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Leave of absence is available to academic staff, and refers to time spent working away from your normal workplace. Subject to approval, leave of absence can be taken at any time.

Leave of more than 20 days per year will only be approved in exceptional circumstances.


Requests for leave of absence should be made in writing, and are approved as follows:

Division of Health Sciences
Up to 10 working days (not connected to conference leave) Head of Department
Up to 10 working days, if connected to conference leave Dean (on the recommendation of HOD)
Up to 20 working days (not connected to conference leave) Dean (on the recommendation of HOD)
Up to 20 working days, if connected to conference leave) Divisional Head (on the recommendation of HOD and Dean)
21 working days or more Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic (on the recommendation of the Divisional Head, Dean, HOD)
Divisions other than Health Sciences
Up to 10 working days Head of Department
Up to 20 working days Divisional Head (on the recommendation of the HOD and Dean)
21 working days or more Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic (on the recommendation of the Divisional Head, Dean, HOD)

Key contacts

HR Services

64 3 479 8269

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