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Wednesday 19 June 2019 10:41am

Midwinter market organiser Kirsty Lewis, with some of the jewellery she will be selling in next Thursday's market. Photo: Sharron Bennett.

The organiser of the University’s annual Christmas market is branching out this year – adding a midwinter market to the calendar.

Kirsty Lewis says the Christmas market was created in 2017 to give University staff an opportunity to sell their handmade items – and has been growing each year. A midwinter market gives makers and creators an opportunity to sell different items that suit this winter time of year.

“I always enjoy seeing what amazing things other people make – there’s so many talented people out there at the University.”

Promotion of the midwinter market began last month, and Ms Lewis says uptake has been excellent.

“We are nearly up to the same number of sellers as the last Christmas Market already and over half of those are new to the our market,” she says.

Ms Lewis mainly makes jewellery, while dabbling in other crafts, and says that for her making plays a big role in keeping herself “in a good space”.

“It’s my version of mindfulness. It’s different for everyone of course – some do sport, others garden, I make. If something interests people I will always encourage them to give it a go. While making can at times be frustrating, it can also be relaxing, help relieve stress and ultimately, can be very rewarding.”

The market will be held next Thursday, 27 June, in the St David Seminar Rooms 1/2 from 12noon to 2pm.

Ms Lewis adds that it is a large space and there is still room for anyone else who would like to sell their items. They can contact her on Email: or Ph: 479 5122.

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