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Circle of Support

The Sophia Charter for Community Responsibility and Wellbeing: Circle of Support

Te Kawenata Sophia, He Hapori Tū Pakahiwitahi, Tū Ora: Whare Tāwharau

Our goal is that North Dunedin is a strong student neighbourhood where residents take responsibility for themselves, each other and the wider community; it will be a place that is fun, vibrant, safe and secure and that fosters student success and wellbeing.

Dunedin City Council Support

University of Otago | Proctor's office | Campus Watch

Establish an enduring senior working group comprised of representatives of the University of Otago, Otago University Students' Association ( OUSA ), the Police, the Dunedin City Council ( DCC ), Fire and Emergency New Zealand and the Otago Property Investors Association to focus on student safety and wellbeing.

Continue to work with Government and the DCC on changes that will reduce alcohol-related harm.

Continue to enforce the Code of Student Conduct.

Work with OUSA on opportunities to use the Starters Bar and other venues to support student social activity.

Work with Residential Colleges and Otago Property Investors to provide comprehensive information regarding safe and responsible flatting.

OUSA Support


Develop campaigns regarding flat-related issues including sustainability, safety, health and wellbeing.

Participate in a North Dunedin Community meeting that outlines our shared values and culture and the support services that are available to students.

Continue to work with the NZ Police on the “Good One” party register.

Dunedin City Council Support

Dunedin City Council

Reduce rubbish by enhancing opportunities for recycling and increasing rubbish collection.

Work with the University and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to ensure the Healthy Homes Standards are promoted, actioned and enforced.

New Zealand Police Support

New Zealand Police

Continue to work with the University to establish a clear set of working principles regarding large parties and gatherings.

In cases of illegal activity, Police will ensure that students and non-students are dealt with appropriately in a manner that maintains public safety and aligns with our obligations under the Policing Act 2008. The trust and confidence in Police is also underpinned by a Campus Constable assigned full time to the University of Otago.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Support

Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Work with the DCC , OUSA and the Proctor's Office to help educate students about flat safety, including party size.

Otago Property Investors Association Support

Otago Property Investors Association

Work with Landlords to promote the Healthy Homes Standards and encourage a higher standard wherever feasible.

Work with Landlords to encourage good neighbour' behaviour by tenants.

Harlene Hayne 2021 image

Professor Harlene Hayne

The Sophia Charter was established under the leadership of the former Vice-Chancellor, Professor Harlene Hayne, who continues to be involved as Patron.  Professor Hayne was inspired by Sophia's parents, Bede and Elspeth, who demonstrated remarkable strength and resilience in the face of the tragic death of their beloved daughter, Sophia.  Professor Hayne is a strong champion for the unique residential experience that Otago provides, but she also recognises the risks associated with some aspects of the community.  As Patron, Professor Hayne is committed to keeping Sophia's memory alive and in working with her family and the other Charter stakeholders to maximise safety, allowing students to thrive at Otago.

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