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Wednesday 15 August 2018 8:22pm

The University of Otago barista competition in full swing at Te Mātiti at the Otago Business School last week.

And the winners were ... Hannah Tobin (right) of Te Mātiti in top position, and Amelia Dalman of Hunter Café second.

The queue for coffee at Te Mātiti is about to get longer – Hannah Tobin, barista at the café at the Otago Business School, has just been named the best on campus.

She beat out nine fellow coffee connoisseurs in the barista competition last week and will travel to Wellington later this month to pit her skills against baristas from AUT, Canterbury University and Victoria University.

Amelia Dalman, of Hunter Café, came second in the competition, and Shanice Ford, of Café Albany, third.

Held over two nights, the group, made up of permanent staff members, had to impress judges, Scot Pepler and Jessi Sinclair of Suntory Coffee, with their technical skills, knowledge of coffee, and customer service and engagement.

"I have judged many competitions and I must say I was impressed with the standard I witnessed."

Of the baristas, Mr Pepler says: “I have judged many competitions and I must say I was impressed with the standard I witnessed.”

He was particularly impressed with all the competitor’s genuine engagement with customers.

University Union Operations Manager Martin Jones says the “fantastic” competition was “incredibly close” and was a great way for the University’s baristas to show off their talents.

A latte art competition was also held, attracting 26 entrants from across the University.

Max Huang, of St David Café impressed the judges with his ability to adorn coffees with hearts and palm trees.

“The sudden death knock-out made for a really fun night,” Mr Jones says.

It is the second time the barista competition has been held, with plans to make it “bigger and better” next year.

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