Lisa Te Morenga joins Radio New Zealand's Alison Ballance at a Dunedin supermarket, to look at the sugar content in a variety of foods. They discuss the snacks and drinks that are high in added sugar. Dr Te Morenga describes these items as "sometimes" foods, rather than an everyday food.
Back in the laboratory, PhD student Devonia Kruimer describes their research into biomarker development. By measuring the amount of certain compounds in the urine or blood, they plan to accurately determine dietary sugar intake. This will enable them to link the amount of sugar people eat to certain health outcomes, such as cardiovascular disease.
Listen to the broadcast:
Our Changing World, Radio New Zealand, Thursday, 21 August 2014
More on sugar
Lisa Te Morenga talks with Helen Jackson on RadioLIVE, and exposes some of the myths about sugar. it really poisonous? RadioLIVE, Sunday, 26 April 2015