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The details of your state of health are confidential to you and the health professionals involved in your care.

The Health Information Privacy Code, and the Health Act govern the manner in which we store and control access to your information.

View the Student Health privacy statement in full

Service standards

Our professional practice observes the principles detailed in the Code of Health & Disability Services Consumers' Rights. For information about health advocates and the Code of Patient Rights, visit the Health and Disability Commission website.

We appreciate the opportunity to discuss any feedback you may have with our service, please contact us.

Alternatively you can contact the Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service.

Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service

Tel +64 3 479 0265
Free phone 0800 555 050 (inside New Zealand)

Health and Disability Commission

The Health and Disability Commission can also advise you if you have any concerns about our services.

Visit the Health and Disability Commission website for further information.

Bad debt

All students who have a debt at Student Health are sent reminder statements during each semester. All debts are required to be paid by the last day of lectures each semester. Please Note: If you have paid your account in the 72 hours prior to the statement being sent please be aware the payment may not be in our account at the time of sending

It is the policy of the University of Otago that we inform Financial Services of those students who have not paid their accounts by the due dates. The University may:

  • remove access to course materials/resources
  • charge additional fees
  • exclude a student from classes, and/or from re-enrolling
  • withhold graduation
  • withhold the official record of results

If you are having difficulty paying your account please ask to speak with our Practice Manager.


Your doctor or nurse will discuss with you how your results will be communicated to you.

We recommend that you always find out the results of any test done and never assume that 'no news is good news'; letters can go astray and phone messages may be deleted.

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