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Staff Women's Caucus events image

The Staff Women's Caucus organises a number of social and collegial events every year. Top row, the Suffrage 125 event in 2018 where attendees dressed in period costumes and planted a camellia on the Dunedin campus grounds to commemorate the day. Bottom left, 2020 end of year lunch and farewell celebrations for two long standing SWC members – Emeritus Professors Barbara Brookes (History) and Nicola Peart (Law). Bottom right – the SWC logo.

The University was a very different place a few decades ago when the Staff Women’s Caucus (SWC) was founded says Nicola Walmsley, Manager IT Advisory at Otago, and Secretary, SWC.

Recognising the need for women at Otago to come together to support each other and provide feedback on issues of concern, Professor Barbara Brookes and Pamela Tate founded the SWC in 1982.

“We have moved forward on a number of issues women in the workplace face, but we still have some way to go to achieve equality.”

Denise Lindsay, Head of Organisational Development at the University, and SWC committee member, said while the initial work of the SWC included a fair amount of advocacy around women staff needs like childcare and parental leave, it also served as a meeting point for academic and professional women staff, a key aspect of what the SWC provides members today.

“Working at an institution with such a large physical footprint makes it hard to connect and network, especially outside of your immediate circle. The SWC helps provide that common ground.”

The SWC organise several events throughout the year, from seminars to visits to a museum or end of year celebrations.

“Events are mix of in-person and online to encourage participation across our campuses,” says Lindsay.

Walmsley adds they would love to increase the number of events they hold and are actively looking for more members from across the University to join the SWC and the committee. SWC currently numbers about 450 members.

“We have two committee members from our Wellington campus and a wider representation, especially from our academic staff, would be wonderful.”

While fostering a collegial space for women is key, the SWC also aims to actively participate in conversations that affect women at Otago.

Paula O’Kane, Senior Lecturer Department of Management and SWC Committee member, says the committee often come together to provide feedback and input into policies, reports and more.

Recent examples include Otago’s parental leave and work from home policies.

Professor Siân Halcrow, from the Department of Anatomy and a SWC committee member, says it’s all about connectivity.

“Our aim is to facilitate experiences that encourage women across the University to come together and grow together.”

Keen to know more?

Attend the next SWC event.

SWC Kōrero: A conversation with Tanya Syddall

Staff Women’s Caucus invites you to join us either in person or via Zoom for the first (SWC Kōrero) - a series of short interview style talks with women at Otago doing interesting things in their chosen fields.

We are delighted to have Tanya Syddall (Director, Campus Development) as our first guest. For the last few years, Tanya has been accountable for the planning and delivery of the Strategic Capital Works programme. She has a breadth of knowledge in delivering complex capital projects with extensive experience in the health and education sectors and a passion for developing high performing and collaborative teams. From September, her responsibilities expanded in a new role of Director, Property and Capital Development, which combines her current role with the recently vacated role of Director, Property Services.

When: 12:15-12:45pm, Thursday, 21 September

In person: Castle D seminar room (you’re welcome to bring your lunch)

Zoom: Click here

  • Meeting ID: 946 4768 3719
  • Password: 412438

Join the SWC

Membership is free and open to all women employed in any capacity within the University or related organisations.

To join email and ask to be added to the mailing list.

~ Kōrero by Sandra French, Adviser Internal Communications.

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