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Tuesday 25 February 2014 11:16am


'think.' editorial team (from left) Bridget Irvine, Sarah Morton, Emma Beeby and Max Major

A group of postgraduate students in the Department of Psychology has produced a new magazine they hope will become a valued communication tool within their own department and beyond.

'think.' is the brainchild of members of the Otago Psychology Student Committee (OPSYC) – Bridget Irvine, Sarah Morton, Emma Beeby and Max Major – who sought to find a way to keep fellow postgrad students informed about events in the department, career opportunities, and research updates.

The magazine, which was named by Dr Richard Linscott following a departmental competition, features a range of articles and photographs on everything from staffing announcements, a re-cap of Psycholloquy 2012 to a look at the department's own IT team and several research summaries to name just a few of the topics.

Now that the hard work of producing the magazine is behind them and they can see the fruits of their labour in print, OPSYC hope the magazine will also serve as an inspiration to future generations of Otago psychology students.

To request a copy of 'think.', contact Cara Duffy.

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