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Helping fund your unique Otago experience

Find out about your student services fee – what it is, what it helps to fund, and how you can have your say for the future.

What is the student services fee?

It's a compulsory fee that is charged to help fund a range of support services so that they're available to all students – like health care, gym and recreation activities, careers advice, internet access on campus for your personal use, campus events, financial advice, advocacy, and pastoral care. The fees vary from campus to campus based on the services available to students on each campus.

How much is the 2025 fee?

Below are the compulsory Student Services Fee charges (GST inclusive) for 2025.

 Full-year One semester only
Dunedin campus $11.52 per 0.01 EFTS or $1,152.00 per 1EFTS, capped at 1.05EFTS
Christchurch campus $305.15 $152.58
Wellington campus $241.81 $120.91
Southland campus $168.43 $84.22
Postgraduate students enrolled at Christchurch campus
(studying full time, on campus)
$305.15 $152.58
Postgraduate students enrolled at Christchurch campus
(studying part time, on campus)
$47.56 $23.78
Postgraduate students enrolled at Wellington campus
(studying full time, on campus)
$241.81 $120.91
Postgraduate students enrolled at Wellington campus
(studying part time, on campus)
$47.56 $23.78

Students enrolled for courses taught entirely at a distance are not charged the Student Services Fee.

The Otago University Students' Association (OUSA) membership is voluntary in 2025 and there is no charge for membership.

Does the final-year Fees-Free policy apply to this fee?

Yes, if you're eligible the government will pay your tuition fees and student services fee for your final year of tertiary study.

Visit Fees Free at Otago to find out more

What sort of services does the fee contribute to?

Category Services and providers
Advocacy and legal advice Advice and support, accommodation information, advocacy. Provided by OUSA Support Centre and the University.
Careers support, advice and information Careers advice, guidance, planning, workshops, and expos. Provided by University.
Clubs and societies Clubs and Societies on campus. Provided by OUSA and the University.
Counselling services Pastoral counselling and care. Provided by University, Otago Tertiary Chaplaincy Trust, and OUSA Student Support Centre.
Employment information Information and opportunities for volunteering, Student Job Search. Provided by the University and OUSA.
Financial support and advice Hardship assistance and advice on financial issues. Provided by the University and OUSA.
Health services Subsidised general practice health care, specialist mental health support, sexual safety support. Provided by the University.
Media Student media and student social media. Provided by OUSA.
Sports, recreation and cultural activities Sports, fitness and wellbeing activities, recreation events, Internet on campus for personal use. Note: internet for academic purposes is included in tuition fees. Provided by the University and OUSA.

See how the fees collected in 2025 are allocated:

Dunedin student service fee allocation 2024 image

Wellington student service fee allocation 2024 image

Christchurch student service fee allocation 2024 image

Southland student service fee allocation 2024 image

Can I apply for a refund or exemption of this fee?

There are some limited circumstances where you can receive a refund or exemption. In these cases you then can't use any of the services that the student services fee helps fund.


  • Students fully withdrawing – if you withdraw from your studies and are entitled to a full refund of your tuition fees (less the $100 tuition refund fee), your student services fee will also be automatically refunded.
  • If you enrol and pay a student services fee for papers across the full academic year, and then withdraw from the second semester within the timeframe to receive a full refund of your second semester tuition fees, your student services fee will recalculate to charge you based on the number of EFTS you remained enrolled in for the academic year. Any resulting credit from this recalculation will be automatically refunded.
  • Doctoral students and students enrolling for the thesis component of a master's degree after the beginning of an academic year – if you enrol after the academic year has begun, you will be charged a pro-rata fee based on the number of EFTS for the year you are enrolled in.
  • Doctoral students and students completing the thesis component of a master's degree – if you submit your thesis for examination and are not enrolled for any other papers in the academic year, you're entitled to a pro-rata refund of the fee paid.


Most exemptions will be processed automatically to your fee account by Student Finance.
Please email exemption enquiries to

The following groups of students are exempt:

  • Students enrolled for distance papers only – this exemption is automatically calculated by Student Finance.
  • Students enrolled for interest only* and not eligible to sit degree examinations.
    *Note this is a special category and does not mean the same as studying because you are interested in a particular subject. This exemption is automatically calculated by Student Finance.
  • Staff member – means a person who is employed by the University on a half-time or greater basis for 10 months or longer. If there is any dispute about meeting this definition, the Director of Human Resources will decide. If a staff member is receiving staff study assistance the refund will be automatically returned to the department. If you have further questions:
    Log a request with AskOtago
  • Exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the Director, Student Services – the Director may authorise a part or full refund in exceptional circumstances.
  • Secondary school students studying University papers while also still at school.

Enquiries for exceptional circumstances and secondary school students studying University papers while still at school are to be emailed to

Find out more about fee exemptions at Otago

Certificate of Proficiency

Certificate of Proficiency COP papers are not exempt from the compulsory student services fee. The fee will be based on $11.52 per 0.01 EFTS.

How is the fee set?

The fee is set by the University Council by November each year. Recommendations to Council take into account information from student surveys and forums, consultation with OUSA, and analysis of current and projected demand for services.

Can I have input into how the fee is set or used in the future?

The University consults with students and also gathers students' views in a range of ways:

  1. Annual Student Satisfaction Survey – this survey includes questions that seek feedback from current students about their priorities as well as satisfaction with the student services provided via the student services fee.
  2. Student forums – we plan to hold student forums on each campus in May led by OUSA. To focus on students' priorities for the use of this fee.
  3. Individual student feedback – we also encourage students to provide individual feedback, either to the University or via OUSA at any time of the year.
  4. Student voice from other sources – we also take into account students' views on student services gathered from OUSA's Satisfaction Survey, views expressed at OUSA's Referendum forums, Student representatives' views on University Committees and Council and feedback received by individual services.
  5. Regular meetings with student representative groups – we have regular meetings throughout the year with OUSA.
  6. Student Services Fee Advisory Group – consisting of University, OUSA and Student Representatives meets quarterly to discuss services and priorities and to provide input into planning for the following year.

Feedback from students

Feedback from students was received via the Student Satisfaction Survey, OUSA Satisfaction Survey, regular surveys and satisfaction ratings from individual services provided via the Student Services Fee and input from student representatives across a range of University Committees and Council. Student representatives are also key members of the Student Services Fee Advisory Group.

Feedback again confirmed that for the majority of our students Health and Recreation Services are the top priority.

How can I find out what the fee has been used for in the past?

Each year this information is reported in the University's Annual Report.

Who can I contact to find out more?

For any queries about the fee:
Log a request with AskOtago

To have your say about future fees:

To have your say about future fees or for help resolving fee queries:

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