Wednesday 23 March 2016 11:10am
EDOR researchers have been instrumental in shaping the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on sugar. These guidelines can inform policy around the world, such as the recently announced UK sugar tax.
Professor Jim Mann, director of EDOR, is part of the Nutrition Guidance Advisory Group, a group of international researchers and clinicians who are responsible for developing WHO guidelines relevant to nutrition. He has played a key role in shaping the WHO guidelines on sugar, based on the latest research evidence.
Dr Lisa Te Morenga, a researcher in Human Nutrition and EDOR, has generated data and led a systematic review that underpins much of the WHO recommendations about sugar.
In addition to EDOR's research on sugar and carbohydrate, another EDOR researcher is working with the WHO Collaborating Centre on Salt Reduction in Sydney, Australia, to identify the best methods for estimating population salt intake.
Dr Rachael McLean, public health physician and member of EDOR, works as part of an international team developing best practice for research into sodium intake, as salt is one of the nine WHO global targets for reduction of non-communicable diseases.
Read about EDOR's work with the WHO
Research guides better health, He Kitenga Global, University of Otago, 2015
Follow the news on the sugary drinks tax
- UK introduces sugar tax on soft drinks, Stuff website, 17 March, 2016
- Jamie Oliver calls on NZ to adopt sugar tax, ODT, 17 March, 2016
- Medical experts push for sugar tax, NZ Herald, 2 April, 2016
- Could a sugar tax do more harm than good? NZ Herald, 23 March, 2016
(opinion piece by Professor Rod Jackson)