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What is the Academic Progress Policy?

Students attending the University of Otago are expected to perform at a satisfactory academic level. The Academic Progress Policy sets out a process for students who are not achieving satisfactorily.

Its purpose is to:

  • Provide a benchmark for student academic achievement
  • Identify students who are not achieving satisfactorily and provide specifically targeted advice and support to help improve their performance
  • Maintain the high quality of University of Otago qualifications

The Academic Progress Policy operates over a two year period and is administered by the Manager, Student Administration.

All students have their academic performance monitored each calendar year. When students fail to pass at least half of the points they are enrolled for in a calendar year, they come under the provisions of the policy and are placed on conditional enrolment.

Students placed on conditional enrolment are required to provide a study plan, consult a Designated Adviser of Studies who helps them enrol for a prescribed course of study. They also give students who are having difficulty the opportunity to be involved in identifying problems restricting their achievement.

If students on Conditional Enrolment pass fewer than half the points of the prescribed course of study, they will be suspended from enrolment at the University for the next two calendar years.

If students pass half or more of the prescribed course of study in the Conditional Enrolment year, they return to normal enrolment the following year of study.

For further advice on the Academic Progress Policy, please contact:

Student Records Office

Who does it apply to?

The Academic Progress Policy applies to the following:

  • All students studying from 100-level to 400-level, with the exception of specialised undergraduate Health Science programmes which have exclusion clauses in their own regulations
  • Transferring students from other institutions as if their previous study had been undertaken at the University of Otago
  • Students suspended under the academic progress policies (or equivalent) of other universities. Such students will not be permitted to transfer to the University of Otago until such time as that suspension has passed

Information for suspended students

Limitation of Enrolment provisions mean that any Otago students who have not been enrolled at Otago for two years or more are classified as recommencing students.

Any student suspended under the policy who wishes to enrol again when their suspension expires will be required to go through the Preferential Entry/Competitive Entry enrolment pathways process. This means that applicants will be considered for re-enrolment on the basis of their academic records at both Otago and other tertiary institutions where relevant.

If you intend on returning to University once your suspension expires, it is important you strengthen your academic record by successfully studying a course at Level 5 or above on the New Zealand Qualifications framework. Such programmes are offered by Polytechnics, Institutes of Technology and other similar types of institutions.

Further details on this enrolment process.

Designated Advisers of Studies

The Designated Advisers of Studies, who you are required to see if you are placed on conditional enrolment, are based in Student Development.

To make an appointment email or call AskOtago on 03 479 7000.


Calendar year

Period the student is enrolled for in one year. It may be:

One semester
Two semesters
One semester and Summer School
Two semesters and Summer School
Summer School

Conditional enrolmentNot having made satisfactory academic progress and having to follow a course of study prescribed by a designated Adviser of Studies.

Students who are under conditional enrolment have the following restrictions on their enrolment:

If enrolled in Summer School, limited to one paper
No timetable clashes will be approved for Semesters One and Two
Not permitted to enrol for more than the minimum course load each semester
Not permitted to enrol in papers where the prerequisite is not met

Designated Adviser of Studies An approved member, or members, of staff with expertise in the course approval process
Prescribed course of study Papers chosen by the student in consultation with, and approved by, the designated Adviser of Studies
Satisfactory academic progressPassing half or more of the points enrolled for in a calendar year

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