Research Fellow with the Police Foundation in Washington, DC. and a lecturer with the Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security at Charles Sturt University in Australia.  He is the Manager: National Security for the New Zealand Police and is responsible for implementing and managing the New Zealand Police's national operational response to natural and civil disasters and national security/counter terrorism incidents.  Dr. den Heyer has extensive experience in police and security sector reform issues in post-conflict nations, including in the Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Bougainville and Afghanistan.  Garth was deployed for 20 months to the Solomon Islands as part of RAMSI to advise both the international deployment and the local police on organisational reform.  Garth has a Masters degree in economics from the University of London and a Masters degree in Security and Intelligence from Victoria University, Wellington.  He also has a Doctorate in Public Policy from Charles Sturt University.  Dr den Heyer has published a number of papers and articles on policing, including the militarization of police, police reform in post conflict states and service delivery effectiveness.  He has recently completed an 18 month United States Institute of Peace funded research project which evaluated the role of civilian police in peacekeeping and is currently the Principle Investigator on a US Office of Community Oriented Policing Services' (COPS) funded research project.  This project is a national and international comparative assessment of cost-reducing strategies adopted by police agencies to maintain effective and efficient delivery of services.

Representative Publications

Books and Edited Volumes

  • den Heyer, G. (2012) The Role of Civilian Police in Peacekeeping: 1999-2007. Police Foundation: Washington, DC.
  • den Heyer, G. (2009) Use of Econometric Modeling and Analysis to Support Operational Policing.  VDM Publishing: Mauritius.
  • Keay, D, den Heyer, G. and Russell, N. (1998) Assaults Review: A Study of Assaults on New Zealand Police Officers.  Staff Safety project, New Zealand Police: Wellington.


  • den Heyer, G. (accepted 12 June 2012) "Developing Police in Post-Conflict Nations: A Sustainable Organisational Capacity Development Model" in D. Das (ed.) Title to be advised.  CRC Press: Boca Raton, Florida.
  • den Heyer, G., Mitchell, M., Gnash, S. and Devery, C. (2011) “An Econometric Method of Allocating Police Resources” in J. Albrecht and D. Das (eds.), Effective Crime Reduction Strategies: International Perspectives, pp. 347-376. CRC Press: Boca Raton, Florida

Articles in Refereed Journals

  • den Heyer, G. (Submitted 15 November 2012) "Police as Nation Builders: Distinguishing Between Countries that Contribute Police Officers to United Nations Peace Operations".  International Journal of Peacekeeping.
  • den Heyer, G. and Beckley, A. (Submitted 8 September 2012) "Police Independent Oversight in Australian and New Zealand."  Police Practice and Research: An International Journal.
  • den Heyer, G. (Submitted 24 December 2011) "Consolidation: A Phased Framework for Re-Organising American Policing". Policing Quarterly.
  • den Heyer, G. (Accepted 20 June 2012) “Mayberry Revisited: A Review of the Influence of Police Paramilitary Units on Policing”.  Policing and Society.
  • den Heyer, G. (2011) “Filling the Security Gap: Military Versus Civilian Police”.  Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 460–473.
  • den Heyer, G. (2011) “Is New Public Management a Useful Strategy for Democratic Policing?” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 419–433.
  • den Heyer, G. (2010) “Measuring Capacity Development and Reform in the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force”. Police and Society, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 298–315.
  • den Heyer, G. (2010) “Evaluating Police Reform in Post Conflict Nations: a Solomon Islands Case Study”. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Spring, Vol. 34, No. 1, p. 213–234.
  • den Heyer, G., Mitchell, M., Gnash, S. and Devery, C. (2008) “An Econometric Method of Allocating Police Resources”. International Journal of Police Science and Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 192–213.
  • den Heyer, G. (2007) “Stabilising the Solomons: A Regional Response”.  New Zealand International Review, July/August, Vol. XXXII, No.4.
  • den Heyer, G. (2006) “New Zealand Police's Approach to Countering Terrorism Since September 2001”.  New Zealand International Review, January/February, Vol. XXXI.

Articles in Other Journals (not refereed)

  • den Heyer, G. (Submitted 10 October 2012) “Shape or Adapt?  The Future of Policing in America.”  The Police Chief, Vol. TBA.
  • den Heyer, G. (December) "Lessons Learned from the New Zealand Police: Opportunities for the USA". The Police Chief, Vol. LXXIX, No.12, December, pp. 60-63.
  • den Heyer, G. (2012) "Post-Conflict Civilian Police Reform: 1999 to 2007".  Coginta Working Paper Series, Number 44, July,


Dr Najibullah Lafraie

Dr Lafraie holds a PhD and an MA in Political Science from the University of Hawaii, USA, and a BA in Political Science and Law from Kabul University, Afghanistan. He was a member of the resistance movement against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s and served as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs in Afghanistan from 1992 to 1996, when the Taliban captured Kabul. He moved with his family to New Zealand in September 2000.

Dr Griffin Leonard

Tēnā tātou katoa
Ko Ngongotahā te maunga
Ko Awahou te awa
Ko Te Arawa te iwi
Ko Ngāti Rangiwewehi te hapū
Ko Tarimano te marae
Ko Leonard tōku whānau
Ko Griffin tōku ingoa

Dr Griffin Manawaroa Leonard (Te Arawa) is a professional practice fellow at Kōhatu Centre for Hauora Māori, University of Otago. His research and praxis concern learner development, culturally responsive pedagogy and the strengthening of the Māori health workforce. He coordinates a programme of academic and professional development for tauira Māori within the University's Division of Health Sciences. Griffin obtained his PhD in 2018 and in previous roles has conducted research on international relations, public health and curriculum development.

Representative Publications

  • Jagroop-Dearing, A., Leonard, G., Shahid, S. M., & van Dulm, O. (2022). COVID-19 Lockdown in New Zealand: Perceived Stress and Wellbeing among International Health Students Who Were Essential Frontline Workers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(15), 9688.
  • Te Maihāroa, K., Karena, T. & Leonard, G. (2021). Optimal Learning Conditions for Masters and Doctor of Professional Practice Māori Learners. Scope: Contemporary Research Topics.
  • Ross, J., Mann, S. & Leonard, G. (2020). Rural Nursing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Snapshot of Nurses' Experiences from Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Nursing and Practice, 3(1): 186-192.
  • Llewellyn, J., Leonard, G. & Jackson, R. (2019). “Meeting New Zealand's peace and security challenges through disarmament and nonviolence”, in Anne-Marie Brady, ed., Small states and the changing global order: NZ faces the future. New York: Springer.


Dr Joseph Llewellyn

Dr Joseph Llewellyn completed his PhD at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago in 2018. His doctoral thesis focused on the politics of anarcho-pacifism and explored the Gandhian movement for a stateless society. Dr Llewellyn's research interests include anarchism, pacifism, nonviolent resistance, Gandhian nonviolence, Buddhist perspectives on nonviolence, and military abolition. He works as a researcher/analyst at the Waitangi Tribunal in Wellington, New Zealand.

He is currently working on a book on anarchism and Gandhi, as well as on a biographical piece on the Gandhian sarvodaya movement leader, Vinoba Bhave.

Recent publications

  • Llewellyn, J., Leonard, G., and Jackson, R. (Forthcoming 2019). Meeting New Zealand's peace and security challenges through disarmament and nonviolence, in Anne-Marie Brady, ed., Small states and the changing global order: NZ faces the future. New York: Springer.
  • Llewellyn, J. (2018). Building emancipatory peace through anarcho-pacifism.  Critical Studies on Security (6):2, 259–272.
  • Joyce, J., and Llewellyn, J. (2017). Implementing the principles of kotahitanga/unity and manaakitanga/hospitality in community peace activism: an experiment in peacebuilding. Interface(9):1, 1-3–122.


Professor Roger MacGinty

Roger MacGinty is Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute and the Department of Politics at the University of Manchester. His research interests are in international peace interventions, local reactions to those interventions, and political violence. He edits the journal Peacebuilding and his last book was International Peacebuilding and Local Resistance: Hybrid forms of peace (Palgrave 2011).


Mr Alastair McKechnie

Alastair McKechnie has been a Senior Research Associate at the London based Overseas Development Institute (ODI) since December 2010, providing advice on infrastructure investment and aid management to Liberia and South Sudan and general policy advice to the g7+ group of fragile states.  He has written or contributed to several ODI papers, including on implementation lessons from Afghanistan, on pooled funds, aid instruments, state legitimacy in fragile situations, petroleum funds and the impact of foreign assistance on local institutions, including the private sector.

Until he retired, Mr McKechnie's career for twenty eight years was in a variety of roles at the World Bank.  His last position was director of the Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries Group,   Previously he was Country Director for Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Maldives in the South Asia Region. Since his retirement, Mr. McKechnie has worked as an independent consultant in addition to his work at ODI.

Mr McKechnie is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Fragile States and a Distinguished Research Associate with the North-South Institute in Canada. He was a member of the Atlantic Council task force led by former US National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft on regional approaches to Afghanistan which include cooperation in water resources management energy and transport. Mr. McKechnie teaches classes on fragility, conflict and multilateral financing at universities in Canada, New Zealand and the United States.

Mr McKechnie is a New Zealand national with university degrees in economics and engineering.


Powerpoint presentation (March 2014): Shaping policy for development

Dr James McIlraith

James McIlraith holds a PhD in Politics from the University of Otago. His doctorate examined the character and prevention of civil conflict with reference to human and international communities, organisations and societies. Dr McIlraith served in the Good Offices Section of the Political Affairs Division at the Commonwealth Secretariat, before working at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS) at the University of Otago with a number of civil society organisations researching conflict, peace and human security in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. He is now a Senior Social Consultant with Coakes Consulting in Australia. Dr. McIlraith's areas of expertise include civil conflict, conflict prevention, conflict resolution and peace building in addition to expertise in development, international organisations and security. He is also an experience research-practitioner in social impact assessment and evaluation, particularly in relation to global resource issues and the resource development sector in the Asia Pacific region.


Emeritus Professor Chris Mitchell

Emeritus Professor Mitchell was born and educated in London. He has held academic positions at University College, London, the London School of Economics, and the University of Southampton. He was appointed Lecturer in the Department of Systems Science at the City University in 1973 and became Professor of International Relations there in 1983. He joined the academic exodus from Britain in the mid-1980s and is currently Emeritus Professor of Conflict Research at George Mason University, Virginia, where he was Director of that university's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution between 1991 and 1994.

He continues to work on practical and theoretical aspects of peace making processes and has recently published articles on the theory of entrapment, on ending asymmetric conflicts and on a multi-role model of mediation. His major works are The Structure of International Conflict [Macmillan & St Martins Press; 1981], Peacemaking and the Consultants' Role [Gower Press & Nichols Publications; 1981] and [with Keith Webb] New Approaches to International Mediation [Greenwood Press; 1988]. Most recently he has published Gestures of Conciliation [St Martins Press/Macmillan; 2000], A Handbook of Conflict Resolution [Frances Pinter/ Continuum 1995] and [with Landon Hancock] Zones of Peace [Kumarian Press; 2007]


Ms Ruth Molloy

(LLB (Otago), LLM (Melbourne)), Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor, RGONNZ

Ms Molloy is a tutor at University of Otago in the Faculty of Law (Legal Ethics) and Department of Politics (Ethics and International Relations, and US Security and National Intelligence). Her current areas of research interest are International Law and Mediation, Foreign Policy, Ethics, Conflict Management, and Global and Human Security issues. Prior to her recent university positions, she worked as a Registered Nurse and in the not-for-profit sector liaising with government and corporate sectors as well as other NGOs utilising her knowledge and expertise in relationship building and conflict management.


Dr Rachel Nolte-Laird

Dr Rachel Nolte-Laird completed her PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago, New Zealand, in 2021 and her MA in Human Security and Peacebuilding from Royal Roads University, British Columbia, Canada, in 2015. Her doctoral thesis, titled The Sphere of Between: Online Dialogic Encounters for Positive Peace, explored dialogic encounters within an online environment utilizing positive peace theory and the dialogue theories of Martin Buber and Paulo Freire.

Rachel has wide-ranging expertise gathered from over fifteen years working in research, program design and delivery, organizational operations, community development, and strategic initiatives. She currently works as Manager, Strategic Initiatives with Doctors of BC , developing projects to increase equity and inclusion within the health care system while improving the experience of care and health outcomes.

Recent Publications

  • Nolte-Laird, R (forthcoming 2022). Peacebuilding online: Dialogue and enabling positive peace. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Nolte-Laird, R (2021). Contact programs and the pursuit of positive peace: Reframing perceptions of equality. In K Standish, H Devere, A E Suazo and R Rafferty (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Peace (pp. 1-18). Springer Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-3877-3_55-1


Dr Obinna Nweke

Dr Obinna Nweke was formerly a Teaching Fellow at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago, New Zealand. His research focuses on the intersection of critical approaches to peacebuilding, transitional justice, memory politics, and the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of ex-combatants.  He also has extensive experience in business intelligence, data mining and analytics across the media, tech, retail, and security sectors.

Dr Nweke holds a Master's degree in Project Development from the University of Ibadan, a Master's degree in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding from Durham University and a PhD from the University of Otago, where he received the exceptional doctoral thesis award for his research on the everyday reintegration tactics of former Niger Delta militants. He was a 2016 British Chevening Scholar at Durham University, United Kingdom.


Dr Niall Ó Dochartaigh

PhD (Politics) Queen's University Belfast, MA (History) University College Galway, BA (History; Sociology and Political Science) University College Galway

Dr Niall Ó Dochartaigh is a College Lecturer at the National University of Ireland, Galway.

Professional Activities

Convener of the Political Studies Association of Ireland Specialist Group on Peace and Conflict; Convener of the European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Political Violence <>.


My PhD thesis in politics with Paul Bew at Queen's University Belfast looked at the escalation of conflict in Northern Ireland in the early 1970s. I spent the following three years (1994-97) establishing a 'Conflict Data Service' for the International Conflict Research centre of the University of Ulster and the United Nations University. For the following few years I focused primarily on the online world, publishing two books on Internet research and writing about online activism. I have returned in the past few years to research on conflict, focusing currently on the use of back-channel communication in the Irish peace process.

Research Interests

Conflict and territoriality; conflict and new technologies; conflict negotiation and mediation.



Dr Paul Oestreicher

Canon Emeritus and retired Director of the Centre for International Reconciliation at Coventry Cathedral; founding Chair of Amnesty International; Vice President, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Quaker Chaplain to the University of Sussex and a lifetime worker for peace and social justice.

Paul Oestreicher was born in Germany in 1933 and arrived in New Zealand as a refugee in 1939. He completed a BA at Otago in 1953 (editing Critic for a year) and an MA in Political Science at Victoria University of Wellington in 1955.

His life-long advocacy for peace and reconciliation has been shown in many ways, including being vice-president of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Chairman of Amnesty International UK, a member of the British Council of Churches working parties on Southern Africa and Eastern Europe, Chairman of Trustees, Christian Institute for South Africa Fund, and a member of both Action By Christians Against Torture and Jews for Justice for Palestinians.

His publications, such as What Kind of Revolution: A Christian-Communist Dialogue (edited with J Klugmann), The Church and the Bomb, and The Double Cross illustrate his concerns with the role of the spirit in political life. The Theology and Politics of Peace is a reflection on his journey from personal to political pacifism.


Alejandra Ortiz-Ayala

Alejandra Ortiz-Ayala is a PhD Candidate at the National Centre of Peace and Conflict at the University of Otago in New Zealand, and Research Affiliate in Political Economy and Transnational Governance (PETGOV) at the University of Amsterdam. Her current academic research interest incorporates three research areas, with the overall goal of preventing violence: the security sector's role in peace processes, including transitional justice, state-building, and post-war violence, in Latin America; the influence of ideology on armed groups' behaviour and their relationship with civilians; and research projects related to reconciliation between victims and perpetrators and social and political reintegration of ex-combatants from non-state armed groups.

She also has experience analysing public opinion surveys, mixed-methods, including lab-in-the-field experiments, survey experiments, interviews, and conducting multilevel analyses.


  • 2020. Baez S, Trujillo N, Hurtado E, Ortiz Ayala A, Rodríguez Calvache M, Quishpe RC, Ibañez A. The dynamics of implicit intergroup biases of victims and ex-combatants in post-conflict scenarios. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/0886260520983258
  • 2021. Book Chapter: The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Peace: From Liberal Peace to Positive Peace: Security Sector Reform in Deeply Divided Societies (forthcoming).


Dr Jenny Peterson

Jenny Peterson (PhD Manchester) works at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Political Science and Vantage College where she teaches courses on critical peace studies and politics.    Prior to this she was a lecturer at the University of Manchester's Humanitarian & Conflict Response Institute where she was also the Director of Post-Graduate Research.  Her main research interests include critical approaches to peace & conflict studies (including approaches which draw on post-structural and post-colonial thought), the creation of spaces for alternative modes of peacebuilding and resistance, and innovative pedagogies for teaching about peace and conflict.  An important aspect of her work as a scholar includes public engagement which in the past has included creating a partnership with a local education authority on a project surrounding social cohesion.

Notable publications include Building a Peace Economy? Liberal Peacebuilding and the Development-Security Industry Manchester University Press (2014),  “Creating Space for Emancipatory Human Security:  Liberal Obstructions and the Potential of Agonism” International Studies Quarterly, 57(2), 318–328 (2013),  “A conceptual unpacking of 'hybridity': Accounting for notions of power, politics & progress in analyses of aid driven interfaces” Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 7(2), 9–22. (2013)  and “'Rule of Law' initiatives and the liberal peace: the impact of politicized reform in post conflict states.” Disasters 34(1), 2010, 15–39 (2010).


Dr Senthil Ram

Dr. Senthil Ram's research and teaching interest falls broadly within the confines of peace research with a special focus on nonviolent theories and action, Gandhian nonviolent movement, contemporary nonviolent case studies, role of technology in nonviolent revolution, peace journalism, citizen activism, international conflict resolution and South Asian conflicts.

Dr. Ram holds a PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (India) on Tibetan Nonviolent Movement. He was associated with the Centre for Peace and Development Research (presently, Centre for Global Studies), Gothenburg University (Sweden); Centre for Peace Studies, Tromso (Norway) and School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication, University of Wollongong (Australia). He was chosen as the South Asia Fellow 2007 by the East West Institute in Washington D.C. (USA) and also granted Olof Palme Fund for International Peace and Understanding, Stockholm (Sweden) in 2004. He was awarded research fellowships from the Swedish Institute; Nordic Institute of Asian Studies; Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation; and Institute on Religion and World Affairs (IRWA), Boston University (USA). He has been an active member of the Nonviolence Commission of International Peace Research Association (IPRA) and functioned as its co-convener since 2002.

Representative Publications

  • Edited with Ralph Summy. Nonviolence: An Alternative for Countering Global Terror(ism) (New York: Nova Science, 2008)
  • “Terror jiu-jitsu and the Strategy of Terrorism: Insights from Nonviolent Action Research”, in Senthil Ram & Ralph Summy, eds., Nonviolence: An Alternative for Countering Global Terror(ism) (New York: Nova Science, 2008)
  • “The Tibetan Nonviolent Resistance: Empowerment in an Extraordinary Situation,” in Nonviolence and Social Empowerment (London: War Resisters' International, 2005)
  • With Jorgen Johansen, “The ABC of Kashmiri Conflict and the Indo-Pak Peace Process,” International Peace Research Association Newsletter, vol.5, no.1, January 2005.
  • “Dalai Lama as a Political Strategist” in Rajiv Mehrotra, ed., Understanding the Dalai Lama (New Delhi: Penguin Viking, 2004)


Professor Luc Reychler

(PhD Harvard 1976)

Professor Reychler is Professor international relations at the University of Leuven and Director of the Center for Peace Research and Strategic Studies (CPRS) there. He was secretary general of IPRA (International Peace Research Association) from 2004-2008.


  • Peace Research and Conflict management
  • Strategy: global security analysis
  • Peace building architecture
  • Multilateral diplomacy and negotiation-mediation techniques.


Sustainable peace building architecture, Planning and evaluation of peace building interventions; Comparative analysis and evaluation of peace negotiations, and peace building in DRCongo.

Recent Books

Le défi de la paix au Burundi, 1999, L'Harmattan, Paris; Democratic peace building : the devil is in the transition, 1999, Leuven University Press; Peace building: a field guide, 2001, Lynne Riener, Boulder, Col; De volgende genocide (the next genocide), 2004, Leuven University Press; Aid for peace: a guide to planning and evaluation in conflict zones, Nomos, 2007.


Professor Oliver Richmond

Professor Oliver Richmond is Research Professor in IR, Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Manchester Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute and Department of Politics. Prior to this, he was Professor of IR at the University of St Andrews, where he was also Director and Founder of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies.

Professor Richmond's interests are international theory and critical/ post-colonial approaches with particular reference to understandings of peace; peace and conflict theory; conflict resolution/ peacekeeping/ peacemaking/ peacebuilding/ statebuilding in a number of cases studies; EU peacebuilding; agency, resistance, civil society, and the local; critical forms of sovereignty and statehood; debates on terrorism.

Widely published in the area of peacebuilding, Professor Richmond is Co-editor of a new journal Peacebuilding: Critical Peace and Conflict Studies, published by Routledge. His books include Transformation of Peace, 2005, Peace in IR, 2008, Liberal Peace Transitions, 2009, and A Post-Liberal Peace, 2011. He has a book entitled Failed Statebuilding due for publication with Yale University Press in 2013.


Professor Emerita Janet Rifkin

Janet Rifkin is a Professor Emerita of Legal Studies at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. She served as Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University for the past eight years. In addition, she held numerous other administrative posts including University Ombudsperson, Founder and Director of the University Mediation Program, Associate Dean and Chair of the Legal Studies Department.

She has been actively involved in building the field of conflict resolution, both in theory and practice. Having taught numerous courses to undergraduate and graduate students, she also has developed and offered a range of workshops to diverse audiences. These include training programs in mediation and conflict resolution in Canada, in Central Europe and most recently to Fulbright recipients from Iraq and Argentina. She has written numerous articles and books related to the study of conflict and its resolution including Online Dispute Resolution (with Katsh,) The Social Construction of Neutrality (with Cobb,) The Challenge of the Ombuds, and Mediation from a Feminist Perspective.

She has been on the board of numerous organizations in the field including the National Institute of Dispute Resolution (NIDR), The National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution (NCPCR,) the National Association for Mediation and Education (NAME), as Founder and first Co-Director), and the American Bar Association Committee on Dispute Resolution (as Special Advisor). Most recently, she received the Mary Parker Follett Award from the Association for Conflict Resolution.


Professor Andrew Rigby

Professor Rigby is Professor of Peace Studies and the founding director of the Centre for Peace & Reconciliation Studies at Coventry University, UK. Prior to his position at Coventry he was a Reader in Peace Studies at Bradford University in the UK and also has taught in the USA, Australia, Norway and elsewhere.

Firmly committed to nonviolence, Andrew's first major research interest was in alternative lifestyles and the history of efforts to live non-violently. He has written four books and many journal articles on this theme. The interest in non-violence led to a life-long study of Gandhian thought and practice, and he has an on-going research interest in the transformations of the Gandhian movement in Tamil Nadu, India.

In the 1980s Andrew became interested in the politics of the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in particular. This resulted in a major study of the 'first intifada' as an example of an unarmed civilian resistance movement. As part of his research into the Palestinian Uprising, Andrew became interested in the challenge posed by Palestinian collaborators with the Israeli occupation. This in turn led to an exploration of the challenges faced by successor regimes in relation to what has become known as 'dealing with the past'. Alongside this research interest Andrew has continued to teach and write about the relationship between forgiveness and reconciliation in societies emerging out of destructive conflict, which has led to a growing interest in the centrality of emotions in such processes.


Professor Paul Rogers

Professor Paul Rogers is Professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University where he teaches courses on international security, arms control and political violence. He has written or edited 26 books and his work has been translated into many languages including Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Turkish and Farsi. A collection of his writings over the past 20 years was published by Routledge in 2007 under the title of Global Security and the War on Terror – Elite Power and the Illusion of Control and the third edition of his book Losing Control: Global Security in the 21st Century, was published in 2010. Paul Rogers is international security consultant for the Oxford Research Group, writes a weekly assessment of international security trends for and was Chair of the British International Studies Association, 2002-04. He is a frequent lecturer at defence colleges and also does over a hundred interviews a year for local, national and international broadcast networks.


Dr Joanna Santa Barbara


Dr Santa Barbara trained and practiced as a child psychiatrist in Australia and Canada, and is an Associate Member of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Otago. For 25 years she has been involved with the development of the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. She is Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Psychiatry (retired), McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and Senior Associate, Centre for Peace Studies, McMaster University. She is Co-Editor with Neil Arya of "Peace Through Health: How health Professionals can work for a less violent world", Kumarian Press (2010).

Recent publications are 'Reconciliation: Clearing the Past, Building a Future' with Johan Galtung and Diane Perlman, Transcend University Press, 2012, and The Impact of Climate Change on Human Health in Grover V. (ed) Impact of Climate Change on Water and Health, CRC Press, 2013.


Dr Susanne Schmeidl

Susanne Schmeidl is a visiting fellow at the Asia-Pacific College on Diplomacy at The Australian National University and senior advisor in the areas of research and peacebuilding to The Liaison Office (TLO) in Afghanistan. At present, she is spending between 3-5 months each year inside Afghanistan. Her work experience spans the sectors of academia/university, non-governmental organizations and the United Nations and has combined of academic analysis and practice in the areas of civilian peacebuilding, early warning and conflict prevention. During her nine years that she worked with the applied think-tank swisspeace, she managed the Afghanistan office for four years while also coordinating the Afghan Civil Society Forum, which she helped co-found.

Dr. Schmeidl holds a M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from the Ohio State University and has worked at the Centre for Refugee Studies (York University, Canada) as a postdoctoral researcher, coordinator of the Prevention/Early Warning Unit, coordinator of the Interim Secretariat of the Forum on Early Warning and Early Response, technical consultant for the Food and Statistics Unit of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and senior research fellow at the Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance at Griffith University in Australia.

Dr. Schmeidl has written over 40 research publications in the areas of early warning/conflict prevention, civilian peacebuilding/state building, protracted displacement, human security, gender and civil society; most recently on the impact on the private security sector on the local peacebuilding process, the need for a non-military solution in the growing conflict in Afghanistan, and displacement in Afghanistan.

Recent opinions posted on


Dr Jeremy Simons

Dr Jeremy Simons has worked in Conflict Transformation, Restorative Justice, and Appreciative Inquiry in a variety of roles and contexts as a grassroots community organiser, educator, and peace activist. From 2002-2008 he helped set up one of the first large scale, school-based restorative discipline programs in Denver Public Schools (USA). Born and raised in the Philippines, Jeremy lived in Mindanao from 2008-2017 working as a peacebuilding trainer, as well as an accompanier with "Tri-Peoples" peace activists (Indigenous Peoples, Muslim, and Christian). As a member of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict ( GPPAC ), he continues to support peace processes in the Philippines. His recent research interests focus on intersections of indigenous justice, peace processes, and transitional justice, as well restorative justice, online harm, and polarisation.

He has a PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies (2021) from the University of Otago, and an MA in Conflict Transformation (2002) from the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University.

Dr Isak Svensson

Dr Svensson was Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Otago and is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University.
His area of expertise ranges from religion in conflict resolution, unarmed insurrections, to international mediation. His dissertation, 'Elusive Peacemakers: A Bargaining Perspective on Mediation in Internal Armed Conflicts', focused on the conditions for international mediation in civil wars. His main focus has been on how mediation can help to overcome bargaining problems, including the role of bias mediation in civil wars, issues of power and trust mediators, and third-party security guarantees.

He has published works in several high-ranking journals, such as Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Negotiation Journal and International Negotiations. In addition, he has written several book-chapters with prestigious publishers. He has also explored the Norwegian mediation efforts in Sri Lanka.

Svensson has been a visiting fellow at the Centre for the Study of Civil Wars (CSCW) at the International Peace Research Institute (PRIO), Oslo.


Dr Jenny Te Paa Daniel

Dr Jenny Te Paa Daniel (Te Rarawa) is Te Māreikura and Interim Director of the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies. She is a scholar and a teacher, a public theologian and professional consultant in higher education. Always a pioneering indigenous woman, she taught for 5 years and was then appointed Ahorangi or Dean of Te Rau Kahikatea at St John's Theological College in Auckland for 18 years from 1995 until 2013. Globally, she was the first indigenous lay woman appointed to lead an Anglican seminary anywhere in the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Jenny's profile page

Professor Linda Tropp

Linda R. Tropp is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Psychology of Peace and Violence Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.  She received the 2012 Distinguished Academic Outreach Award from the University of Massachusetts Amherst for excellence in the application of scientific knowledge to advance the public good.  Tropp has also received the Erikson Early Career Award from the International Society of Political Psychology, the McKeachie Early Career Award from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, and the Allport Intergroup Relations Prize from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.  Tropp is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.

She has been a visiting scholar at the National Center for Peace and Conflict Studies (New Zealand), the Kurt Lewin Institute (Netherlands), the Marburg Center for Conflict Studies (Germany), Pontificia Universidad Católica (Chile), the University of California, Berkeley (USA), and the International Graduate College on Conflict and Cooperation (Germany, UK, Belgium), where she taught seminars and workshops on prejudice reduction and intervention.

She has worked with national organizations to present social science evidence in U.S. Supreme Court cases on racial integration, on state and national initiatives to improve interracial relations in schools, and with non-governmental and international organizations to evaluate applied programs designed to reduce racial and ethnic conflict.  She is co-author of “When Groups Meet: The Dynamics of Intergroup Contact” (March 2011, Psychology Press), editor of the “Oxford Handbook of Intergroup Conflict” (June 2012, Oxford University Press), and co-editor of “Moving Beyond Prejudice Reduction: Pathways to Positive Intergroup Relations” (February 2011, American Psychological Association Books) and “Improving Intergroup Relations” (August 2008, Wiley-Blackwell).


Dr Polly O Walker

Polly is Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at Juniata Liberal Arts College in Pennsylvania and Lecturer in Conflict Resolution at James Cook University.

Since 2005 Polly has taught mediation, cross cultural conflict resolution, nonviolence, gender and conflict, and conflict transformation to university students, councils of chiefs in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands and a wide range of groups including communities, and private and public organisations. She also is a director of the Peace and Conflict Studies Institute of Australia.

Polly has a particular interest in conflict transformation involving Indigenous and Settler peoples and is the Chair of the Indigenous Education Institute in the USA, a research, training and practice group of Indigenous scholars and knowledge holders.

Polly has published widely in conflict resolution, including a two volume anthology Acting Together Acting Together on the World Stage: Performance and the Creative Transformation of Conflict (2011) co-authored with Cynthia Cohen and Roberto Varea.

Teaching Interests

  • Indigenous conflict transformation/peacebuilding
  • Gender and conflict transformation
  • Nonviolence
  • Cross cultural issues in mediation
  • Conflict transformation through the Arts

Research Interests

  • Indigenous conflict transformation/peacebuilding
  • Creative dialogue and design
  • Building meditative capacity
  • Conflict Transformation through the Arts

Polly has also supervised research students doing research projects, Masters and PhD theses.

Consulting Work

  • Community peacebuilding
  • Facilitated dialogue
  • Building meditative capacity
  • Cross cultural conflict transformation


Professor Peter Wallensteen

Peter Wallensteen is Senior Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. He held the Dag Hammarskjöld Chair in Peace and Conflict Research 1985-2012. He is the Richard G. Starmann Sr. Research Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA (since 2006). He directs the Uppsala Conflict Data Program, UCDP ( and the Special Program on the Implementation of Targeted Sanctions, SPITS ( He and his colleagues publish regularly on the issues of conflict trends in Journal of Peace Research and the SIPRI Yearbook. The Human Security Report, based in Vancouver, Canada, also discusses such issues.

Some of his most recent research areas deal with issues of conflict resolution, peacebuilding and the possibility of avoiding/preventing wars from restarting. His book Peace Research: Theory and Practice (Routledge 2011) presents his work on causes of war, conflict resolution, peacebuilding and academic diplomacy, as well as on ethics of peace studies. He is presently finishing a book on peacebuilding.

Go to for another profile page for Peter.


Dr Nick Wilson


Dr Wilson is a public health physician and part-time Senior Lecturer with the University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine and Health Science. He is the principal investigator for the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Project (NZ arm) which is a Health Research Council funded cohort study of smokers. He is also engaged in consultancy work in public health medicine (mainly for NZ health sector organisations and the World Health Organization).

His research interests include

  • Tobacco use epidemiology and control (see the tobacco control work within the Department of Public Health)
  • Use of economic instruments to promote public health (e.g. tobacco taxation)
  • Communicable disease control (particularly pandemic influenza)
  • Environmental health (global climate change)
  • Use of public health movies in medical education


Associate Professor Erika Wolf

Erika Wolf is Associate Professor in the Department of History and Art History at the University of Otago, Dunedin.  She is a Research Consultant with the Ne Boltai Collection of Propaganda Art in Prague and has previously served as a consultant on Soviet culture for exhibitions at both the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia and the Fundación Juan March in Madrid.

With graduate degrees in both Art History and Russian & Eastern European Studies, Dr Wolf's areas of expertise are Soviet Art and Visual Culture, Modernism and Photography.   In 2012 she published Koretsky: The Soviet Photo Poster, 1930-1984 and has edited four books since 2005.  Dr Wolf has written numerous book chapters and refereed journal articles.

Dr Wolf contributed two essays and served as consultant and translator for the anthology The Worker Photography Movement (1926-1939): Essays and Documents, edited by J. Ribalta and E. Witschey (Madrid: 2011), which was awarded the 2012 Infinity Award for outstanding publication by the International Center of Photography (New York).


Professor Dr Herbert Wulf

Professor Wulf was Director of the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) from its foundation in 1994 until 2001. He is presently research associate at BICC, an Adjunct Senior Researcher at the Institute for Development and Peace where he was previously a Deputy Director and he is a Senior Expert Fellow at the Centre for Global Research, University Duisburg/Essen where he works on Indian foreign and security policy. He was a visiting scholar at the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia in 2007 and taught at the Center for Conflict Studies of the Philipps-University in Marburg, Germany. Herbert Wulf has served as a consultant to various international organizations, among them the Parliament and the Commission of the European Union as well as to the United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs, the Human Development Report of UNDP. He served as Chief Technical Advisor to the United Nations Development Programme in Pyongyang, Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea on capacity building in disarmament in 1991 and between 2002 and 2007.

In his previous research positions he was a Project Leader at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg. Presently he researches Indian foreign and security policy.His latest book publication is Internationalizing and Privatizing War and Peace, Palgrave McMillan, 2005, and he edited with Johannes M. Becker Zerstörter Irak – Zukunft des Irak? (Destroyed Iraq – The Future of Iraq?), Lit Muenster 2008 and Johannes M. Becker and Herbert Wulf (eds.) Afghanistan: Ein Krieg in der Sackgasse (Afghanistan: A Misguided War). Lit Muenster 2010.

He studied at the Universities of Cologne (economics), Mannheim and Hamburg (sociology) and wrote his dissertation at the Free University of Berlin in international relations. Prior to his work in research, he was Director of the German Volunteer Service in India. In February 2007 the Center for Conflict Studies of the Philipps-University in Marburg, Germany, awarded the Peter-Becker price for peace and conflict research to Herbert Wulf.


Dr Kazuyo Yamane

Dr Yamane is a Japanese peace educator and researcher, and a graduate of the University of Bradford (PhD in Peace Studies). She is a lecturer at Ritsumeikan University and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Network of Museums for Peace and the editor of Muse: Newsletter of Japanese Citizens' Network of Museums for Peace. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Peace Education (England), and the Journal of Peace & Conflict Review published by the UN mandated University for Peace.


Dr Viviana Zanetti

Viviana Zanetti is temporary research fellow at the Department of Law, University of Ferrara, Italy. She holds a PhD in Constitutional Law from the University of Ferrara and a MA in International Strategic Military Studies from the University of Milan and the Joint Services Staff College-Ministry of Defence in Rome.

Dr. Zanetti's doctorate was focused on the compatibility of the Statute of the International Criminal Court with the Italian Constitution (the research was awarded as Best Doctoral Thesis in Constitutional Law, 2009) and her areas of expertise include issues regarding extraordinary renditions and State Secret Privilege, police abuses, torture, child-soldiers, international justice (with a domestic perspective) and, more in general, the protection of human rights, especially in national context.

She has been a long-time activist of Amnesty International; since 2006 she has covered several positions of responsibility and widely collaborated with the Human Rights Education National Office both as lecturer in educational meetings organized by the Italian Section and as coordinator of training workshops for activists. In 2012, she participated in the editing of the manual Human Rights and Police in Italy: training course for secondary school.

She worked with the Italian Joint Services Staff College-Ministry of Defence as lecturer in the Military Legal Advisor Training Course (2005-2010).


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