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Applications and downloads

The Otago Pharmacometrics Group is pleased to be able to provide free downloads relating to our research outputs. Please feel free to use or distribute these downloads.

We request that you cite work back to the original publications provided with the download as appropriate.

Fat-Free Mass Nomogram (for adults)

FFM Calculator

A web-based application for calculating fat-free mass in adults and children > 3 years old.

Tutorial: Model Simplification

Matrix Exponential Solutions for Compartmental Models

Software for Identifiability Analysis for Population PK or PKPD Models

This includes identifiability assessment for fixed and random effects. (This software requires MATLAB.)

Software for simulating from the coagulation network model

(This software requires MATLAB.)

OPG member Vijay Siripuram talks about his latest paper on deterministic identifiability

Vijay talks about his work on deterministic identifiability

MALA Database

A comprehensive database of MALA case reports

Useful links

Blogs and email lists

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