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Thursday 21 May 2020 3:34pm

Dr Andrew Reynolds, EDOR researcher and NZ Heart Foundation Fellow, has been interviewed by Jesse Mulligan at Radio NZ, following the publication of his study which shows that processing of whole grains can change their efficacy.

The Whole Grain trial was carried out in adults with type 2 diabetes, to consider the effects of food processing on the health benefits of whole grains. Participants ate minimally-processed wholegrain foods such as wholegrain oats and chunky grainy bread for one fortnight, then more processed wholegrain foods such as instant oats and wholemeal bread for another fortnight.

Published in Diabetes Care, the results showed improved blood glucose levels after meals and reduced variability of blood glucose levels throughout the day when participants consumed the minimally processed whole grains. The results also showed that average weight increased slightly after two weeks of eating processed whole grains, and decreased slightly after eating minimally processed whole grains.

Listen to the Radio NZ interview

Unprocessed whole grains more beneficial - study, Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan, Radio NZ, 19 May 2020 (9min55sec)

Read more about the Whole Grain study

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