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Library services for distance students: Library Services

This is a guide to Library services and resources for Distance students


Library services for distance students

If you are either:

  • Enrolled in a Distance paper;
  • Enrolled in an on-campus paper, but live or are on placement outside Dunedin;
  • Enrolled in a PhD or Master’s degree and living or temporarily on placement / fieldwork outside Dunedin,

You can:

  • Request library items to be sent to your home or placement address;
  • Request scans of book chapters and articles to be emailed to you.

Disability Information and Support can also offer assistance if you are registered with them.

Help us to send things to the right place

  • Items for Home Delivery go by courier to the home address you have entered into eVision: Make sure it's correct before placing requests.
  • All library emails and scans go to your student @otago email address: remember to check it or set up auto forward via  Student Webmail

Distance Learning Guide to the Library - consult/bookmark this!

Contact Us ...

We're here to help you:

  • Check the Library's Get Help page
  • LibChat - chat with us online Monday-Friday, 8.30am - 5pm
  • Email:
  • Freephone: 0800 347 826 or 0800 DISTANT (NZ only)
  • Phone: +64 (0)3 479 8910
  • For help on using Library resources for your assignments and research contact your Subject Librarian

Requesting or Returning resources

Read: How to request items for Home Delivery, chapter and article scans  (opens in a new window).

Watch:  the videos (click on the images below to see how to request books, journals and scans).


link image to video Request books and partial scans

link image to Request journal issues or article scans

We send books to you by courier, and you can return them the same way.

Use the return address label provided in the parcel your books arrived in. This is for the free courier service. You can also re-use the packaging. Place the return label on the front of the parcel.

Return parcel options – choose ONE of these:

Phone NEW ZEALAND COURIERS for a parcel pickup:
a)     Phone the New Zealand Couriers Customer Service team: 0800 800 841.
b)     Let the team member know that you have an item to be picked up.
c)     Provide your name, address, contact number and where the item will be left to be collected by the courier.
d)     The customer service team member will then arrange for this item to be collected.


Drop off to a NEW ZEALAND COURIERS branch:
a)      Go to
b)      Click on the “Find us Quick” tab to locate your nearest New Zealand Couriers branch.
c)      Drop your item off to this branch.


Drop books off at any University of Otago library in Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington or Invercargill.

No return address label?
If you don’t have the return address label, you can return books using the Freepost address. You’ll need to take your parcel to a Post shop. Include the Freepost number and you won’t need to pay the postage.  

University of Otago Library
Private Bag 1973
Dunedin 9054
FreePost 108584

If you have any mail enquiries, please contact the University of Otago  mailroom:
Phone: 03 479 8205

If you have questions about your books (renewals, requests, fines etc.) please contact the Library or ‘reply’ to your email notices.
0800 347 826 or 0800 DISTANT (NZ only)

Other Libraries you can use

If you live in one of the main centres around New Zealand you may use the local University Library to borrow books.
You will need proof of your enrolment at the University of Otago, and address details to join. 

The New Zealand Libraries which have agreed to share  their collections are:

This agreement also applies to many Australian University Libraries, so if you are living in Australia, check this link to see what is available in your area.  More information here.

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