Friday 26 June 2020 11:41am
Be entertained and feed your mind with our Lecture Hot Picks. You can relax in the comfort of your own home and learn at your leisure, either listening to audio or watching videos of Otago's leading academics.
COVID-19 Masterclasses
You can either register to join the free masterclasses live as they happen, or else enjoy the recorded sessions at a time convenient to you.
Some of the sessions you can join live or watch later include:
- Understanding Global COVID-19 health statistics
- Understanding key issues for Māori in the COVID-19 policy and health response
- The COVID-19 elimination strategy: Why it was the best choice for New Zealand
- The COVID-19 elimination strategy: Why it was the best choice for New Zealand
- The performance and pathological findings of COVID-19-positive autopsy
- Fighting COVID-19 - Cuba's important contribution
- COVID-19 and implications for global mental health
- How has COVID-19 affected the global geo-political situation?
- What is New Zealand's strategy for surveillance of COVID-19 going forward?
Check out the full masterclass schedule and information here
Bad Nature – Invasive Species in the Mackenzie
Bad Nature is a 3 ½ - minute film produced by Marketing student Joe Wilkinson. Joe created Bad Nature as part of his studies in the Marketing 330 paper: Visual Research, Narrative & Filmmaking.
Mark Briggs: Absolutism and the Price of Dissent
New Zealand historian, David Grant, delivers the 2019 Archibald Baxter Memorial Peace Lecture.
Mark Briggs: Absolutism and the Price of Dissent
Otago Medical School talks: W. E. Adams
Listen to the 1953 interview of Dr W E Adams, Professor of Anatomy and Dean of the Medical School (1968). Two radio talks about the Otago Medical School by Dr Adams. In the first he reviews the history of the school and the second looks at teaching and research.

Also in this issue...
Supporting Otago – University community boosts Pūtea Tautoko support fund
Making a difference – New Otago Foundation Trust chair and generous Sargood Bequest grant
From the Archives – Discovery of strong family ties to the University
Why We ♥ Otago – Dental reunion film 'bittersweet'
Alumni in the news
Otago alumni central to Fiji's pandemic response
Otago and COVID-19: Playing our part (video)
Top honours for Otago alumni
Your Story - A long and wonderful journey
Opportunities for alumni – Young Alumni Awards
Networks & events