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Oceania is humanity rising from the depths of brine and regions of fire deeper still, Oceania is us. ‘Epeli Hau’ofa ~ 1993

Kai ngā tīni maunga, ngā tīni reo o te motu, o te ao, hikihiki nei ngā tapuae ki Te Wai Pounamu.

Ka rere kau ake ngā mihi ki a koutou, a Ngāi Tauira mā, a Ngāi Manene mā, i ū mai ai ki Te Tai o Araiteuru, nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai ki Ōtākou.

Koinei te wāhi i takoto ai te rau o tītapu, te pohoi toroa, te piki kōtuku kia taea ai e koutou te riro mātauranga mai, te riro mātauranga atu. Hei aha rā? Hei huruhuru mā koutou.

Tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou.

To those of the many mountains and languages from this land and beyond, travel well in your journeys to this part of the world, to the South Island of New Zealand.

To our students and guests who arrive on the shores of Āraiteuru, we greet you welcome. Welcome to Otago!

Here you will find a place that provides value for those who share in the reciprocal process of higher learning, for this will embellish the skills you bring and allow growth to occur for you and those around you.


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Our multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary staff, students, teaching and research is reflected in our name Te Tumu, a pan-Polynesian term which is often used in Māori in the phrase te tumu herenga waka – the post for tying up canoes.

We liken ourselves as a foundation which staff, students and guests can anchor themselves to for the duration of their stay at the University of Otago. We hope that you, like many others who have also done, choose Te Tumu as a place to become critically aware of the world around you and gain the skills to actively participate in that world to change it for the betterment of all Māori, Pacific and Indigenous peoples.

Nā mātou o Te Tumu.

About the banner
There are two components that form the banner. The first is an image of Papanui Inlet (the northernmost of two large inlets in the Pacific coast of Otago Peninsula),  kindly donated by Ian Griffin, Director of the Otago Museum. The second, Te Urungi, was created by Heramaahina Eketone (Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato) especially for the Te Tumu 25th anniversary celebrations in 2015. It represents the navigation of our waka through life's journeys.  Each part of Te Urungi represents different aspects of the waka or the voyage through our education and the navigation of our subsequent careers.
Explore the different elements of Te Urungi.

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