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On 1 May 2024, the University of Otago adopted a new tohu (symbol) and a new ikoa Māori (Māori name), both created in collaboration with mana whenua.

Our ikoa Māori, Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, is not a literal translation, but a metaphor meaning, “a place of many firsts”. It refers to Otago's groundbreaking achievements in education, research and academia, as well as the unique student experience we offer. It's also a nod to our proud history of being the first university in New Zealand.

Whakaihu waka is literally the “bow of the canoe” that pierces the ocean, leaving a wake for others to follow. It invites our students to be leaders in their chosen pathways.

Our tohu draws inspiration from the Ōtākou channel in Otago Harbour, which has a two-way current that has always brought life to and from the region – just as the University brings and shares knowledge across Aotearoa New Zealand. It emphasises the importance of relationships, reciprocity and the transmission of knowledge between generations.

We are proud our visual identity reflects the University's commitment to our Te Tiriti-led focus, which aligns with our strategy, Vision 2040.

Vision 2040

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