Brickell, C., & Collard, J. (Eds.). (2019). Queer objects. Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press, 416p.
Edited Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2008). Mates & lovers: A history of gay New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand: Random House, 430p.
Authored Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2020). Josie and Florence: A same-sex marriage at the turn of the twentieth century. New Zealand Journal of History, 54(1), 29-48.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2020). A short history of same-sex marriage in New Zealand. Sexualities, 23(8), 1417-1433. doi: 10.1177/1363460720902713
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2012). Manly affections: The photographs of Robert Gant, 1885-1915. Dunedin, New Zealand: Genre Books, 207p.
Authored Book - Research
Brickell, C., & Gilmour, F. (2019). The dialectics of motherhood in 1950s New Zealand. Journal of Family History, 44(4), 413-430. doi: 10.1177/0363199019855107
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C., Gorman-Murray, A., & de Jong, A. (2018). Queer trans-Tasman mobility, then and now. Australian Geographer, 49(1), 167-184. doi: 10.1080/00049182.2017.1345294
Journal - Research Article
Gorman-Murray, A., & Brickell, C. (2017). Over the Ditch: Queer mobilities at the nexus of art, geography and history. ACME, 16(3), 576-604. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2016). Friendship, intimacy and desire in young New Zealanders' diaries, 1880-1940. New Zealand Journal of History, 50(1), 69-87.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2015). Networks of affect, male homoeroticism and the Second World War: A soldier’s archive. Social & Cultural Geography, 16(2), 183-202. doi: 10.1080/14649365.2014.969764
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2015). Histories of adolescence and affect: Setting an agenda. History Compass, 13(8), 385-395. doi: 10.1111/hic3.12249
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2015). Sex, symbolic interactionism, and social constructionism. In T. S. Weinberg & S. Newmahr (Eds.), Selves, symbols, and sexualities: An interactionist anthology. (pp. 5-16). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2014). Sensation and the making of New Zealand adolescence. Journal of Social History, 47(4), 994-1020.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2014). Affect and the history of masculinities. Qualitative Research, 14(1), 28-40. doi: 10.1108/QRJ-03-2014-0005
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C., Tolich, M., & Scarth, B. (2014). Sociology before sociology at Otago University. New Zealand Sociology, 29(4), 27-44.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2013). On the case of youth: Case files, case studies, and the social construction of adolescence. Journal of the History of Childhood & Youth, 6(1), 50-80. doi: 10.1353/hcy.2013.0006
Journal - Research Article
Stock, P. V., & Brickell, C. (2013). Nature's good for you: Sir Truby King, Seacliff Asylum and the greening of health care in New Zealand, 1889–1922. Health & Place, 22, 107-114. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2013.03.002
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2013). The teenager and the social scientist. New Zealand Sociology, 28(1), 36-61.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2012). Queens Gardens, 1949: The anxious spaces of post-war New Zealand masculinity. New Zealand Geographer, 68(2), 81-91. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7939.2012.01231.x
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2012). “Waiting for Uncle Ben”: Age-structured homosexuality in New Zealand, 1920–1950. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 21(3), 467-495. doi: 10.7560/JHS21304
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2012). Sexuality, power and the sociology of the internet. Current Sociology, 60(1), 28-44. doi: 10.1177/0011392111426646
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2012). Men alone, men entwined: Reconsidering colonial masculinity. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 13, 11-33.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2012). Moral panic or critical mass? The queer contradictions of 1950s New Zealand. In H. Bauer & M. Cook (Eds.), Queer 1950s: Rethinking sexuality in the postwar years. (pp. 94-114). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2011). Homoerotic subjectivities and the historical imagination. Gay & Lesbian Issues & Psychology Review, 7(2), 89-101.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2010). Sex, space and scripts: Negotiating homoeroticism in history. Social & Cultural Geography, 11(6), 597-613. doi: 10.1080/14649365.2010.497911
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2010). Visualizing homoeroticism: The photographs of Robert Gant, 1887-1892. Visual Anthropology, 23(2), 136-157. doi: 10.1080/08949460903475492
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2010). Soldier to civilian: Army education and postwar New Zealand citizenship. History of Education, 39(3), 363-382. doi: 10.1080/00467600903164559
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2010). Nouvelle-Zélande: Jeunesse et homosexualité dans l'immèdiat après-guerre. In V. Blanchard, R. Revenin & J.-J. Yvorel (Eds.), Les jeunes et la sexualité: Initiations, interdits, identités (XXIe-XXIe siècle). (pp. 352-362). Paris: Autrement.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2009). Sexuality and the dimensions of power. Sexuality & Culture, 13(2), 57-74. doi: 10.1007/s12119-008-9042-x
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2009). Sexuality, morality and society. In G. Byrnes (Ed.), The new Oxford history of New Zealand. (pp. 465-486). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2008). Court records and the history of male homosexuality. Archifacts, (October), 25-44.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2007). Sex education, homosexuality, and social contestation in 1970s New Zealand. Sex Education, 7(4), 387-406.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2007). Those ″other sociologists″: Social analysis before sociology. New Zealand Sociology, 22(2), 195-218.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2006). The sociological construction of gender and sexuality. Sociological Review, 54(1), 87-113.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2006). A symbolic interactionist history of sexuality? Rethinking History, 10(3), 415-432.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2006). The politics of post-war consumer culture. New Zealand Journal of History, 40(2), 133-155.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2006). Sexology, the homo/hetero binary, and the complexities of male sexual history. Sexualities, 9(4), 423-447.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2005). Masculinities, performativity, and subversion: A sociological reappraisal. Men & Masculinities, 8(1), 24-43.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2005). Same-sex desire and the asylum: A colonial experience. New Zealand Journal of History, 39(2), 158-178.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2005). Sex instruction and the construction of homosexuality in New Zealand, 1920-1965. Sex Education, 5(2), 119-136.
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C., & Collard, J. (2019). The queerness of objects. In C. Brickell & J. Collard (Eds.), Queer objects. (pp. 11-21). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2019). Transport cultures and young people’s histories in New Zealand, 1880–1950. Journal of Historical Geography, 63, 2-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2018.08.002
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2018). Historical research: Pulling together a history of New Zealand's teenagers. In M. Tolich & C. Davidson (Eds.), Social science research in New Zealand: An introduction. (pp. 259-268). Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press.
Chapter in Book - Research
Bennett, J. E., & Brickell, C. (2018). Surveilling the mind and body: Medicalising and de-medicalising homosexuality in 1970s New Zealand. Medical History, 62(2), 199-216. doi: 10.1017/mdh.2018.4
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2018). Unpublished post-war writing and emergent gay cultures. Journal of New Zealand Studies, 26, 18-33. doi: 10.26686/jnzs.v0iNS26.4839
Journal - Research Article
Brickell, C. (2017). Theorising power online. In E. Martellozzo & E. A. Jane (Eds.), Cybercrime and its victims. (pp. 43-59). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C., & Wanhalla, A. (2016). Editorial Introduction: Writing New Zealand's sexual histories. New Zealand Journal of History, 50(1), 3-12. [Editorial].
Journal - Research Other
Brickell, C. (2015). 'Badness personified': Nola Pratt's photograph album. In A. Cooper, L. Paterson & A. Wanhalla (Eds.), The lives of colonial objects. (pp. 262-267). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2013). Men together: Intimacy and eroticism in pre-World War I New Zealand. In G. Willett & Y. Smaal (Eds.), Intimacy, violence and activism: Gay and lesbian perspectives on Australasian history and society. (pp. 1-24). Melbourne, Australia: Monash University.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2011). At the borders of colonial masculinity: Robert Gant's photographs of men together. In A. Wanhalla & E. Wolf (Eds.), Early New Zealand photography: Images and essays. (pp. 66-71). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2005). The emergence of a gay identity. In A. Kirkman & P. Maloney (Eds.), Sexuality down under: Social and historical perspectives. (pp. 63-78). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago Press.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2005). The transformation of heterosexism and its paradoxes. In C. Ingraham (Ed.), Thinking straight: The power, the promise, and the paradox of heterosexuality. (1 ed.) (pp. 85-107). New York: Routledge.
Chapter in Book - Research
Brickell, C. (2018). Maritime masculinities. In F. Steel (Ed.), New Zealand and the sea: Historical perspectives. (pp. 216-229). Wellington, New Zealand: Bridget Williams. doi: 10.7810/9780947518707
Chapter in Book - Research