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This is a holistic conversation for you to openly talk about:

  • Study direction and if it's right for you
  • Life goals and how university can help you achieve these
  • What opportunities are available to you at university
  • Any struggles you may have and what support services are available to help

Through one-on-one collaborative discussions Student Advisers can provide:

  • Course advice and planning based on your academic and your aspirations
  • Connection with our wider support services (e.g. Student Exchange, Scholarships, Student Health, Student Learning Development, Careers Development Centre, Disability Support, Pacific Island Centre and Māori Centre)

Course advice and planning

Make sure your course is right for you with course advice support services.

Course advice and planning is available throughout your study, year round and as many times as you need!

Course advice is about ensuring your course of study is right for you and your goals. This is an opportunity to discuss your choices with the experts to ensure:

  • You will complete your qualification in a timely manner.
  • Your course fits with your aspirations.
  • Your course will get you where you want to go.

Find out more about how course advice can help you.

For specific subject advice, please see an Academic Subject Adviser who is based within departments.

Please note, course advice is different to course approval. Course approval is ensuring your study programme meets University regulations.

Connection with support services

Otago offers a range of student support services to ensure you are well-equipped for success during and after your time with us.

As a Student Adviser will talk through what matters to you, they can connect you to a student support service that best suits your needs and wants.

These services will empower you to finish your qualification with the skills, knowledge and confidence to tackle life's challenges beyond University.

Alternatively, you can reach out to the student support service directly.

See the range of student support services available at Otago.

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