Having professional working relationships with contractors, sub-contractors and consultants is one of the Campus Development Division's core roles. External firms are awarded contracts through the University's Tendering Process.
Our University only engages firms that demonstrate a strong commitment to health and safety, and can work to the tight timelines of the academic year.
These are links to a range of information and contacts that may be of assistance in your dealings with our University.
All our requests for tenders, requests for information, requests for expressions of interest etc are usually on the New Zealand Electronic Tenders Service (GETS)
Design and Facility Standards – Any contractors or consultants wanting to know about the standards should contact the University's Strategic Architect.
Health and safety – Approval to work on our campuses, reporting potential hazards, event reporting and recording, emergency procedures, the speed limits on campus and our smoke-free policy.
Sustainability – Office of Sustainability, including Sustainability Strategic Framework.