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Wednesday 11 August 2021 11:59am

Laura Veenendaal in front of her winning poster image
Laura Veenendaal in front of her winning poster.

Winner of this year's Health Research Society of Canterbury's Best Student Poster Award is our very own Laura Veenendaal.

The August event was open to all Canterbury health researchers and students who were invited to display recently presented or new research posters.

Veenendaal's winning poster “3D-bioassembly of Vitreous Humor Spheroids: Reproducibility, Fusion and Integration” describes the research she undertook whilst supervised by the Christchurch Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering research group (CReaTE) for her University of Twente Masters project – the degree has a study abroad requirement. The poster also covers a continuation of the research completed when Veenendaal worked for a brief period as a Research Assistant within the group.

In March, after a year back in the Netherlands, Veenendaal returned to the University of Otago to start her PhD. In her short time back she has taken every opportunity to make the most of researching in an environment relatively unconstrained by covid-19 precautions.

“The HRSC poster event was great for networking with other researchers and to gain more experience showing and explaining my research”, says Veenendaal.

As a doctoral candidate Veenendaal is researching how to regenerate cartilage and encourage integration with wound or surgical sites.

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