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Wednesday 24 July 2019 9:51am

Five of the seven people awarded a Gold Medal in research with the Dean (from left) Vicky Cameron, John Pickering, Richard Porter, Bridget Robinson, Dean David Murdoch and Catherine Stedman.

A record number of Christchurch staff were presented with the campus’ highest award for research excellence at this year’s celebration of campus success and spirit.

Early in every academic year the University of Otago, Christchurch holds a ceremony to welcome new staff and students and acknowledge academic and values-based leadership. This year’s ceremony was postponed until July due to the mosque attacks.

At the event, the campus’ highest honour – the Gold Medal in either teaching or research – is awarded. This year seven staff were awarded a Gold Medal in research. Recipients of the Gold Medal in Research were Professors Tim Anderson, Vicky Cameron, Richard Porter, Bridget Robinson, Catherine Stedman, Steve Chambers and Associate Professor John Pickering. This is the highest number awarded in any one year.

Two staff – Professor Tim Wilkinson and Dr David Jardine – were awarded a Gold Medal in teaching.

The long-service and achievements of two former heads of departments (HODs) was also recognised. Professors Frank Frizelle and Les Toop both stood down as HODS this year. Their contribution to the campus was recognised during the ceremony.

The event was enhanced with musical performances by medical students Frances Campbell and Kiran Richards, and lecturer Dr Sean MacPherson.

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