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Moving to energy-efficient lighting more than just a bright idea

15 June 2020


16th OERC Symposium 2022 – An Equitable and Low-Cost Energy Transition

Date: 28–29 November 2022
Venue: Room 1.17, Otago Business School, University of Otago, Dunedin

The inaugural New Zealand Hydrogen Symposium (NZHS-1)

Date: 1–3 February 2023
Venue: Will take place at the University of Otago, Dunedin

Abstract submission is open for NZHS-1, and closes on Friday 2 December at noon (NZ time).

NZ Hydrogen website

NZHS-1 is the first of this new, annual, research-focussed hydrogen symposium series. We're thrilled that it is being supported by 'team NZ', including amongst others, the New Zealand Hydrogen Council, MacDiarmid Institute, Otago Energy Research Centre and many Universities and CRIs.

Furthermore, we acknowledge the key role that the recent award of four German-New Zealand Green Hydrogen grants, supported by both the German BMBF and by MBIE in New Zealand, as well as the award of other large team hydrogen research grants in NZ by MBIE, has had in leading to 'team NZ' establishing this new annual research-focussed H2 symposium series.

Travel funding

Applications are being accepted for travel grants for students towards attending conferences in energy related research.

Research Funding

Seed funding and Sub-Theme funding

Call for OERC Seed funding and sub-theme funding application.

Research Funding

Seed Grant Awards 2020

  • Michael Jack (Physics), Janet Stephenson (Centre for Sustainability), Dougal McQueen (Aurora Energy) “Impact of financial incentives on electricity use and consequences for electricity networks: Case study of “Hour of Power” in Dunedin”
  • Sam Lowrey (Physics), Zhifa Sun (Physics) “Real-world performance of shower water heat recovery systems (SWHRS) for domestic and commercial system installations”
  • Sam Lowrey (Physics), Michael Jack (Physics), Shane Jenkins (Property Services) “Variable control, micro-compressor driven domestic dehumidification for optimised energy efficiency”

Sub-Theme Grant Award 2020

  • No Sub-Theme Grants were awarded in 2020

Press coverage


University's road to net zero


Fired up about wood


Doing the natural gas-renewables sums

The laws of science and politics

End forest tradeoffs for CO2: PCE climate report

Environment watchdog's bold idea to combat climate change

NZ's environmental watchdog challenges climate policy on farm emissions and forestry offsets


Environment Commissioner's Zero Carbon Act recommendations – Expert reaction

Residential colleges become more energy efficient

New watchdog backs bolder action on climate

New Zealand climate policy needs more 'bite' - environmental watchdog

Climate commission 'needs teeth': Norman

New Zealand climate policy needs more 'bite' - environmental watchdog

Climate commission 'needs teeth': Norman

Past symposia

15th OERC Symposium 2021 – The Challenge of Net Zero by 2050

18–19 November 2021, Otago Business School

14th Annual OERC Symposium – New Energy Futures Post-COVID-19

The 14th Annual OERC Symposium 19 and 20th November 2020, New Energy Futures Post-COVID-19

13th OERC and OCCNET Energy & Climate Change Symposium 2019

21–22 November 2019, Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum

12th OERC Energy and Climate Change Symposium 2018

22–23 November 2018, Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum

11th annual OERC Symposium 2017 & Ag@otago Colloquium

23–24 November 2017 at the Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum

10th annual OERC Symposium 2016 & Transport Colloquium

10–11 November 2016 at the Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum

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