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Wednesday 26 October 2016 4:39pm


We are delighted to announce that Bentley Systems®, which develops leading edge software for manipulating, processing, editing, and visualizing point clouds, has joined the project and has supported us very generously with a license for the use of their Reality Modeling Software.

This includes in particular Bentley Pointools, a fast and powerful point-cloud visualization and editing software that is known for facilitating the manipulation of massive datasets such as the one generated by the LiDARRAS project. It includes advanced shading features and smooth fly-through that will help us make the most of the photorealistic 3D data captured in the quarries and Tunnels underneath Arras.

We are also very keen to explore the possibilities of packages such as ContextCapture and LumenRT in the future for meshing/texturing, advanced visualization, and immersive reality to progress towards enabling virtual visits of the underground network.

We are extremely grateful to Bentley Systems for this kind support and very excited to make the most of it in the near future.

Find out more about Bentley Systems Reality Modeling Software.

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Below an animation made with Bentley Pointools by our partner Gregory Lepere from Trimble using data captured during the first fieldwork.

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