Welcome to our website! Our group is carrying out research on several aspects of parasite ecology and evolution, on a variety of host and parasite taxa, and using a range of experimental, genetic and meta-analytical approaches. Follow the links
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For over 140 years, the University of Otago Medical School has dared to lead in medical education and research.

Otago Open Days provide an opportunity for students and parents to learn more about course options, scholarships, accommodation and other services available at Otago.
Estimate population density using detections of marked animals from cage traps, camera traps, microsatellite DNA from hair or feces, etc. Also R package secr
Ranked 33rd-best dental school in the world, we undertake research, education, and training to improve health nationally and internationally.
How distance learning works at Otago.

The Diploma in Arts (DipArts) and the Diploma in Commerce (DipCom) are fast-track qualifications suitable for international and domestic students who only just miss New Zealand university entrance requirements.
The New Zealand Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) Registry is hosted by the Dunedin School of Medicine and directed by neurologist Dr Nick Cutfield.
Learn about tuition fee due dates and payment methods for domestic and international students, and how to request a receipt.
Annual statistics about students, staff, land, buildings, and the University of Otago Library.