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All Universities in New Zealand are required to keep information, records and data, and ensure they remain complete and accessible, for at least as long as is required by a disposal schedule as part of the provisions of the Public Records Act (2005).

The disposal schedule is a set of business rules that lists the different types of information and records that we create and receive at the University, and the minimum time period for keeping them (prior to their destruction or deletion, or transfer to an archival collection for permanent retention).

You can access and download the Disposal Schedule (DA) for New Zealand Universities (XLSX)

This schedule is our legal disposal authority (DA) for the on-going retention and disposal of University information, records and data that are covered by the Act. It applies to all information, records and data in any format pertaining to the functions of the university whether current, non-current or yet to be created.

What's included?

This includes information, records and data of any format that is created, received and managed by:

  • Any academic or service / business unit including hard copy records, digital / electronic records, email, information and data in corporate information systems, databases, social media platforms, and M365 sites and channels.
  • Any subsidiaries of the university if the subsidiary is more than 50 per cent owned by the University.
  • Any other entities wholly owned by a group of universities.

What's not included?

The following types of information, records and data are not included in the coverage of the Public Records Act (2005) and are therefore outside the scope of this schedule:

  • Teaching materials of staff used to deliver lectures or other presentations.
  • Research output generated by staff or students.    
    • This includes raw data, analysed data, working notes, publications (whether published or not) such as research materials, books and research papers.
  • Subsidiary companies where the University holds or controls 50 per cent or less of the company.
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