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I agree to the University of Otago communicating with me on matters related to my enrolment, or relevant to membership of the University, via any of the contacts I have or will subsequently provide to it through eVision or otherwise.

Accuracy of information

The University of Otago makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of information provided within its online systems.

The University reserves the right, however, to introduce such changes (including the addition, withdrawal or restructuring of papers and programmes) as it may judge to be necessary or desirable.

No warranty or representation can be provided regarding the accuracy of information displayed via the University’s online systems, and the University does not accept liability for any losses or damage arising directly or indirectly from reliance on the information.


I understand that the University of Otago will collect, store, use and disclose personal information about me in the course of conducting its proper business and that a unique identifier will be assigned to me to facilitate this.

I have read and understand how such information will be managed and disclosed in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020, and as outlined on the University webpage:
Privacy Statement

I acknowledge that I have the right to access and seek correction of personal information about me and understand that if I withhold information or provide false or misleading information my enrolment may be terminated.

Users' responsibility

The University’s online systems make it possible for a current or intending student to enter and maintain some of their own personal information, including contact details.

By using this system you assume full responsibility for the accuracy and appropriateness of any such data. The University of Otago relies upon the discretion of the user.

Personal information must not be released to unauthorised parties and access to the University’s online systems must not be given to others through the distribution of the username and password.

The University does not accept liability arising from the indiscretions of users. University staff are required to abide by the University of Otago Privacy Policy.

An electronic copy of this policy is available on the Policy library:
Privacy Policy

Terms and conditions of usage

By accessing the University’s online systems, a user is deemed to have agreed to abide by the terms and conditions of computer usage as detailed in the University’s Computer Regulations available on the Policy library:
Information and Communications Technology Regulations 2014

The requirements of the regulations apply whether or not an enrolment is completed and misuse of the computer system (including situations involving false, misleading or offensive data) may result in enrolment being declined or cancelled.

Review of terms

Agreement to these eVision terms includes agreement to any revised version of them which may be linked to the eVision webpages from time to time.

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