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Each year, two issues are selected by District Health Boards for more detailed review. In-depth reviews look at national and international evidence and best practice and are written for a national audience. Reviews may vary in scope and composition depending on the topic and availability of information or data. For example a topic may be reviewed as a situational analysis, or an exploration of the latest best evidence for managing or treating a condition.

In-depth topics feature in the reports provided for New Zealand and each DHB / region but are not customised for each DHB / region.

These topics are arranged by publication year below.


Smith L. Young people's alcohol use. In: Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Richardson G, Wicken A, and Smith L. 2020. Health and wellbeing of under-25 year olds in New Zealand 2019. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago.

Adams J and Richardson G. Promoting mental wellbeing in school. In: Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Richardson G, Wicken A, and Smith L. 2020. Health and wellbeing of under-25 year olds in New Zealand 2019. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago.


Duncanson M. Health equity: Achieving equitable health outcomes for Māori children and young people. In: Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Richardson G, Wicken A, and Pierson M. 2019. Health and wellbeing of under-15 year olds in New Zealand 2018. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago.

Adams J. Children's views on healthcare. In: Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Richardson G, Wicken A, and Pierson M. 2019. Health and wellbeing of under-15 year olds in New Zealand 2018. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago.


Adams J. Making health easier: Reducing inequalities in child health through addressing low health literacy. In: Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Wicken A, Morris S, Richardson G and McGee MA. 2018. Health and wellbeing of under-five year olds in New Zealand 2017. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago.

Beckett DM and Meldrum AM. Factors that influence inequity of oral health in New Zealand and what we can we do about them. In: Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Wicken A, Morris S, Richardson G and McGee MA. 2018. Health and wellbeing of under-five year olds in New Zealand 2017. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago.


Adams J. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. In: Simpson J, Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Wicken A, Morris S, and Gallagher S. The Health of Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand 2016. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2017.

Duncanson M. Health needs of children and young people in Child, Youth and Family Care. In: Simpson J, Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Wicken A, Morris S, and Gallagher S. The Health of Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand 2016. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2017.


Adams J. Young people's sexual and reproductive health. In: Simpson J, Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Wicken A, Butchard M, Pierson M, Lilley R. and Gallagher S. The Health Status of Children and Young People in New Zealand 2015. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2016.

Butchard M. Mental health issues in youth and young people. In: Simpson J, Duncanson M, Oben G, Adams J, Wicken A, Butchard M, Pierson M, Lilley R. and Gallagher S. The Health Status of Children and Young People in New Zealand 2015. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2016.

Robson B. Te toto o te tangata, te oranga o te iwi. Differential impact of income and wealth inequities on Māori children and young people. In: Simpson J, Adams J, Oben G, Wicken A, Duncanson M. Te Ohonga Ake: The Determinants of Health for Maori Children and Young People in New Zealand: Series Two. Te Ohonga Ake series for the Ministry of Health. Dunedin: NZ Child & Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2015; p32-34.


Baxter J. Editorial: Māori Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities – Issues and Priorities. In: Te Ohonga Ake The Health of Māori Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand Series Two. 2014. p15-17.

Bartholomew N. Effectiveness of integrated social services (health, educational and social). In: Simpson J, Oben G, Craig E, Adams J, Wicken A, Duncanson M, and Reddington A. The Determinants of Health for Children and Young People in New Zealand, 2014. Dunedin, NZ Child & Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2016.

Kvalsvig A. Better health for the new generation: Getting it right from the start. In: Simpson J, Oben G, Craig E, Adams J, Wicken A, Duncanson M, and Reddington A. The Determinants of Health for Children and Young People in New Zealand, 2014. Dunedin, NZ Child & Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2016.


Adams J. The Determinants and Consequences of Overweight and Obesity. In: Craig E, Reddington A, Adams J, Dell R, Jack S, Oben G, Wicken A and Simpson J. The Health of Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2013; p253-266.

Adams J.The Treatment of Obesity in Children and Adolescents. In: Craig E, Reddington A, Adams J, Dell R, Jack S, Oben G, Wicken A and Simpson J. The Health of Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2013; p298-323.

Craig L. Models of Primary Health Care Delivery for Young People. In: Craig E, Adams J, Oben G, Reddington A, Wicken A and Simpson J. The Health Status of Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2013; p309-327.

Iaone J. Violence against our Pacific Island Children and Youth. In: Craig E, Dell R, Reddington A, Adams J, Oben G, Wicken A and Simpson J. The Determinants of Health for Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2013; p161-164.

Jack S. Children of Parents with Mental Illness and Alcohol and Other Addictions. In: Craig E, Reddington A, Adams J, Dell R, Jack S, Oben G, Wicken A and Simpson J. The Health of Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2013; p366-387.

Lawton B. A Good Start in Life: Maximising Systems and Clinical Practice around our Whānau. In: Te Ohonga Ake The Determinants of Health for Māori Children and Young People in New Zealand 2013; p 101-103.

Simpson J. Models of Primary Health Care Delivery for Children. In: Craig E, Adams J, Oben G, Reddington A, Wicken A and Simpson J. The Health Status of Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2013; p89-107.


Adams J. Mental Health issues in Children. In: Craig E, Dell R, Reddington A, Adams, J, Oben G, Wicken A, Simpson J. The Determinants of Health for Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2012; p316-337.

Baxter J and Wyeth E. The Health of Māori Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities. In: Te Ohonga Ake The Health of Māori Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand 2012; p 15-19.

Dell R. Services and interventions for women experiencing multiple adversities in pregnancy. In: Craig E, Dell R, Reddington A, Adams, J, Oben G, Wicken A, Simpson J. The Determinants of Health for Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2012; p235-264.

Fa'alili-Fidow J. SUDI and Still Birth in Pacific Babies. In: Craig E, Adams J, Oben G, Reddington A, Wicken A and Simpson J. The Health Status of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2012; p35-36.

Poutasi C. Strengthening Primary Care. In: Craig E, Adams J, Oben G, Reddington A, Wicken A and Simpson J. The Health Status of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2012; p71-72.

Tipene Leach, D. Is the 'Safer' Sleeping Environment the Remaining Holy Grail of SUDI Prevention? In: Craig E, Adams J, Oben G, Reddington A, Wicken A and Simpson J. Te Ohonga Ake The Health Status of Māori Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2012; p29-31.

Weeks S. Maternal Mental Health. In: Craig E, Dell R, Reddington A, Adams J, Oben G, Wicken A and Simpson J. The Determinants of Health for Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2013; p95-96.


Percival T. New Zealand Pacific Children with Disabilities. In: Craig E, McDonald G, Adams J, Reddington A, Oben G, and Wicken A. The Health of Pacific Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2011; p15.

Perese L and Poutasi C. Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Pacific Child Health Outcomes. In: Craig E, McDonald G, Adams J, Reddington A, Oben G, and Wicken A. The Health of Pacific Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2011; p153-154.


Craig, E. Disability, Disability Support Services and transition to Adult Care. In: Craig E, McDonald G, Adams J, Reddington A, Oben G, and Wicken A. The Health of Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2011; p 67-90.

McDonald, G. Models of Care for Medically Fragile Children. In: Craig E, McDonald G, Adams J, Reddington A, Oben G, and Wicken A. The Health of Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2011; p129-144.


Anderson P. Breastfeeding. In: Craig E, Anderson P, Taufa S, and Jackson C. The Health Status of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2009; p58-79.

Anderson P and Taufa S. Distribution of Stillbirths Amongst Pacific Groups in New Zealand. In: Craig E, Anderson P, Taufa S, and Jackson C. The Health Status of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2009; p18-37.

Craig E. Early intervention programmes for socially vulnerable children. In: Craig E, McDonald G, Reddington A and Wicken A. The Determinants of Health for Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2009; p269-286.

McDonald G. Shifting services from secondary to primary care. In: Craig E, McDonald G, Reddington A and Wicken A. The Determinants of Health for Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2009; p287-304.


Craig L. Ambulatory Sensitive Hospitalisations in Children. In: Craig E, Anderson P, Taufa S, and Jackson C. The Health Status of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Dunedin: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago; 2008; p95-107.

Kingi P. Cultural Determinants of Health. In: The Health of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Auckland: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service; 2008; p29-33.

Mila-Schaaf K. Pacific Youth: Key Messages. In: The Health of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Auckland: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service; 2008; p367-370.

Percival T. Illness and Hospitalization in New Zealand Pacific Children. In: The Health of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Auckland: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service; 2008; p167-168.

Perese L. Support Services Provided by the Non-Regulated Health Workforce. In: The Health of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Auckland: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service; 2008; p99-100.

Strickland M. Maternal and Well Child Issues. In: The Health of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Auckland: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service; 2008; p203-205.

Taufa S. Socioeconomic and Family Factors. In: The Health of Pacific Children and Young People in New Zealand. Auckland: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service; 2008; p45-47.

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