Fire Safety
Each floor of every University Building is required to have a Warden and Deputy Warden whose duty it is to see that people leave the building in the event of an emergency. Where the floor area is a large one, the area may be divided into two, with a Warden and Deputy Warden being responsible for each part.
Trial evacuations are to be held every six months in each building with fire alarms. Building Fire Wardens are responsible for organising trial evacuations in consultation with the Head of Department and with any other departments occupying the building.
If the fire alarm sounds when a lecture is in progress, the Lecturer or Tutor has the responsibility of ensuring that the theatre is vacated and checking any other rooms in their immediate area.
For further information contact
Nevan Trotter
Senior Health & Safety Advisor
Tel +64 3 479 5389
Email nevan.trotter@otago.ac.nz
First Aid
A person qualified in First Aid must be appointed in every University Department. The minimum qualification is a Workplace First Aid Certificate (12 hour course) which is revalidated every two years.
Health and Safety training can be booked here
The provision of First Aid supplies is the responsibility of the Department. First Aid supplies must be checked and replenished regularly.
An incident report (via the online incident reporting system-Vault) should be completed for any incidents that require First Aid.
Report an incident report via Vault here
For further information contact
Nevan Trotter
Senior Health & Safety Advisor
Tel +64 3 479 5389
Email nevan.trotter@otago.ac.nz
Health and Safety Compliance
Tel +64 3 479 4903
Email hsa@otago.ac.nz