Our team supports staff to manage University information in keeping with University and government legislative requirements (Public Records Act 2005, Privacy Act 2020, Official Information Act 1982).
Our services
- Guidance and advice about good information management practices that align with the Public Records Act (2005) and University policies, guidelines and codes of practice
- Appraisal of information and records to identify content that the University is legally required to keep or securely destroy
- Training and support for information management best practice
- Advice about compliant information practices
- Management and secure storage of the University's inactive paper public records
- Managing the transfer of records of archival value to the Hocken Collections
- Information Management assessments relating to new and upgraded digital systems
- Monitoring of information assets on a yearly basis
- Creation and oversight of the University’s information asset register
- What is a public record? (PDF)
- Request an information assessment
- What information needs to be kept and for how long (Universities Disposal Authority)
- How to manage routine business information (PDF)
- How to transfer your paper records to Information Management's secure storage facility
- OURDrive - the University's Document Management System
- How to manage your email information effectively
- Manage your business information stored in shared drives (High Capacity Storage or HCS)
- How to compliantly digitise paper public records
- Key information management policies and legislation
- Contact Us
Recordkeeping video
This short video provides an overview of the University's information and records management requirements. This includes the types of records the University is required to keep, the governing policies and guidance on good information management practice.
Are you managing your information securely and compliantly?
Advice on best practice for storing your information.