As part of the University's sustainability programme, and to reduce reliance on private motor vehicle use to and from campuses, we encourage cycling to and from the University.
Dunedin campus cycle paths map (PDF)
There are a number of open "toast rack" style bike racks for casual use located across the Dunedin campus and these can be found outside most University buildings. In addition to these, secure covered bike racks are provided at a number of locations across the Dunedin campus. These are free of charge to use and allocated via the waiting list.
A LockyDock is available to use via the Bikeep app. This is located at 97 Albany Street.
Visit the LockyDock website for more information
Property Services recommends cyclists lock their bikes when using all forms of bike storage on campus.
How to apply
Staff, students and departments can apply for a secure bike rack place by completing the online form via the Ask Otago Portal.
Terms and conditions
Secure cycle rack licence agreement – terms & conditions
Dunedin city cycling information
For further information on Dunedin city cycle lanes, cycle routes, cycling events and groups, tips on cycle safety and the Get Noticed campaign, please visit the DCC website.
Dunedin City Council cycling webpage
Cyclist/Dooring map
The University's Injury and Prevention Research Unit have compiled data from road traffic accidents involving cyclists and car doors to create an online map of accident black spots.
Visit the IPRU NZ Cyclist/Dooring Map page for more information
Parking Coordinator
Property and Campus Development
Tel +64 3 479 8014