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Wednesday 28 September 2016 4:59pm

Associate Professor Christine Jasoni

Associate Professor Christine Jasoni is a developmental biologist. Her team of postgraduate students and researchers are trying to determine the impact of maternal obesity on babies in the womb.

Dr Stephanie Hughes

Dr Stephanie Hughes is a biochemist and for the past 20 years she has been working to better understand Batten disease.

Professor Stephen Robertson

Professor Stephen Robertson is a paediatric geneticist. He treats and researches childhood disorders which have or are assumed to have a genetic basis.

Associate Professor Dorothy Oorschot

Associate Professor Dorothy Oorschot is a neuroscientist who researches the anatomy and function of the developing and adult brain. She and her team have examined a number of brain disorders over the years the main form of damage they focus on is hypoxia, also known as oxygen deprivation.

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