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Professor Elaine Reese is the co-leader of Kia Tīmata Pai (To Start Well), a national intervention trial with BestStart early childhood centres funded by the Wright Family Foundation. She previously served as the Education Domain Leader on a longitudinal birth cohort study, Growing Up in New Zealand. Elaine has authored over 130 papers and a book for parents, Tell Me a Story: Sharing Stories to Enrich Your Child's World (Oxford University Press). She is a Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi and has received grants from the Marsden Fund, the Children's Research Fund of the Ministry of Social Development, and the National Institute of Child Health and Development in the US.
She has served as Editor of the Journal of Cognition and Development, and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Cognitive Development, Infant and Child Development, Narrative Inquiry, and Reading Research Quarterly.
Elaine joined the Department in 1993. She has over 30 years of university teaching experience, at both graduate and undergraduate levels.
Research interests
- The development of children's and adolescents' autobiographical memory, language, and literacy
- Social influences on children's development, especially the way that parents' and teachers' conversations enrich children's language and socioemotional development
Find out more about Professor Reese's research interests
Mitchell, Y. A., Thomas, B.-A., Clifford, A. E., Kittow, G. H., & Reese, E. (2025). Aotearoa's linguistic landscape: Exploring the use of te reo Māori in English-medium early childhood education. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 55(1), 113-133. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2023.2256246 Journal - Research Article
Zhang, Y., Taumoepeau, M., & Reese, E. (2024). Context matters: Examining the linguistic aspects of educator-toddler talk. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/18369391241306765 Journal - Research Article
Zhang, Y., Ballard, E., Lee, T., Lee, H., Schmidt, J., & Reese, E. (2024). The role of early temperament on oral language development of New Zealand children speaking Mandarin or Cantonese. Journal of Child Language. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/S0305000924000631 Journal - Research Article
Marshall, S., Rea, M., & Reese, E. (2024). Personality traits and narrative identity: Changes in mid-adolescence to emerging adulthood in relation to well-being. Journal of Research in Personality. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2024.104545 Journal - Research Article
Reese, E. (2024). How stories change us: A developmental science of stories from fiction and real life. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 240p. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780197747902.001.0001 Authored Book - Research
Journal - Research Article
Mitchell, Y. A., Thomas, B.-A., Clifford, A. E., Kittow, G. H., & Reese, E. (2025). Aotearoa's linguistic landscape: Exploring the use of te reo Māori in English-medium early childhood education. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 55(1), 113-133. doi: 10.1080/03036758.2023.2256246
Authored Book - Research
Reese, E. (2024). How stories change us: A developmental science of stories from fiction and real life. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 240p. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780197747902.001.0001
Journal - Research Article
Zhang, Y., Taumoepeau, M., & Reese, E. (2024). Context matters: Examining the linguistic aspects of educator-toddler talk. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/18369391241306765
Zhang, Y., Ballard, E., Lee, T., Lee, H., Schmidt, J., & Reese, E. (2024). The role of early temperament on oral language development of New Zealand children speaking Mandarin or Cantonese. Journal of Child Language. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/S0305000924000631
Marshall, S., Rea, M., & Reese, E. (2024). Personality traits and narrative identity: Changes in mid-adolescence to emerging adulthood in relation to well-being. Journal of Research in Personality. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2024.104545
Swearingen, I., Moros, S., Schaughency, E., & Reese, E. (2024). Quality of educator-toddler conversations varies across activity settings in centre-based ECEC. International Journal of Early Years Education. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/09669760.2024.2389826
Russell, S., Bird, A. L., Waldie, K., Peterson, E., Morton, S. M. B., Atatoa Carr, P. E., Salmon, K., & Reese, E. (2024). From infancy to eight: How early maternal mental health, emotion reminiscing, and language shape children’s mental health. Development & Psychopathology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/S0954579424000919
Peterson, E. R., Sharma, T., Bird, A., Henderson, A. M. E., Ramgopal, V., Reese, E., & Morton, S. M. B. (2024). How mothers talk to their children about failure, mistakes and setbacks is related to their children's fear of failure. British Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/bjep.12685
Clifford, A. E., Schaughency, E., Das, S., Riordan, J., Carroll, J. L. D., & Reese, E. (2024). Tender Shoots: Effects of a preschool shared reading and reminiscing initiative on parent-child interactions and for socio-emotional and self-regulation outcomes after school entry. Learning & Individual Differences, 112, 102443. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2024.102443
Zhang, Y., Ballard, E., Lee, T., Lee, H., Schmidt, J., & Reese, E. (2024). Assessing vocabulary and grammar development in New Zealand Mandarin- and Cantonese-speaking children: A validation study. Speech, Language & Hearing. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/2050571X.2024.2303825
Arnett, A. B., Guiney, H., Bakir-Demir, T., Trudgen, A., Schierding, W., Reid, V., … Reese, E., & Poulton, R. (2024). Resting EEG correlates of neurodevelopment in a socioeconomically and linguistically diverse sample of toddlers: Wave 1 of the Kia Tīmata Pai best start New Zealand study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 65, 101336. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2023.101336
Bird, A., Reese, E., Schaughency, E., Waldie, K., Atatoa-Carr, P., Morton, S., & Grant, C. (2024). Talking, praising and teaching: How parent interaction during a learning task relates to children's early learning. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 66, 255-268. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.10.001
Journal - Research Article
Bird, A., Reese, E., Salmon, K., Waldie, K., Peterson, E., Atatoa-Carr, P., & Morton, S. (2023). Maternal depressive symptoms and child language development: Exploring potential pathways through observed and self-reported mother-child verbal interactions. Development & Psychopathology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/s0954579423001311
Swearingen, I., Reese, E., Garnett, M., Peterson, E., Salmon, K., Atatoa Carr, P., Morton, S. M. B., & Bird, A. (2023). Maternal reminiscing during middle childhood: Associations with maternal personality and child temperament from the Growing Up in New Zealand cohort study. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/dev0001596
Zajac, R., Garry, M., Charlton, S., & Reese, E. (2023). Scholarship amid sheep: Applied cognition research in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Applied Research in Memory & Cognition, 12, 43-47. doi: 10.1037/mac0000109
Garnett, M., Reese, E., Swearingen, I., Peterson, E., Salmon, K., Waldie, K., … Bird, A. (2023). Maternal reminiscing and children’s socioemotional development: Evidence from a large pre-birth longitudinal cohort study, Growing Up in New Zealand. Journal of Cognition & Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/15248372.2023.2192276
Bakir-Demir, T., Reese, E., Sahin-Acar, B., & Taumoepeau, M. (2023). How I remember my mother’s story: A cross-national investigation of vicarious family stories in Turkey and New Zealand. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 54(3), 340-364. doi: 10.1177/00220221221132833
Reese, E., Barrett-Young, A., Gilkison, L., Carroll, J., Das, S., Riordan, J., & Schaughency, E. (2023). Tender Shoots: A parent book-reading and reminiscing program to enhance children’s oral narrative skills. Reading & Writing, 36, 541-564. doi: 10.1007/s11145-022-10282-6
Journal - Research Other
Reese, E., Kokaua, J., Guiney, H., Bakir-Demir, T., McLauchlan, J., Edgeler, C., Schaughency, E., Taumoepeau, M., Salmon, K., Clifford, A., Maruariki, N., McNaughton, S., … Amjad, S., Trudgen, A., & Poulton, R. (2023). Kia Tīmata Pai (Best Start): A study protocol for a cluster randomised trial with early childhood teachers to support children's oral language and self-regulation development. BMJ Open, 13, e073361. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073361
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Zhang, Y., Taumoepeau, M., & Reese, E. (2023). Exploring the impact of an oral language intervention on linguistic aspects of teacher-child talk. Proceedings of the Psycolloquy Symposium. (pp. 16). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Psychology, University of Otago. Retrieved from
Alias, A., Reese, E., & Reid, V. (2023). Importance of parental reminiscing for children and adolescent development. Proceedings of the Psycolloquy Symposium. (pp. 15). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Psychology, University of Otago. Retrieved from
Mitchell, Y., Thomas, B. A., Clifford, A., & Reese, E. (2023). Nurture the seed and it will grow: The use of te reo Māori in New Zealand early childhood education and the benefits of an oral language enrichment programme. Proceedings of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC) XIV Biennial Conference. (pp. 109). Retrieved from
Zhang, Y., Ballard, E., Lee, T., Lee, H., Schmidt, J., & Reese, E. (2023). Language acquisition in New Zealand children speaking Mandarin or Cantonese: The roles of early temperament. Proceedings of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC) XIV Biennial Conference. (pp. 43). Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Marshall, S., & Reese, E. (2022). Growing Memories: Benefits of an early childhood maternal reminiscing intervention for emerging adults’ turning point narratives and well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 99, 104262. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2022.104262
Corkin, M. T., Peterson, E. R., Henderson, A. M. E., Waldie, K. E., Reese, E., & Morton, S. M. B. (2022). Examining the association between mothers’ life logistics and screen time of children aged 4 – 5 years old. Social Science Journal. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03623319.2022.2081441
Timperley, S., Schaughency, E., Riordan, J., Carroll, J., Das, S., & Reese, E. (2022). Tender Shoots: Effects of a preschool shared book reading preventive intervention on parent–child reading and parents’ involvement in the first year of school. School Mental Health, 14, 238-253. doi: 10.1007/s12310-022-09505-6
Mitchell, C., & Reese, E. (2022). Growing Memories: Coaching mothers in elaborative reminiscing with toddlers benefits adolescents’ turning-point narratives and wellbeing. Journal of Personality, 90, 887-901. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12703
Riordan, J., Reese, E., Das, S., Carroll, J., & Schaughency, E. (2022). Tender Shoots: A randomized controlled trial of two shared-reading approaches for enhancing parent-child interactions and children’s oral language and literacy skills. Scientific Studies of Reading, 26(3), 183-203. doi: 10.1080/10888438.2021.1926464
Hazan, H., Reese, E., & Linscott, R. J. (2022). Basic self-disturbance in schizotypy. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 16, 26-33. doi: 10.1111/eip.13125
Journal - Research Other
Reese, E. (2022). How you can talk to your toddler to safeguard their well-being when they grow into a teenager. The Conversation. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Hazan, H., Reese, E., & Linscott, R. J. (2021). Understanding poor adjustment in schizotypy: A prospective study of the role of self during late adolescence and early adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 10(5), 1235-1246. doi: 10.1177/21676968211021759
Corkin, M. T., Peterson, E. R., Henderson, A. M. E., Bird, A. L., Waldie, K. E., Reese, E., & Morton, S. M. B. (2021). The predictors of screen time at two years in a large nationally diverse cohort. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 30, 2076-2096. doi: 10.1007/s10826-021-01985-5
Bakir-Demir, T., Reese, E., Sahin-Acar, B., & Tursel, E. G. (2021). Vicarious family stories of Turkish young, middle-aged, and older adults: Are family stories related to well-being? Journal of Applied Research in Memory & Cognition, 10, 412-424. doi: 10.1016/j.jarmac.2020.12.003
Corkin, M., Peterson, E. R., Henderson, A. M. E., Waldie, K. E., Reese, E., & Morton, S. M. B. (2021). Preschool screen media exposure, executive functions and symptoms of inattention/hyperactivity. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 73, 101237. doi: 10.1016/j.appdev.2020.101237
Salmon, K., Isler, L., Jose, P., Glynn, R., Mitchell, C., Dewhirst, M., … Reese, E. (2021). Delving into the detail: Greater episodic detail in narratives of a critical life event predicts an increase in adolescent depressive symptoms across one year. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 137, 103798. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2020.103798
Chen, Y., Cullen, E., Fivush, R., Wang, Q., & Reese, E. (2021). Mother, father, and I: A cross-cultural investigation of adolescents’ intergenerational narratives and well-being. Journal of Applied Research in Memory & Cognition, 10(1), 55-64. doi: 10.1016/j.jarmac.2020.08.011
Reese, E., & Whitehouse, H. (2021). The development of identity fusion. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(6), 1398-1411. doi: 10.1177/1745691620968761
McAnally, H. M., Forsyth, B. J., Taylor, M., & Reese, E. (2021). Imaginary companions in childhood: What can prospective longitudinal research tell us about their fate by adolescence? Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(1), 276-283. doi: 10.1002/jocb.468
Reese, E., Gunn, A., Bateman, A., & Carr, M. (2021). Teacher-child talk about learning stories in New Zealand: A strategy for eliciting children’s complex language. Early Years, 41(5), 506-521. doi: 10.1080/09575146.2019.1621804
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Clifford, A., Shaughency, E., Healey, D., Carroll, J., & Reese, E. (2021). Tender Shoots for ECE: Educator-child conversations and developing socioemotional competencies. Proceedings of the 13th Educational Psychology Forum. CLI21242. Retrieved from
Timperley, S., Shaughency, E., Crawford, I., Gilkison, L., Healey, D., Carroll, J., & Reese, E. (2021). Tender Shoots for ECE: Impact of rich reading and reminiscing on educator-child shared reading interactions. Proceedings of the 13th Educational Psychology Forum. TIM21241. Retrieved from
Shaughency, E., Linney, K., Carroll, J., Riordan, J., Das, S., & Reese, E. (2021). Tender Shoots: Beginning reading outcomes. Proceedings of the 13th Educational Psychology Forum. SCH21240. Retrieved from
Reese, E., Barrett-Young, A., Gilkison, L., Riordan, J., Carroll, J., Das, S., & Shaughency, E. (2021). Tender Shoots: Narrative outcomes in the first year of school. Proceedings of the 13th Educational Psychology Forum. CAR21238. Retrieved from
Reese, E., & Healey, D. (2021). The best Start: Fostering the development of children's oral language and self-regulation skills. Proceedings of the 13th Educational Psychology Forum. REE21232. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Tasuji, T., Reese, E., van mulukom, V., & Whitehouse, H. (2020). Band of mothers: Childbirth as a female bonding experience. PLoS ONE, 15(10), e0240175. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240175
Neha, T., Reese, E., Schaughency, E., & Taumoepeau, M. (2020). The role of whānau (New Zealand Māori families) for Māori children’s early learning. Developmental Psychology, 56(8), 1518-1531. doi: 10.1037/dev0000835
Schaughency, E., Riordan, J., Reese, E., Derby, M., & Gillon, G. (2020). Developing a community-based oral language preventive intervention: Exploring feasibility and social validity for families affected by the Canterbury earthquakes. Infants & Young Children, 33(3), 195-218. doi: 10.1097/IYC.0000000000000171
Fivush, R., McAnally, H., & Reese, E. (2020). Family stories and family secrets. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 29, 20-36. doi: 10.26686/jnzs.v0iNS29.6259
Bakir-Demir, T., Reese, E., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2020). How three generations narrate their vicarious family stories: Intrafamilial similarities, gender and cross-generational differences. Memory, 28(4), 553-566. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2020.1749282
Mitchell, C., Reese, E., Salmon, K., & Jose, P. (2020). Narrative coherence, psychopathology, and wellbeing: Concurrent and longitudinal findings in a mid-adolescent sample. Journal of Adolescence, 79, 16-25. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2019.12.003
Van Bergen, P., Barnier, A. J., Reese, E., & McIlwain, D. (2020). “There were spooks in the park”: Children's reminiscing with parents and siblings following a staged Halloween event. Journal of Applied Research in Memory & Cognition, 9, 96-107. doi: 10.1016/j.jarmac.2019.10.003
Reese, E., Macfarlane, L., McAnally, H., Robertson, S.-J., & Taumoepeau, M. (2020). Coaching in maternal reminiscing with preschoolers leads to elaborative and coherent personal narratives in early adolescence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 189, 104707. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104707
Leyva, D., Reese, E., Laible, D., Schaughency, E., Das, S., & Clifford, A. (2020). Measuring parents' elaborative reminiscing: Differential links of parents' elaboration to children's autobiographical memory and socioemotional skills. Journal of Cognition & Development, 21(1), 23-45. doi: 10.1080/15248372.2019.1668395
Journal - Research Article
Hazan, H., Reese, E. J., & Linscott, R. J. (2019). Narrative self and high risk for schizophrenia: Remembering the past and imagining the future. Memory, 27(9), 1214-1223. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2019.1642919
Fivush, R., Habermas, T., & Reese, E. (2019). Retelling lives: Narrative style and stability of highly emotional events over time. Qualitative Psychology, 6(2), 156-166. doi: 10.1037/qup0000150
Reese, E., & Robertson, S.-J. (2019). Origins of adolescents' earliest memories. Memory, 27(1), 79-91. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2018.1512631
Reese, E., Meins, E., Fernyhough, C., & Centifanti, L. (2019). Origins of mother-child reminiscing style. Development & Psychopathology, 31(2), 631-642. doi: 10.1017/s0954579418000172
Atatoa Carr, P. E., Reese, E., Bird, A. L., Bandara, D. K., Grant, C. C., & Morton, S. M. B. (2019). Caring for our infants: Parents’ antenatal childcare intentions and nine-month reality. Early Years, 39(1), 17-35. doi: 10.1080/09575146.2017.1323186
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
McAnally, H., & Reese, E. (2019, November). Autobiographical narrative in adolescence: Differences and similarities by culture. Verbal presentation at the University of Otago Centre for the Book Symposium: Biography, Autobiography and Memoirs, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Corkin, M. T., Dando, E., Peterson, E. R., Andrejic, N., Waldie, K. E., Reese, E., & Morton, S. M. B. (2018). “The way she smiles brightens me up”: Highlights of parenting an infant in a large nationally diverse cohort. Current Psychology, 40, 919-938. doi: 10.1007/s12144-018-0014-5
Riordan, J., Reese, E., Rouse, S., & Schaughency, E. (2018). Promoting code-focused talk: The rhyme and reason for why book style matters. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 45, 69-80. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.05.004
Suggate, S., Schaughency, E., McAnally, H., & Reese, E. (2018). From infancy to adolescence: The longitudinal links between vocabulary, early literacy skills, oral narrative, and reading comprehension. Cognitive Development, 47, 82-95. doi: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2018.04.005
Peterson, E. R., Andrejic, N., Corkin, M. T., Waldie, K. E., Reese, E., & Morton, S. M. B. (2018). I hardly see my baby: Challenges and highlights of being a New Zealand working mother of an infant. Kōtuitui, 13(1), 4-28. doi: 10.1080/1177083X.2017.1391852
Corkin, M. T., Peterson, E. R., Andrejic, N., Waldie, K. E., Reese, E., & Morton, S. M. B. (2018). Predictors of mothers’ self-identified challenges in parenting infants: Insights from a large, nationally diverse cohort. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 27(2), 653-670. doi: 10.1007/s10826-017-0903-5
Reese, E., Keegan, P., McNaughton, S., Kingi, T. K., Atatoa Carr, P., Schmidt, J., … Morton, S. (2018). Te Reo Māori: Indigenous language acquisition in the context of New Zealand English. Journal of Child Language, 45(2), 340-367. doi: 10.1017/s0305000917000241
Journal - Research Other
Reese, E. (2018). Attachment and memory research: Reflecting on a shared past and a collaborative future. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 83(4), 162-172. doi: 10.1111/mono.12399
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hazan, H., Linscott, R., & Reese, E. (2018). Basic sense of self in youth at high risk for developing schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44(Suppl. 1), (pp. S335). doi: 10.1093/schbul/sby014
Chapter in Book - Research
Reese, E. (2017). Encouraging collaborative remembering between young children and their caregivers. In M. L. Meade, C. B. Harris, P. Van Bergen, J. Sutton & A. J. Barnier (Eds.), Collaborative remembering: Theories, research, and applications. (pp. 317-333). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198737865.003.0018
Journal - Research Article
Schaughency, E., Suggate, S., & Reese, E. (2017). Links between early oral narrative and decoding skills and later reading in a New Zealand sample. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 22, 109-132. doi: 10.1080/19404158.2017.1399914
Reese, E., Fivush, R., Merrill, N., Wang, Q., & McAnally, H. (2017). Adolescents' intergenerational narratives across cultures. Developmental Psychology, 53(6), 1142-1153. doi: 10.1037/dev0000309
Peterson, E. R., Waldie, K. E., Mohal, J., Reese, E., Atatoa-Carr, P. E., Grant, C. C., & Morton, S. M. B. (2017). Infant Behavior Questionnaire: Revised very short form: A new factor structure's associations with parenting perceptions and child language outcomes. Journal of Personality Assessment, 99(6), 561-573. doi: 10.1080/00223891.2017.1287709
Peterson, E. R., Mohal, J., Waldie, K. E., Reese, E., Atatoa Carr, P., Grant, C. C., & Morton, S. M. B. (2017). A cross-cultural analysis of the infant behavior questionnaire very short form: An item response theory analysis of infant temperament in New Zealand. Journal of Personality Assessment, 99(6), 574-584. doi: 10.1080/00223891.2017.1288128
Reese, E., Myftari, E., McAnally, H. M., Chen, Y., Neha, T., Wang, Q., Jack, F., & Robertson, S.-J. (2017). Telling the tale and living well: Adolescent narrative identity, personality traits, and well-being across cultures. Child Development, 88(2), 612-628. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12618
Robertson, S.-J. L., & Reese, E. (2017). The very hungry caterpillar turned into a butterfly: Children’s and parents’ enjoyment of different book genres. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 17(1), 3-25. doi: 10.1177/1468798415598354
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Neha, T., Reese, E., Taumoepeau, M., & Robertson, S.-J. (2017). He maumahara ki Ngā Kōrero a Ngā Whānau ki Te Waipounamu: Family recollections and social contributions to Māori children's learning int the South Island, New Zealand. Proceedings of the 10th Education Psychology Forum (EPF): Promoting healthy school cultures and learning environments for all children. Retrieved from
Schaughency, E., Reese, E., Riordan, J., Derby, M., Wilson, L., & Gillon, G. (2017). Nurturing shared reading with preschool children: New Zealand examples. Proceedings of the National Science Challenge Literacy and Learning Research Symposium. Retrieved from
Carroll, J., Healey, D., Schaughency, E., Reese, E., Cross, T., Johnson, J., … Burrowes, R. (2017). Te Pihinga: Growing relationships with home based educators to nurture young children's development. Proceedings of the New Zealand for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference. (pp. 26). Retrieved from
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Bateman, A., Carr, M., Gunn, A., & Reese, E. (2017). Literacy and narrative in the early years: Zooming in and zooming out. Wellington, New Zealand: Teaching & Learning Research Initiative. 14p. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Schaughency, E., Riordan, J., Das, S., Carroll, J., & Reese, E. (2016). Embracing the principle of ako: Growing partnerships between parents, early childhood educators and researchers. Early Childhood Folio, 20(2), 31-36. doi: 10.18296/ecf.0028
Reese, E., Peterson, E. R., Waldie, K., Schmidt, J., Bandara, D., Atatoa Carr, P., … Morton, S. M. B. (2016). High Hopes? Educational, socioeconomic, and ethnic differences in parents' aspirations for their unborn children. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 25(12), 3657-3674. doi: 10.1007/s10826-016-0521-7
Bird, A. L., Reese, E., Taumoepeau, M., Schmidt, J., Mohal, J., Grant, C., … Morton, S. (2016). “You are our eyes and ears”: A new tool for observing parent-child interactions in large samples. Longitudinal & Life Course Studies, 7(4), 386-408. doi: 10.14301/llcs.v7i4.381
Salmon, K., O'Kearney, R., Reese, E., & Fortune, C.-A. (2016). The role of language skill in child psychopathology: Implications for intervention in the early years. Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review, 19(4), 352-367. doi: 10.1007/s10567-016-0214-1
Salmon, K., & Reese, E. (2016). The benefits of reminiscing with young children. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25(4), 233-238. doi: 10.1177/0963721416655100
Jack, F., Friedman, W., Reese, E., & Zajac, R. (2016). Age-related differences in memory for time, temporal reconstruction, and the availability and use of temporal landmarks. Cognitive Development, 37, 53-66. doi: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2015.12.003
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Gunn, A., Bateman, A., Carr, M., & Reese, E. (2016). Storytelling at kindergarten: Teachers practices and children's learning in sociocultural cirriculum. Proceedings of the 26th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) Annual Conference: Happiness, Relationships, Emotion & Deep Level Learning. (pp. 252). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Bateman, A., Carr, M., Gunn, A., & Reese, E. (2016, November-December). Emotional responses to children's tellings. Verbal presentation at the Australasian Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (AIEMCA) Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Reese, E., & Schaughency, E. (2016, November). Supporting young children's language and communication through Scaffolded Interactions. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference: Nōku anō te Takapau Wharanui: The Politics of Learning, Wellington, New Zealand.
Reese, E., Gunn, A., Bateman, A., & Carr, M. (2016, November). Telling stories about learning stories. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference: Nōku anō te Takapau Wharanui: The Politics of Learning, Wellington, New Zealand.
Gunn, A. C., Bateman, A., Carr, M., & Reese, E. (2016, August). Storytelling in early childhood education and at school: Teachers' practices and children's learning in sociocultural curriculum. Verbal presentation at the University of Otago College of Education (UOCE) Annual Early Childhood Research Hui, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Schaughency, E., Reese, E., Carroll, J., Linney, K., Clifford, A., Das, S., Johnston, J., & Rouse, S. (2016, August). Supporting adult-child interactions with preschool children: Benefits for children's emergent literacy in beginning schooling. Verbal presentation at the University of Otago College of Education (UOCE) Annual Early Childhood Research Hui, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Reese, E. (2015). What good is a picturebook? Developing children's oral language and literacy through shared picturebook reading. In B. Kümmerling-Meibauer, J. Meibauer, K. Nachtigäller & K. J. Rohlfing (Eds.), Learning from picturebooks: Perspectives from child development and literacy studies. (pp. 194-208). Hove, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Reese, E., Ballard, E., Taumoepeau, M., Taumoefolau, M., Morton, S. B., Grant, C., Atatoa-Carr, P., … Perese, L. (2015). Estimating language skills in Samoan- and Tongan-speaking children growing up in New Zealand. First Language, 35(4-5), 407-427. doi: 10.1177/0142723715596099
Salmon, K., & Reese, E. (2015). Talking (or not talking) about the past: The influence of parent–child conversation about negative experiences on children's memories. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29(6), 791-801. doi: 10.1002/acp.3186
Habermas, T., & Reese, E. (2015). Getting a life takes time: The development of the life story in adolescence, its precursors and consequences. Human Development, 58(3), 172-201. doi: 10.1159/000437245
Artioli, F., Reese, E., & Hayne, H. (2015). Benchmarking the past: Children's early memories and maternal reminiscing as a function of family structure. Journal of Applied Research in Memory & Cognition, 4(2), 136-143. doi: 10.1016/j.jarmac.2015.04.002
Reese, E., Robertson, S.-J., Divers, S., & Schaughency, E. (2015). Does the brown banana have a beak? Preschool children’s phonological awareness as a function of parents’ talk about speech sounds. First Language, 35(1), 54-67. doi: 10.1177/0142723714566336
Reese, E., & Neha, T. (2015). Let's kōrero (talk): The practice and functions of reminiscing among mothers and children in Māori families. Memory, 23(1), 99-110. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2014.929705
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Johnston, J., Rouse, S., Robertson, S.-J., Das, S., Carroll, J., Schaughency, E., & Reese, E. (2015). Promoting print-related talk: The rhyme and reason for why genre matters. Proceedings of the Inaugural Early Start Conference. (pp. 68). Retrieved from
Das, S., Clifford, A., Schaughency, E., & Reese, E. (2015). I'm happy and I know it? Exploring links between parent-child reminiscing and children's emotion understanding. In C. Matthewson, M. Taumoepeau, I. Iati, M. Inder, C. Pau & R. Richards (Eds.), Proceedings of the Pacific Postgraduate Symposium: Pacific Voices XII. (pp. 13). Dunedin, New Zealand: Pacific Islands Centre, University of Otago. [Abstract]
Neha, T., Treharne, G., Peterson, C., & Reese, E. (2015). E Tamariki Ma. Kōrero Mai: Māori children's narratives on mild personal injury. Proceedings of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP) 9th Biennial Conference. (pp. 74). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Bateman, A., Carr, M., Reese, E., & Gunn, A. (2015, November). Exploring literacy in the early years. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference: Emancipation Through Education, Whakatāne, New Zealand.
Bateman, A., Gunn, A., Carr, M., & Reese, E. (2015, November). Stories about children's learning: Zooming in and zooming out. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand Association for Research in Education (NZARE) Conference: Emancipation Through Education, Whakatāne, New Zealand.
Gunn, A., Carr, M., Bateman, A., & Reese, E. (2015, October). Storying: A key to language and literacy learning in the early years. Verbal presentation at the 11th Early Childhood Convention, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Reese, E., Taumoepeau, M., & Neha, T. (2014). Remember drawing on the cupboard? New Zealand Māori, European, and Pasifika parents’ conversations about children’s transgressions. In C. Wainryb & H. E. Recchia (Eds.), Talking about right and wrong: Parent-child conversations as contexts for moral development. (pp. 44-70). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Reese, E. (2014). Practical tips for conducting longitudinal studies of memory development. In P. J. Bauer & R. Fivush (Eds.), Wiley handbook on the development of children's memory. (pp. 1044-1050). Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.
Reese, E. (2014). Taking the long way: Longitudinal approaches to autobiographical memory development. In P. J. Bauer & R. Fivush (Eds.), Wiley handbook on the development of children's memory. (pp. 972-995). Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.
Journal - Research Article
Suggate, S., Reese, E., Lenhard, W., & Schneider, W. (2014). The relative contributions of vocabulary, decoding, and phonemic awareness to word reading in English versus German. Reading & Writing, 27(8), 1395-1412. doi: 10.1007/s11145-014-9498-z
Reese, E., Chen, Y., McAnally, H. M., Myftari, E., Neha, T., Wang, Q., & Jack, F. (2014). Narratives and traits in personality development among New Zealand Māori, Chinese, and European adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 37(5), 727-737. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2014.02.005
Artioli, F., & Reese, E. (2014). Early memories in young adults from separated and non-separated families. Memory, 22(8), 1082-1102. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2013.868907
Taumoepeau, M., & Reese, E. (2014). Understanding the self through siblings: Self-awareness mediates the sibling effect on social understanding. Social Development, 23(1), 1-18. doi: 10.1111/sode.12035
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Sparks, A., & Reese, E. (2014). Elaborative conversations as an emergent literacy intervention context. Proceedings of the 13th International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL) Congress. Retrieved from
Johnston, J., Reese, E., Schaughency, E., & Das, S. (2014). A time to talk: A conversational intervention for children's language learning. Proceedings of the 13th International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL) Congress. Retrieved from
Gunn, A., Bateman, A., Carr, M., & Reese, E. (2014). Reporting to children about research involving them. Proceedings of the 24th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) Annual Conference: Us, Them & Me: Universal, Targeted or Individuated Early Childhood Programmes. (pp. 236). Retrieved from
Schaughency, E., Das, S., Carroll, J., Johnston, J., Robertson, S.-J., & Reese, E. (2014). Getting ready for school: Exploring caregivers' implementation of a parent-mediated school readiness programme. Proceedings of the 7th Educational Psychology Forum: Working Together to Create Positive Futures. Retrieved from
Neha, T., Clifford, A., Das, S., Robertson, S.-J., Schaughency, E., & Reese, E. (2014). It's cool to korero like Kiwis: Exploring the relationship between conversation styles and children's language and literacy development. Proceedings of the 7th Educational Psychology Forum: Working Together to Create Positive Futures. Retrieved from
McDowall, P., Schaughency, E., Taumoepeau, M., & Reese, E. (2014). Parent-involvement in children's beginning reading: Schools' engagement of families and associations with child literacy development. Proceedings of the 7th Educational Psychology Forum: Working Together to Create Positive Futures. Retrieved from
Pigden, A. R., Todd, J., Reese, E., & McAnally, H. (2014). Does reading make you angry? Investigating the effects of violent literature on aggressive cognitions and prosocial tendencies. Proceedings of the Psycolloquy Seminar. (pp. 11). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Psychology, University of Otago. Retrieved from
Johnston, J., Reese, E., Schaughency, E., & Das, S. (2014). Getting ready for school: From there to here and here to there. Proceedings of the Psycolloquy Seminar. (pp. 10). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Psychology, University of Otago. Retrieved from
Das, S., Clifford, A., Schaughency, E., Robertson, S.-J., Reese, E., & Johnston, J. (2014). Elaborations, efficacy, and education: The relationship between elaborative reminiscing, parental self-efficacy and school readiness. Proceedings of the Psycolloquy Seminar. (pp. 9). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Psychology, University of Otago. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Reese, E. (2014, November). Adolescent identity and well-being in three New Zealand cultures. Verbal presentation at the Multiculturalism in New Zealand: International and Multi-disciplinary Perspectives Colloquium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Reese, E. (2014, June). Taking the long way: Longitudinal approaches to child development. Verbal presentation at the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Psychology Research Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Authored Book - Research
Reese, E. (2013). Tell me a story: Sharing stories to enrich your child's world. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 241p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Reese, E. (2013). Culture, narrative, and imagination. In M. Taylor (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of the development of imagination. (pp. 196-211). Oxford University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Taumoepeau, M., & Reese, E. (2013). Maternal reminiscing, elaborative talk, and children's theory of mind: An intervention study. First Language, 33(4), 388-410. doi: 10.1177/0142723713493347
Chen, Y., McAnally, H. M., & Reese, E. (2013). Development in the organization of episodic memories in middle childhood and adolescence. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 7, 84. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00084
Sparks, A., & Reese, E. (2013). From reminiscing to reading: Home contributions to children's developing language and literacy in low-income families. First Language, 33(1), 89-109. doi: 10.1177/0142723711433583
Suggate, S. P., Schaughency, E. A., & Reese, E. (2013). Children learning to read later catch up to children reading earlier. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28(1), 33-48. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2012.04.004
Morton, S. M. B., Atatoa Carr, P. E., Grant, C. C., Robinson, E. M., Bandara, D. K., Bird, A., Ivory, V. C., … Reese, E., … Wall, C. (2013). Cohort profile: Growing up in New Zealand. International Journal of Epidemiology, 42(1), 65-75. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyr206
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Reese, E. (2013). The gender gap in reading: Are parents responsible? Psychology Today. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Johnston, J., Das, S., Schaughency, E., Reese, E., Lindsay, G., & Harding, R. (2013, December). Getting ready for school: What do parents want? Exploring parents' priorities for programme development for the transition to primary school. Poster session presented at the 6th Educational Psychology Forum, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Reese, E., & Neha, T. (2013, April). Yesterday, today, and tomorrow's maharatia: Recollections among Māori mothers and children. Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Neha, T., Reese, E., Murachver, T., & Robertson, S.-J. (2013, April). Tell me Whaea/Mama: The role of reminiscing and storybook reading in the oral language of young New Zealand Māori children. Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Schaughency, E., Struthers, P., & Reese, E. (2013, April). Shaping the home literacy environment in the first two school years: Roles of children, parents, and relations to reading skill. Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Reese, E. (2013, April). Attachment in adolescence. Verbal presentation at the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists (NZCCP) 23rd National Conference: Upping our game "Nga Ringa Raupa", Dunedin, New Zealand.
Other Research Output
Reese, E. (2013, September). Tell me a story. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture].
Edited Book - Research
Suggate, S., & Reese, E. (Eds.). (2012). Contemporary debates in childhood education and development. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 352p.
Chapter in Book - Research
Reese, E., Sparks, A., & Suggate, S. (2012). Assessing children's narratives. In E. Hoff (Ed.), Research methods in child language: A practical guide. (pp. 133-148). Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Reese, E. (2012). The tyranny of shared book-reading. In S. Suggate & E. Reese (Eds.), Contemporary debates in childhood education and development. (pp. 59-68). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Leyva, D., Sparks, A., & Reese, E. (2012). The link between preschoolers’ phonological awareness and mothers’ book-reading and reminiscing practices in low-income families. Journal of Literacy Research, 44(4), 426-447. doi: 10.1177/1086296x12460040
Chen, Y., McAnally, H. M., Wang, Q., & Reese, E. (2012). The coherence of critical event narratives and adolescents' psychological functioning. Memory, 20(7), 667-681. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2012.693934
Artioli, F., Cicogna, P. C., Occhionero, M., & Reese, E. (2012). "The people I grew up with": The role of sociodemographic factors in early memories in an Italian sample. Memory, 20(2), 189-197. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2011.651090
Leyva, D., Reese, E., & Wiser, M. (2012). Early understanding of the functions of print: Parent—child interaction and preschoolers' notating skills. First Language, 32(3), 301-323. doi: 10.1177/0142723711410793
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Forsyth, B., Reese, E., & McAnally, H. (2012). Are adolescent memories of childhood imaginary friends reliable? Proceedings of the Psycolloquy Seminar. (pp. 9). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Kendall, J., Schaughency, E., Struthers, P., & Reese, E. (2012, November). Growing readers: A closer look at child-parent reading interactions, skill development, and budding independent reading across the first year of school. Poster session presented at the 5th Educational Psychology Forum, Auckland, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Reese, E., & Murachver, T. (2012, June). Whānau recollections and social contributions to Māori children's learning. Verbal presentation at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA), Uncasville, Connecticut.
Reese, E. (2012, July). Culture, self and identity. Verbal presentation at the Neuroscience and Mental Disorder Conference in association with the 15th International Philosophy and Psychiatry Conference: Culture and Mental Health, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Reese, E., Haden, C. A., Baker-Ward, L., Bauer, P., Fivush, R., & Ornstein, P. A. (2011). Coherence of personal narratives across the lifespan: A multidimensional model and coding method. Journal of Cognition & Development, 12(4), 424-462. doi: 10.1080/15248372.2011.587854
Suggate, S. P., Schaughency, E. A., & Reese, E. (2011). The contribution of age and reading instruction to oral narrative and pre-reading skills. First Language, 31(4), 379-403. doi: 10.1177/0142723710395165
Friedman, W. J., Reese, E., & Dai, X. (2011). Children's memory for the times of events from the past years. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25(1), 156-165. doi: 10.1002/acp.1656
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Chen, Y., McAnally, H., Reese, E., & Wang, Q. (2011). Selves in the making: A cross-culture investigation into the development of life story in adolescence. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC IX). (pp. 13). Retrieved from
Taumoepeau, M., & Reese, E. (2011). Child-directed speech and child language development in Pacific Island families living in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 12th International Association for the Study of Child Language (ISACL) Congress. Retrieved from
Artioli, F., & Reese, E. (2011). Family transitions and early memory. A study with young adults from separated and non-separated families. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA). Retrieved from
Luo, R., Gill, A. I., Lobb, C., Schaughency, E., Reese, E., & Galland, B. (2011). Predicting phonological awareness skills at age 4: Contributions of reported home literacy activities, observed parent-child interactions, and sleep status at age 3. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA). (pp. 107). Retrieved from
Reese, E., Divers, S., & Robertson, S.-J. (2011). "Does the brown banana have a beak?" Mothers' wordplay and children's phonological awareness. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA). (pp. 106). Retrieved from
Taumoepeau, M., & Reese, E. (2011). Finding their wings: Young children's mental state understanding in a Pacific Island New Zealand community. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA). (pp. 55). Retrieved from
McAnally, H., Chen, Y., Reese, E., & Wang, Q. (2011). Adolescent narrative identity and well-being. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA). (pp. 37). Retrieved from
Neha, T., Reese, E., & Murachver, T. (2011). Family recollections and social contributions to Māori children's learning. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA). (pp. 35). Retrieved from
Reese, E. (2011). Before they were born: Findings from the antenatal phase of the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal cohort study. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA). (pp. 16). Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Luo, R., Schaughency, E., Gill, A., Lobb, C., Reese, E., & Galland, B. (2011, August). Young children's acquisition of early literacy and language skills: The contributions of literacy environments, parental scaffolding, and child sleep. Poster session presented at the 119th American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Reese, E. (2011, November). Adolescent life stories and psychological well-being. Verbal presentation at the Otago Child and Adolescent Well-Being Research Forum, Dunedin, New Zealand.
McAnally, H. M., Chen, Y., Reese, E., & Wang, Q. (2011, March-April). Life stories, age, culture and well-being: What are the relationships? Verbal presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Montréal, Canada.
Chapter in Book - Research
Reese, E., Yan, C., Jack, F., & Hayne, H. (2010). Emerging identities: Narrative and self from early childhood to early adolescence. In K. C. McLean & M. Pasupathi (Eds.), Narrative development in adolescence: Creating the storied self. (pp. 23-43). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-89825-4
Schaughency, E., & Reese, E. (2010). Connections between language and literacy development. In J. Low & P. Jose (Eds.), Lifespan development: New Zealand perspectives. (2nd ed.) (pp. 59-71). Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson.
Journal - Research Article
Reese, E., Jack, F., & White, N. (2010). Origins of adolescents' autobiographical memories. Cognitive Development, 25(4), 352-367. doi: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2010.08.006
Reese, E., Leyva, D., Sparks, A., & Grolnick, W. (2010). Maternal elaborative reminiscing increases low-income children's narrative skills relative to dialogic reading. Early Education & Development, 21(3), 318-342. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2010.481552
Reese, E., Sparks, A., & Leyva, D. (2010). A review of parent interventions for preschool children's language and emergent literacy. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 10(1), 97-117. doi: 10.1177/1468798409356987
Reese, E., Suggate, S., Long, J., & Schaughency, E. (2010). Children's oral narrative and reading skills in the first 3 years of reading instruction. Reading & Writing, 23(6), 627-644. doi: 10.1007/s11145-009-9175-9
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Chen, Y., McAnally, H., & Reese, E. (2010, June). Life story coherence and psychological well-being: A cross-cultural perspective. Poster session presented at the Centre on Autobiographical Memory Research (CON AMORE) Conference: Theoretical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory, Aarhus, Denmark.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Neha, T., Reese, E., & Murachver, T. (2010, October). He Rapunga Kōrero Te Akoranga O Ngā Whānau Tamarikitanga [Research on Māori children's learning]. Verbal presentation at the Māori and Indigenous Doctoral Students Conference: He Rangi Tā Matawhānui: Visualising Wider Horizons, Wellington, New Zealand.
Artioli, F., Reese, E., Cicogna, P., & Occhionero, M. (2010, November). ″Your earliest memories″: Sociocultural factors on earliest autobiographical memories. Verbal presentation at the Psycolloquy Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Reese, E. (2009). The development of autobiographical memory: Origins and consequences. In P. Bauer (Ed.), Advances in child development and behavior (Vol. 37). (pp. 145-200). The Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/s0065-2407(09)03704-5
Journal - Research Article
Trionfi, G., & Reese, E. (2009). A good story: Children with imaginary companions create richer narratives. Child Development, 80(4), 1301-1313. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2009.01333.x
Jack, F., MacDonald, S., Reese, E., & Hayne, H. (2009). Maternal reminiscing style during early childhood predicts the age of adolescents' earliest memories. Child Development, 80(2), 496-505. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2009.01274.x
Kalia, V., & Reese, E. (2009). Relations between Indian children's home literacy environment and their English oral language and literacy skills. Scientific Studies of Reading, 13(2), 122-145. doi: 10.1080/10888430902769517
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Kalia, V., & Reese, E. (2009, April). "You know what pet is?" Shared book-reading in Indian families and associations with children's early literacy development. Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Kalia, V., Wiser, M., & Reese, E. (2009, April). The role of narrative skills in Indian bilingual children's English literacy acquisition. Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Chen, Y., White, N., Ball, V., & Reese, E. (2009, April). Life stories and well-being in middle childhood and adolesence. Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sparks, A., & Reese, E. (2009, April). The interface between mother-child storytelling and developing literacy: Evidence from a sample of children entering head start. Verbal presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Chen, Y., & Reese, E. (2009, November). Family narratives, identity and well-being in middle childhood and early adolescence. Verbal presentation at the Psycolloquy Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Bird, A., & Reese, E. (2008). Autobiographical memory in childhood and the development of a continuous self. In F. Sani (Ed.), Self continuity: Individual and collective perspectives. (pp. 43-54). NY: Psychology Press.
Journal - Research Article
Leyva, D., Reese, E., Grolnick, W., & Price, C. (2008). Elaboration and autonomy support in low-income mothers' reminiscing: Links to children's autobiographical narratives. Journal of Cognition & Development, 9(4), 363-389. doi: 10.1080/15248370802678158
Reese, E., & Fivush, R. (2008). The development of collective remembering. Memory, 16(3), 201-212. doi: 10.1080/09658210701806516
Cleveland, E. S., & Reese, E. (2008). Children remember early childhood: Long-term recall across the offset of childhood amnesia. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22(1), 127-142. doi: 10.1002/acp.1359
Reese, E. (2008). Maternal coherence in the Adult Attachment Interview is linked to maternal reminiscing and to children's self concept. Attachment & Human Development, 10(4), 451-464.
Reese, E., Hayne, H., & MacDonald, S. (2008). Looking back to the future: Māori and Pakeha mother—child birth stories. Child Development, 79(1), 114-125. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2007.01114.x
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Schaughency, E., Suggate, S., & Reese, E. (2008). Measuring the home literacy environment in a sample of New Zealand primary students. Proceedings of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Fifteenth Annual Meeting. SSSR. Retrieved from
Suggate, S., Schaughency, E., & Reese, E. (2008). Age of beginning formal reading instruction and later literacy: Evidence from longitudinal research. International Journal of Psychology. 43(3&4). Retrieved from
Suggate, S., Reese, E., Long, J., & Schaughency, E. (2008). Predictors of oral narrative skill in the early school years. In F. Deutsch, L. Tadesse, N. Schnelle, J. Price & K. Boehnke (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. (pp. 179-180). IACCP. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Reese, E., Sparks, A., Kalia, V., Long, J., Suggate, S., & Schaughency, E. (2008, July-August). Oral narrative skills and reading ability: Implications for assessment. Verbal presentation at the XI Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Edinburgh, UK.
Reese, E. (2008, November). The good, the bad, and the ugly: Reminiscing with parents and adolescent's socioemotional health. Verbal presentation at the Otago International Health Research Network Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Reese, E., Bird, A., & Tripp, G. (2007). Children's self-esteem and moral self: Links to parent-child conversations regarding emotion. Social Development, 16(3), 460-478.
Reese, E., & Newcombe, R. (2007). Training mothers in elaborative reminiscing enhances children's autobiographical memory and narrative. Child Development, 78(4), 1153-1170.
Cleveland, E. S., Reese, E., & Grolnick, W. S. (2007). Children's engagement and competence in personal recollection: Effects of parents' reminiscing goals. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 96, 131-149.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Reese, E. (2007, November). Mothers' elaborative reminiscing enhances children's autobiographical memory and narrative. Verbal presentation at the Psycolloquy Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Sparks, A., Leyva, D., & Reese, E. (2007, July). Hablando Sobre El Pasedo Entre Madres E Hijos Y La Memoria Autobiografica En Familias Anglo Y Latinas De Bajo Ingreso. Verbal presentation at the IV Latin American Regional Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Mexico City, Mexico.
Haden, C., Reese, E., & Ornstein, P. (2007, July). Bits and pieces: Coherence in preschoolers' personal narratives. Verbal presentation at the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition Seventh Biennial Meeting, Lewiston, USA.
Reese, E., Schroder, L., Roughan, A., Cleveland, E. S., & Grolnick, W. S. (2007, March-April). Let's go to the zoo!: Experimental studies of adult-child reminiscing. Verbal presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Boston, USA.
Chapter in Book - Research
Reese, E., Newcombe, R., & Bird, A. (2006). The emergence of autobiographical memory: Cognitive, social, and emotional factors. In C. M. Fletcher-Flinn & G. M. Haberman (Eds.), Cognition and language: Perspectives from New Zealand. (pp. 177-190). Brisbane: Australian Academic Press.
Chapter in Book - Other
Reese, E. (2006). Foreword. In J. Low & P. Jose (Eds.), Lifespan development: New Zealand perspectives. (pp. v). Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson Education.
Journal - Research Article
Reese, E., & Cleveland, E. S. (2006). Mother-child reminiscing and children's understanding of mind. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 52(1), 17-43.
Bird, A., Reese, E., & Tripp, G. (2006). Parent-child talk about past emotional events: Associations with child temperament and goodness-of-fit. Journal of Cognition & Development, 7(2), 189-210.
Bird, A., & Reese, E. (2006). Emotional reminiscing and the development of an autobiographical self. Developmental Psychology, 42(4), 613-626.
Fivush, R., Haden, C. A., & Reese, E. (2006). Elaborating on elaborations: Role of maternal reminiscing style in cognitive and socioemotional development. Child Development, 77(6), 1568-1588.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Reese, E., Sparks, A., & Cenko, E. (2006). Talking to children: How important is context? Proceedings of the Jean Piaget Society 36th Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Schröder, L., Roughan, A., Waddell, A., & Reese, E. (2006, July). A trip to the zoo: Reminiscing styles and children's event memory. Poster session presented at the 19th Biennial Meeting International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Melbourne, Australia.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Suggate, S., Schaughency, E., & Reese, E. (2006, November). Developmental trajectories of reading and the influence of the age at which instruction begins: A preview and preliminary analyses. Verbal presentation at the Psycolloquy Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Roughan, A., Wei, A., Yan, C., Westgate, S., & Reese, E. (2006, November). The effects of elaboration and autonomy support on children's event memory. Verbal presentation at the Psycolloquy Seminar, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Leyva, D., Price, C., Grolnick, W., & Reese, E. (2006, July). Parental involvement in preschool children's literacy development. Verbal presentation at the 19th Biennial Meeting International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Melbourne, Australia.
Reese, E., & Newcombe, R. (2006, July). Training mothers to talk elaboratively about the past. Verbal presentation at the 4th International Conference on Memory, Sydney, Australia.
Reese, E., Hayne, H., & MacDonald, S. (2006, July). Looking back to the future: Maori and Pakeha mother-child birth stories. Verbal presentation at the 4th International Conference on Memory, Sydney, Australia.
Journal - Research Article
Reese, E., & Colombo, M. (2005). Memory research in the southernmost psychology department. Cognitive Processing, 6, 266-271.
Cleveland, E. S., & Reese, E. (2005). Maternal structure and autonomy support in conversations about the past: Contributions to children's autobiographical memory. Developmental Psychology, 41(2), 376-388.
Fletcher, K. L., & Reese, E. (2005). Picture book reading with young children: A conceptual framework. Developmental Review, 25, 64-103.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Leyva, D., & Reese, E. (2005). Why is parental report of book-reading frequency not a good measure of home literacy? Evidence from a low-income sample. Proceedings of the Jean Piaget Society 35th Annual Meeting. (pp. 40-41). [Abstract]
Reese, E. (2005). Autobiographical memory across generations [Invited]. Proceedings of the 1st International Society for Cultural and Activity Research Congress. (pp. 363). Sevilla, Spain: ISCAR. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Cleveland, E. S., Reese, E., & Grolnick, W. (2005, April). Provision of autonomy support in parent-child reminiscing: Effects of a parent's orientation to the task. Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development 2005 Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Sparks, A., Reese, E., & Kalia, V. (2005, April). Home influences on child language and literacy in low income families. Verbal presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development 2005 Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
Trionfi, G., & Reese, E. (2005, April). Storytelling: Narrative skills of children with and without imaginary companions. Verbal presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
Journal - Research Article
Newcombe, R., & Reese, E. (2004). Evaluations and orientations in mother-child narratives as a function of attachment security: A longitudinal investigation. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 28(3), 230-245.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Srivastava, S., Reese, E., & Newcombe, R. (2004, June). Links between preschoolers' shared past event narratives with mothers and early literacy development. Verbal presentation at the Jean Piaget Society 34th Annual Meeting: Social Development, Social Inequalities, & Social Justice, Toronto, Canada.
Trionfi, G., & Reese, E. (2004, June). What Hobbes did: Developmental correlates of having an imaginary companion. Verbal presentation at the Jean Piaget Society 34th Annual Meeting: Social Development, Social Inequalities, & Social Justice, Toronto, Canada.
Chapter in Book - Research
Reese, E., Cox, A., Harte, D., & McAnally, H. (2003). Diversity in adults' styles of reading books to children. In A. van Kleeck, S. A. Stahl & E. B. Bauer (Eds.), On reading books to children: Parents and teachers. (pp. 37-57). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Reese, E., & Farrant, K. (2003). Social origins of reminiscing. In R. Fivush & C. A. Haden (Eds.), Autobiographical memory and the construction of a narrative self: Developmental and cultural perspectives. (pp. 29-48). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Cleveland, E. S., Reese, E., Pitkanen, P., Roman, C., & Wotton, H. (2003, October). Children remember childhood; But what are they remembering? Poster session presented at the Cognitive Development Society: Third Biennial Meeting, Park City, Utah.
Reese, E., Stewart, S. E., & Newcombe, R. S. (2003, October). Elaborative talk about the past enhances children's narrative skills. Poster session presented at the Cognitive Development Society: Third Biennial Meeting, Park City, Utah.
Cockcroft, A. L., & Reese, E. (2003, April). Who am I? An autobiographical approach to self concept development. Poster session presented at the 70th Anniversary of the Society for Research in Child Development: Biennial Meeting, Tampa, Florida.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Cleveland, E. S., & Reese, E. (2003, June). Maternal mental state talk and children's understanding of mind: What are the relations. Verbal presentation at the Jean Piaget Society: Society for the Study of Knowledge and Development 33rd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Cleveland, E. S., & Reese, E. (2003, April). Mother-child reminiscing and children's understanding of mind: Maternal autonomy support, child attachment and ToM. Verbal presentation at the 70th Anniversary of the Society for Research in Child Development: 2003 Biennial Meeting, Tampa, Florida.
MacDonald, S., Barber, J., Finau, C., McNaughton, S., & Reese, E. (2003, June). Language and literacy in Maori, Tongan, and Pakeha families in Aoteoroa/New Zealand. Verbal presentation at the Jean Piaget Society 33rd Annual Meeting: Society for the Study of Knowledge and Development, Chicago, IL.
Newcombe, R. S., & Reese, E. (2003, April). Reflections on a shared past: Attachment security and mother-child reminiscing. Verbal presentation at the 70th Anniversary of the Society for Research in Child Development: Biennial Meeting, Tampa, Florida.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Reese, E. (2003). Success by six. President's Task Force on School Readiness and the United Way of America. Worcester, Maine: Psychology Department, Clark University.
Chapter in Book - Research
Fivush, R., & Reese, E. (2002). Reminiscing and relating: The development of parent-child talk about the past. In J. D. Webster & B. K. Haight (Eds.), Critical Advances in Reminiscence Work. (pp. 109-122). New York: Springer Publishing.
Reese, E. (2002). A model of the origins of autobiographical memory. In J. W. Fagen & H. Hayne (Eds.), Progress in Infancy Research (Vol. 2). (pp. 215-260). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Journal - Research Article
Reese, E. (2002). Social factors in the development of autobiographical memory: The state of the art. Social Development, 11(1), 124-142.
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
MacDonald, S., McNaughton, S., & Reese, E. (2001, April). Narrative practices in Maori, Tongan, and Pakeha families in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Mineappolis, USA.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Fivush, R., & Reese, E. (2001, April). Reminiscing and relating: Developing relations between parent-child narratives and attachment. Verbal presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Mineappolis, USA.
Reese, E., & Brown, R. (2001, April). Mother-child talk about the past: A meeting of two minds? Verbal presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Mineappolis, USA.
Journal - Research Article
Farrant, K. L., & Reese, E. (2000). Maternal style and children's participation in reminiscing: Stepping stones in children's autobiographical memory development. Journal of Cognition & Development, 1(2), 193-225.
Reese, E., & Read, S. (2000). Predictive validity of the New Zealand MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory: Words and sentences. Journal of Child Language, 27(2), 255-266.
Reese, E., & Brown, N. T. (2000). Reminiscing and recounting in the preschool years. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 14, 1-17.
Journal - Research Article
Reese, E. (1999). What children say when they talk about the past. Narrative Inquiry, 9(2), 1-27.
Harley, K. M., & Reese, E. (1999). Origins of autobiographical memory. Developmental Psychology, 35(5), 1338-1348.
Reese, E., & Cox, A. (1999). Quality of adult book reading affects children's emergent literacy. Developmental Psychology, 35(1), 20-28.
Chapter in Book - Research
Haden, C. A., Fivush, R., & Reese, J. E. (1998). Narrative development in social context. In A. Smorti (Ed.), Narrative Development. (pp. 133-152). Florence, Italy: Giunti.
Chapter in Book - Research
Fivush, R., Pipe, M.-E., Murachver, T. S., & Reese, J. E. (1997). Events spoken and unspoken: implications of language and memory development for the recovered memory debate. In M. A. Conway (Ed.), Recovered Memories and False Memories. (pp. 34-62). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Journal - Research Article
Haden, C. A., Reese, E., & Fivush, R. (1996). Mothers' extratextual comments during storybook reading: Stylistic differences over time and across texts. Discourse Processes, 21(2), 135-169. doi: 10.1080/01638539609544953
Reese, J. E., Haden, C. A., & Fivush, R. (1996). Mothers, fathers, daughters and sons: gender differences in autobiographical reminiscing. Research on Language & Social Interaction, 29(1), 27-56.
Reese, J. E. (1996). Conceptions of self in mother-child birth stories. Journal of Narrative & Life History, 6(1), 23-38.
Chapter in Book - Research
Fivush, R., Haden, C., & Reese, E. (1995). Remembering, recounting, and reminiscing: The development of autobiographical memory in social context. In D. C. Rubin (Ed.), Remembering our past: Studies in autobiographical memory. (pp. 341-359). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Chapter in Book - Research
Fivush, R., & Reese, E. (1992). The social construction of autobiographical memory. In M. A. Conway, D. C. Rubin, H. Spinnler & W. A. Wagenaar (Eds.), Theoretical perspectives on autobiographical memory. (pp. 115-132). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.