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Category Human Resources
Type Procedure
Approved by Director Human Resources
Date Procedure Took Effect 5 February 2009
Last approved revision 4 October 2017
Sponsor Director of Human Resources
Responsible officer Head of Organisational Development


To explain why the University collects Equal Employment Opportunity ( EEO ) data from staff and the processes used to collect it.

Organisational scope

This procedure applies to all staff of the University.


Equal Employment Opportunity.


1. Overview and use of data

  1. The University is committed to encouraging the development of a diverse and talented university community, through the provision of appropriate support and opportunities for all staff, according to their needs. The University has strategic initiatives relating to Māori and Pacific staff, but also aims to establish a staff profile that mirrors that of the wider community, and to provide specific development and support for staff from currently underrepresented groups, including ethnic minorities and staff with disabilities.
  2. The University encourages staff to complete an EEO profile to support accurate statistics on gender, ethnicity, citizenship and disability. Such statistics will be used by the University to plan and monitor progress towards its equity and diversity goals and to comply with government monitoring and reporting requirements (pursuant to section 159 YC (1) of the Education Act 1989).

2. Data collection

  1. Staff complete their EEO profile through Web Kiosk.

3. Privacy and confidentiality

  1. Information collected shall be subject to the University’s Privacy Policy, any applicable privacy statement(s) and the Privacy Act.
  2. Information collected will be securely stored and only staff who need the information to carry out a function of their University employment will have access to it.
  3. Any data published will be aggregated to protect privacy of individuals.

Related policies, procedures and forms

Contact for further information

If you have any queries regarding the content of this procedure or need further clarification, contact:


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