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Friday 30 September 2016 10:17am

Professor Jim Mann, Director of the Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research (EDOR) Centre, at the University of Otago,  has been interviewed by the NZ Listener, and by Mark Sainsbury from Radio Live, about diets that are low or high in carbohydrate.

Professor Mann comments in the NZ Listener article ('The fault in our carbs', 24 September, 2016) that it is the quality of the food in our diet that is important. His advice: "You don't have to cut out all carbs, just concentrate on pulses and dense wholegrain bread".

Mark Sainsbury from Radio Live has questioned Professor Mann about a new diet that is very high in carbohydrate. Professor Mann emphasises that the key nutrition message around carbohydrate intake is simple: eat sensibly, have a moderate amount of carbohydrate, and the right kind of carbohydrate (such as wholegrains and legumes).

Listen to the Radio Live interview

Yet another diet, this time high carb, low protein, Radio Live website, 30 September, 2016 (4min46sec)

Read more about carbohydrate in our diet

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