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Guests or visitors to the University of Otago can access the network/internet via the following services:


If you are visiting the University of Otago and only require Internet access you can use the UO_Guest network.

How to access the UO_Guest network:

  1. Select the UO_Guest network from the list of available networks on your device
  2. Please log in if you have already created an account, otherwise follow the prompts to create one. When you create an account the login details are displayed on screen. We recommend you jot these down or take a snapshot for your reference.
  3. An email with your login details will be sent to the email address you supply

A UO_Guest account provides access to the internet for up to:

  • 31 days
  • 5GB data per day
  • two devices at a time

Your UO_Guest account expires after either the two weeks from creation or seven consecutive days of no activity. You can then create a new one if needed.

Note: If your device has logged in to another University network using a University username (staff, student or external), you will not be able to access the UO_Guest network on that device.

Please contact AskOtago on 0800 80 80 98 if you are a Dunedin University of Otago staff member travelling to the University of Otago's Wellington, Christchurch, or Invercargill campuses and need internet access.


If you are a visitor to the University of Otago from another eduroam-participating institution, you can use eduroam for secure wireless network access using your authentication credentials from your home institution.

Find out more about eduroam


If you are visiting the University and require access to services on the University of Otago network, you will need a University external username. You can apply for this via the department or division that you are associated with, and then use the UO_WIFI or UO_EXTERNAL network depending on your location.

Do you have a question about visitor network access? Please refer to the AskOtago Service Portal.

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